Understanding Profile Comparisons

The PeopleSoft Manage Profiles business process provides three ways to compare profiles:

  • Search and compare profiles.

  • Compare profiles.

  • Role matching.

Search and Compare Profiles

Using the Search and Compare Profiles option you can configure searches to suit your content catalog, profile types, and users. Users select the search that they want to run and the search returns the profiles that best match the search criteria. Each profile in the search results is assigned a score that indicates how well the profile matches all the item properties specified in the search criteria. You can also compare profiles in the search results with the search criteria. Depending on the search type, users can also modify the search criteria, which makes the Search and Compare Profiles more flexible than role matching.

Use the Search and Compare Profiles option if you have a specific profile or profile item criteria and you want to search for matching profiles within a profile type.

See Searching and Comparing Profiles.

Compare Profiles

The Compare Profiles option provides an online comparison of the profile items in a source profile with one or more target profiles.

See Compare Results Page.

Profile Matching

Use the profile matching options if you want to compare a specific employee profile with a specific non-person profile and you want fit-gap information on each competency based on proficiency and importance only.

The options on the Workforce Development > Profile Management > Profiles > Profile Matching menu enable you to compare the competencies and other profile content of an employee's profile against those required by a non-person profile, or a group of employee profiles against a non-person profile for a job task. The degree of fit is based on importance (field JPM_IMPORTANCE) and in the case of competencies, item proficiency (field JPM_RATING1). The comparison is not configurable and will use these fields only. The points assigned as a match score are based on the importance points of the matching items. If the non-person profile uses a profile type that does not have JPM_IMPORTANCE defined as a field on the content types, each item is given an importance of 1 and the points scored will match the number of items matched.

The matching can be done using any profile type, but the delivered PERSON and ROLE profile types are set up to work best with the scoring of points in the matching process.

Use Search and Compare Profiles if you want to:

  • Search person or non-person profiles for best matches.

    With profile matching you select one person profile and one non-person profile and then match on proficiency and importance only. With Search and Compare Profiles, you have greater flexibility to set up search criteria and the searches return the profiles that best match those criteria.

    See Searching and Comparing Profiles.

  • Make searches available to employees and managers.

    If you have eDevelopment installed you can set up searches for self-service users.

    See Searching and Comparing Profiles.