(USF) Setting Up State and Locality Tax Routing

To set up state and locality tax routing, use the State Tax Routing USF component (GVT_STATE_TAX_ROUT) and the Locality Tax Routing USF component (GVT_LOC_TAX_ROUT).

Page Name

Definition Name


State Tax Routing 1 Page


Identify the payment method for paying state taxes and provide details of the EFT method.

State Tax Routing 2 Page


Identify check address information if the payment method for paying state taxes is by check.

Locality Tax Routing 1 Page


Identify the payment method for paying local taxes and provide details of the EFT method.

Locality Tax Routing 2 Page


Identify check address information if the payment method for paying local taxes is by check.

State Tax TXP Addendum Information Page


Provide TXP addendum information and amount controls.