Setting Up the File Handle Table

To set up the File Handle table, use the File Handle Table (INTRFC_FILEHANDLE) component.

Page Name

Definition Name


Interface File Handle Table Page


Assign a handle to each external file that is imported or exported.

Use the File Handle Table component to define file handles that identify the export or import files and their physical location on the computer system. File handles are connected to the file IDs, which are set up using the Definition Table component.

This diagram shows the relationship between file IDs and file handles:

Image: Relationship between file IDs and file handles

This diagram shows the relationship between file IDs and file handles.

Relationship between file IDs and file handles

Use the Interface File Handle Table page (PI_FLHANDLE_PNL) to assign a handle to each external file that is imported or exported.

Image: Interface File Handle Table page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Interface File Handle Table page.

Interface File Handle Table page

Field or Control


File Handle

Select to enter any combination of two-digit alphanumeric characters, regardless of the external file's format. Each file handle number should be assigned a unique process type (export or import).

File Name

Select to enter the exact path and file name that corresponds to the file handle's location. Be sure to use the appropriate syntax for your operating system (Windows-based, Unix-based, and so on).