Setting Up Profile Identity and Association Options

To set up profile identity options and profile association options for your organization, use the Profile Identity Options (JPM_RLAT_SETUP) and the Profile Association Options (JPM_RLAT_ASC_SETUP) components.

These topics discuss how to set up profile identity and association options.

Page Name

Definition Name


Profile Identity Options Page


Define profile identity options, which can be linked to profile types. Entities include job codes, job functions, job families, people, and salary grades. The entities enabled on this page determine which options are available on the Identities page of the Profile Type component that defines the structure of a non-person profile. For example, if you enable Job Codes you can set up a profile type that is linked to job code.

A set of default profile identity options is delivered but you can add to the list according to your requirements.

Profile Association Options Page


Define the entities external to the Manage Profiles business process to which you can link profile types. One association option is delivered that enables you to link a profile type to ePerformance templates. The addition of other associations would require customizations to leverage it.

Field or Control


Identity Option

Enter the name of the entity to which you can link a profile. For the delivered identity and association options, this field is display-only.

Identity options are entities within the Profile Management business process, such as job code or position, whereas association options are entities external to the Profile Management business process. One association option is delivered that enables you to associate a profile type to an ePerformance template to automatically resolves which template is selected during document creation process.


Select this check box to allow profile types to be linked to the entity specified in the Identity Option field.

Record Name

Select the record that defines the entity specified in the Identity Option field. This field is display-only for identity options that are delivered as system data (Sys Data check box is selected).

Key 1 Field Name

Displays the key field for the record selected in the Record Name field.

Key 2 Field Name, Key 3 Field Name, Key 4 Field Name

Displays the additional key fields for the record. These fields are hidden if the record has one key field only.


Indicates if SetID is a key field for the selected record. The system automatically selects this check box based on the record definition and makes the field display-only.

Eff Date (effective date)

Indicates if the effective date field is a key field for the selected record. The system automatically selects this check box based on the record definition and makes the field display-only.

Use the Profile Identity Options page (JPM_RLAT_SETUP) to define profile identity options, which can be linked to profile types.

Entities include job codes, job functions, job families, people, and salary grades. The entities enabled on this page determine which options are available on the Identities page of the Profile Type component that defines the structure of a non-person profile. For example, if you enable Job Codes you can set up a profile type that is linked to job code.

A set of default profile identity options is delivered but you can add to the list according to your requirements.

Only those records that are used for prompting on JOB and JOB_JR non-key record fields can be selected. Person profile identifiers cannot be defined.

Image: Profile Identity Options page: Enable Options tab

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Profile Identity Options page: Enable Options tab. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Profile Identity Options page: Enable Options tab

Field or Control


Add Profile Identity Option

Click this link to add a new profile identity option.

Enable Options Tab

Field or Control



Select this check box to allow profile types to be linked to the entity specified in the Identity Option field.

If this check box is deselected, you cannot set up a profile type with this entity. For example, if you deselect the check box for the Job_Sub_Function option, you cannot define a profile type using the Job_Sub_Function profile identity option.

Configuration Tab

Access the Configuration tab on the Profile Identity Options page.

Image: Profile Identity Options page: Configuration tab

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Profile Identity Options page: Configuration tab. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Profile Identity Options page: Configuration tab

Field or Control



Enter the number that determines the order in which non-person profiles related to a person's job are listed. The system uses the sequence value as follows:

  • On the Person Profile page, when you select View Related Job Profiles in the Profile Actions field, the system uses the sequence values to define the order in which the related profiles are listed. Profiles with the lowest sequence number are displayed first.

  • In eDevelopment, when employees select My Job Profiles, the system uses the sequence values to define the order in which the related profiles are listed. Profiles with the lowest sequence number are displayed first.

  • In ePerformance, when you are creating a document for an employee, the system retrieves all matching job profiles for an employee and then copies content from the profile with the highest priority (lowest sequence value).

See Common Elements Used to Define Profile Identity and Association Options.

Use the Profile Association Options page (JPM_RLAT_SETUP) to define the entities external to the Manage Profiles business process to which you can link profile types.

One association option is delivered that enables you to link a profile type to ePerformance templates. The addition of other associations would require customizations to leverage it.

Image: Profile Association Options page: Enable Options tab

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Profile Association Options page: Enable Options tab. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Profile Association Options page: Enable Options tab

Image: Profile Association Options page: Configuration tab

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Profile Association Options page: Configuration tab. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Profile Association Options page: Configuration tab

Use this page to define the entities external to the Manage Profiles business process to which you can link profile types. ePerformance Template is a delivered profile association option. The addition of other associations would require customizations to leverage. Enter the identity option on the Enable Options tab. Enter the record name and key field information on the Configuration tab.

Field or Control


Add Profile Association Option

Click this link to add a new profile association option.

See Common Elements Used to Define Profile Identity and Association Options.