Reviewing Exports or Imports

To review exports and imports, use the Error Messages (PI_MESSAGES), Run Table (INTERFACE_RUN_TBL), Export Details (INTERFACE_PARTIC), Table Export (PI_PARTIC_EXTBL), Check Summary (PI_CHECK_SUMM), Earnings Balances (INTERFACE_EARN_BAL), Deduction Balances (INTERFACE_DED_BAL), and Tax Balances (INTERFACE_TAX_BAL) components.

Page Name

Definition Name


Interface Messages Page


Export/Import Process

Review error messages generated by Payroll Interface.

The Error Key field indicates the Payroll Interface field that has the problem. Refer to PSCPYMSG.CBL (COBOL) for technical troubleshooting.

Run Table Page


Export/Import Process

Review information about import and export runs.

Export Details Page


Export Process

Review the results of the Export process. The data shown here represents the contents of the PI_PARTIC_EXPT table.

Table Export Page


Export Process

Review the results of the Export process when writing data to a table. The data shown here represents the contents of the PI_PARTIC_EXTBL table (the export table).

Check Summary Page


Import Process

Review check data that is imported from your third-party payroll system.

Select the Tax Detail link to view a page with tax details for the check summary that you're reviewing.

Check Tax Detail Page


Import Process

Review tax details for a check summary.

Earnings Balances Page


Import Process

Review earnings balances that are imported from your payroll system.

Deduction Balances Page


Import Process

Review deduction balances that are imported from your payroll system.

Tax Balances Page


Import Process

Review tax balances that are imported from your payroll system.