Converting Tab-Delimited Import Files

To convert tab-delimited import files, use the Convert Tab Delimiter (RUNCTL_PICNVT_TAB) component.

Page Name

Definition Name


Convert Tab Delimiter Page


Select the tab-delimited import file options to run the Convert Tab Delimited Files SQR Report process (PI002) to convert a tab-delimited import file.

Use the Convert Tab Delimiter page (RUNCTL_PICNVT_TAB) to select the tab-delimited import file options to run the Convert Tab Delimited Files SQR Report process (PI002) to convert a tab-delimited import file.

Image: Convert Tab Delimiter page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Convert Tab Delimiter page.

Convert Tab Delimiter page

Note: Use this page to convert tab-delimited import files. Because COBOL automatically changes a tab to a space when reading a file, you must convert tab-delimited files into comma-delimited files before importing them.

Field or Control


System ID

Select the system ID that identifies the third-party payroll system.

Configuration ID

Select the configuration ID that identifies the import files to be converted.