(USA) Specifying Parameters for Quarterly Tax Reporting

To specify parameters for quarterly tax reporting, use the Tax Reporting Parameters component (TAX_RPT_PARAMETERS).

Page Name

Definition Name


Quarterly Tax Reporting Parameters Page


(USA) Set up parameters for quarterly tax reporting.

NY Reportable Wage Exclusions Page


(NY) Identify benefit deductions that are subject to U.S. federal taxation but are not included in the New York definition of taxable wages.

(USA) Use the Quarterly Tax Reporting Parameters page (TAX_RPT_PARAMETERS) to set up parameters for quarterly tax reporting.

Image: Quarterly Tax Reporting parameters page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Quarterly Tax Reporting parameters page.

Quarterly Tax Reporting parameters page

Field or Control


Balances for Year

The value you enter here defines the reporting period.

Balances for Quarter

The value you enter here defines the reporting period.

Electronic Mag Media Rpt Parms

Field or Control


Transmitter ID

Enter the Company ID of the company transmitting W-2s for tax reporting. This is used in a multi-company environment when a single company acts as the transmitter for all companies in the organization.

Computer Manufacturer

Enter the name of the manufacturer, such as IBM, Compaq, or Digital that makes the computer you use to create the magnetic media (such as diskette or tape) for tax reporting.

Organization Type

Select Government or Other.

Type of Employment

Select Agriculture, Federal, Medicare Qualified Government Employee, Military, Railroad, or Regular (All Others).

Recording Code


Tape Label

Select the type of tape label.

Tape Density

Select the tape density.

Blocking Factor

Enter the blocking factor.

(NY) Use the NY Reportable Wage Exclusions page (PY_NY_NO_SWT_DPB)to identify benefit deductions that are subject to U.S. federal taxation but are not included in the New York definition of taxable wages.

Image: NY Reportable Wage Exclusions page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the NY Reportable Wage Exclusions page.

NY Reportable Wage Exclusions page

YTD values for deductions entered on this page are excluded from the total federal taxable wages reported as annual gross wages subject to withholding in the 1W record when TAX810NY is run for the quarter ending December 31. The values entered on this page when year-end data records are loaded must match identically the values entered on this page when TAX810NY is run for the quarter ending December 31.