(USA) Maintaining Garnishment Proration Rules

To set up garnishment proration rules, use the Proration Rules Definition (GARN_PRORATE_DF) and State Proration Rules (GARN_PRORATE_RL) components

Note: (CAN) In Canada proration rules do not apply; courts and authorized agencies issue garnishment orders and determine proration requirements.

Page Name

Definition Name


Proration Rules Definition Page


View garnishment proration rules.

State Proration Rules Page


View the applicable garnishment proration rules by state.

Garn Proration Rules Report Page (garnishment proration rules report)


Generate the Garnishment Proration Rules report (PAY720) that lists proration rules from the Garnishment Proration Rules table.

Because garnishments cannot go into arrears, some states require that employers prorate an employee's garnishments when there is insufficient monies available to cover all garnishments of the same type (for example, if an employee has two child support garnishments and not enough money to cover both of them).

In processing, the system uses the proration rule of the state from the Garnish Law Source field on the Garnishment Spec Data 6 page.

Use the Proration Rules Definition page (GARN_PRORATE_DF) to view garnishment proration rules.

Image: Proration Rules Definition page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Proration Rules Definition page.

Proration Rules Definition page

PeopleSoft maintains the Garnishment Proration Definition table with a proration rule ID and text for each rule used by states that permit proration of garnishments. If you make any changes or additions to this table, you become responsible for maintaining these records.

Use the State Proration Rules page (GARN_PRORATE_RL) to view the applicable garnishment proration rules by state.

Image: State Proration Rules page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the State Proration Rules page.

State Proration Rules page

Field or Control


Effective Date

The system displays multiple rules for the same combination of proration rule state and type of garnishment in descending order of effective date.

Proration Rule ID

Identifies the proration rule from the Garnishment Proration Definition table.


Displays the text of the rule the payroll system follows when applying the proration rule. PeopleSoft maintains this information in the Garnishment Proration Definition table.