Setting Up Bargaining Units

To set up bargaining units use the Bargaining Unit component (BARG_UNIT_TBL) or Bargaining Unit Table USF (GVT_BARG_UNIT_TBL).

This topic discusses how to enter bargaining unit details.

Note: Bargaining units have a one to one relationship with labor agreements. You cannot use the same bargaining unit for multiple labor agreements.

Page Name

Definition Name


General Bargaining Unit Data Page


Enter bargaining unit details.

Contact Information Page


Enter union contact information.

(USF) Contract/Partnership Data Page


Define contract and partnership information for a bargaining unit.

Use the General Bargaining Unit Data page (GVT_BARG_UNIT1) to enter bargaining unit details.

Image: General Bargaining Unit Data page

This example illustrates the General Bargaining Unit Data page.

General Bargaining Unit Data page

Field or Control


Date Union Recognized

Enter the date the union was recognized by your organization.

Use the Contact Information page (GVT_BARG_UNIT2) to enter union contact information.

Image: Contact Information page

This example illustrates the Contact Information page.

Contact Information page

Enter the contact information for this bargaining unit.

Use the Contract/Partnership Data page (GVT_BARG_UNIT3) to define contract and partnership information for a bargaining unit.

Image: Contract/Partnership Data page

This example illustrates the Contract/Partnership Data page.

Contract/Partnership Data page


Field or Control


Contract Begin Date and Contract End Date

Enter the begin and end date for this contract.

Partnership Council and Partnership Council Date

Select if there is a partnership council and enter the date of the partnership council.

Field or Control


Partnership Agreement and Partnership Agreement Date

Select if there is a partnership agreement and enter the date of the partnership agreement.