(USF) Tracking Disciplinary Actions

This topic provides an overview of the U.S. federal disciplinary tracking system and discusses how to track disciplinary actions.

Page Name

Definition Name


(USF) Disciplinary Offenses Page


Describe the incident that led to a disciplinary action against a worker.

Disciplinary Actions Page


Record what actions took place in response to the offense.

First enter data on the Disciplinary Offenses page.

Disciplinary Action Events Page


Enter an event that discusses the steps of the disciplinary action that have taken place thus far.

First enter data on the Disciplinary Offenses and Disciplinary Actions pages.

Use the Disciplinary Offenses page (GVT_DISCIPLIN_ACT1) to describe the incident that led to a disciplinary action against a worker.

Image: Disciplinary Offenses page

This example illustrates the Disciplinary Offenses page.

Disciplinary Offenses page

Note: Most of the fields on this page are shared by the Disciplinary Action page.

See Disciplinary Action Page.

Field or Control


Offense Type and Offense Nbr (offense number)

Select an offense type and number.

Once you have selected an offense type and number, the system automatically displays a list of all disciplinary actions recommended for this particular offense. The system also displays the recommended number of Days To Complete each action. These recommendations were created on the Disciplinary Penalties Matrix 1 page (GVT_DISCIP_OFFNSES) and Disciplinary Penalties Matrix 2 page (GVT_RCMND_ACTIONS).

See (USF) Disciplinary Offenses Table - Disciplinary Penalty Matrix 1 Page.

See (USF) Disciplinary Offenses Table - Disciplinary Penalty Matrix 2 Page.

Use the Disciplinary Actions page (GVT_DISCIPLIN_ACT2) to record what actions took place in response to the offense.

First enter data on the Disciplinary Offenses page.

Image: Disciplinary Actions page

This example illustrates the Disciplinary Actions page.

Disciplinary Actions page

Field or Control


Action Type

Select a discipline step to record the action taken to resolve the problem.

See Setting Up Labor Administration Disciplinary, Grievance, and Resolution Classifications.

Date Initiated

Defaults to today's date. Change unless the action taken was initiated today.

Step Length (Days)

If the action has a limited time frame, enter the duration, in days.

Reported To Union

If your agency identified this type of action as reportable to the union(s), enter the date it was reported to the union(s).

Use the Disciplinary Action Events page (GVT_DISP_ACTN_EVNT) to enter an event that discusses the steps of the disciplinary action that have taken place thus far.

First enter data on the Disciplinary Offenses and Disciplinary Actions pages.

Image: Disciplinary Action Events page

This example illustrates the Disciplinary Action Events page.

Disciplinary Action Events page

Field or Control


Event Nbr (event number)

These disciplinary action events are stored and presented in numerical order based on the event number you assign. PeopleSoft recommends that you assign event numbers chronologically to give yourself a picture of the events as they happened. For events initiated on the same day, the event number can play a critical role when trying to avoid or settle litigation.


Select an event that discusses what took place at this point.


The date the event was initiated defaults to today's date. Change the date unless it was actually initiated today.

Days To Complete

(Optional) Estimate a number of days to complete this event if you want or let it default from the Disciplinary Events table.


Include the name (if any) of the person who initiated this event or was primarily responsible for resolving it.