Common Elements for Setting Up Unions

Field or Control


Union Contact Number

The union contact number (the primary contact is number 1).

Contact Name

The union or bargaining unit's contact name.

Union Steward

Enter the name of the person who serves as the liaison between your company and the union.

Life Insurance

Indicate the amount of life insurance the union or bargaining unit offers for its members.

Vacation Plan

Enter the vacation plan that this union offers to its members.

Sick Leave Plan

Enter the sick leave plan that this union offers to its members.

Callback Minimum Hours

Enter the callback minimum hours per day for which bargaining unit members get paid if they are called in to a job.

Partnership Council

Select if this union is a member of a partnership council.

Partnership Council Date

If this union is or will be a member of a partnership council, enter the date this event took or will take place.

Partnership Agreement

Select if this union has entered into a partnership agreement.

Partnership Agreement Date

If this union is or will enter into a partnership agreement, enter the date this event took place or will take place.

Days To Complete

Use for establishing follow-up dates and other suspense items.