Background Processing

Time and Labor provides several batch processes to ensure that data is error-free when information changes online or when the system performs batch processing through Time Administration. Two of these processes are Referential Integrity (RI) and Time Validation. The system uses default processing to determine the correct information for processing time.

When you make a change to one object in the system, Referential Integrity process ensures that the change does not invalidate data in related objects.

RI starts working after you select the Referential Integrity check box on the Time and Labor Installation page.

The Referential Integrity process:

  • Determines affected reported and payable time and time reporters.

    It checks for retroactive changes to effective-dated setup data or employee-related data that could invalidate related objects or values in the system. The system uses an RI router that determines the effect of changes to reported or payable time for affected time reporters. Only online updates trigger RI processing.

  • Validates time during the Time Administration process.

  • Creates or resolves exceptions during the Time Administration process.

    When processing data through Time and Labor, exceptions are created or resolved automatically, and payable time is recalculated as necessary.

  • Updates TR status records to reevaluate payable time.

    When processing data through Time and Labor, RI evaluates changes and reevaluates affected time.

  • Disallows the inactivation or deletion of certain records or the change of effective-dated rows.

    The system displays error messages when you try to inactivate, delete, or change an effective-dated row that invalidates the association with another table.

The Referential Integrity process checks for discrepancies and validates time for:

  • Time collection device data

  • Time collection groups

  • Time reporter data

  • TRCs

  • Time reporting code programs

  • Workgroups

  • Taskgroups

  • Task profiles

  • Rule programs

  • Shifts, Schedules, and schedule assignments

  • Time period calendars

  • Comp time plans

  • Time reporter association to comp time plans

  • DeptID change on the Job page

  • The Department table

  • Leave plans

  • The Leave Plan table

The Referential Integrity process checks data when any reported or payable time exists on or after the effective-dated setup change.

Execute Edit Errors

When you try to change the effective date of a setup page to a date that is greater than a prompt value on that page, you receive an error message. For example, you receive an error message if you attempt to change the effective date of the workgroup to be greater than the effective date of the TRC Program. Workgroup is the target table and the TRC Program is the prompt table.

Message number 13500,103 in the message catalog states:

"Edit Error for field %1. The Value in the column specified is not a valid value. This error may have been caused by a change to the Effective Date or to some other field which controls the list of valid values for the field in question. This error can be corrected by selecting a valid value for this field from the Prompt list, or by correcting the changes which have caused this error. Another option is to cancel the changes and start over."

The field that will be filled in the %1 is the prompt field that is negatively affected by the effective-dated change on the target table. Changing the effective date in a target table to a date greater than that in the prompt table generates an error.

This table lists the relationships between target and prompt tables.

Target Table (Main Page)

Prompt Table (Table Assigned to Main Page)


Rule Program ID

TRC Program

Compensatory Time Off Plan

Time Reporting Code

Unit of Measure

NA Earnings Code

Global Payroll Take Code

Global Payroll Earnings Code

TRC Program

Time Reporting Code

Comp Time Plan

Time Reporting Code


Task Profile

TCD Setup

TCD Type

TRC Program


TL Empl Data (Create Time Reporter Data or Maintain Time Reporter Data)



TCD Group

Rule Elements 1-5



Nested Effective-Dated Tables

The RI process acts upon effective dates throughout the application. It does not enable effective-dated changes to objects that are nested in other effective-dated objects when the change invalidates the association between the two. It prevents this from occurring in these ways:

  • When the nested object effective date is greater than the host object effective date, you receive an error message.

    For example, the effective date of the workgroup affects the Maintain Time Reporter Data table; the minimum effective date of the workgroup cannot be later than the effective date of the Maintain Time Reporter Data page. Also, the TRC Program effective date cannot be later than the effective date of the workgroup, TCD group, and so on.

  • The system does not enable you to delete or inactivate a row that is used by another object.

  • If you try to inactivate or delete an effective-dated row that uses another effective-dated object, the system verifies that the date does not invalidate the association with the nested effective-dated table.

    For example, if a workgroup is associated with a time reporter and you try to inactivate that workgroup, you will get a message that states that you cannot inactivate this workgroup because time reporters are participating in it.

See message number 13500,104 in the Message Catalog. The message states:

"Effective Date change invalidates related setup data; date must be on or before %1."

The %1 represents the effective date that needs to be maintained for the integrity of the nested object.

This table lists the relationships among nested objects; the source table cannot have an effective date greater than the target table:

Source Table (Prompt Table)

Table Assigned to the Main Page

Target Table (Main Page)

Compensatory Time Off Plan


Comp Plan Enrollment

Time Reporting Code

TRC Program

Compensatory Time Off Plan

TRC Program


TCD Setup

Rule Program



Create/Maintain Time Reporter Data

TCD Type

TCD Setup

TCD Setup

TCD Group

TCD Restriction Profile

TCD Group

TCD Group

Create/Maintain Time Reporter Data


Create/Maintain Time Reporter Data

TCD Setup

Task Profile


Taskgroup Profile


Rule Elements 1-5

Create/Maintain Time Reporter Data


Create/Maintain Time Reporter Data


Schedule Definition


Schedule Definition

Create/Maintain Time Reporter Data

Comp Plan Enrollment

Referential Integrity Triggers

When you change an effective-dated setup object, these events occur:

  1. The system determines whether or not that change affects any reported or payable time.

    If a change affects reported or payable time, the system writes a row in a control record to identify the setup change and any validations to be run as a result.

  2. The Referential Integrity process triggers the Time Validation process.

    The Time Validation process checks for any reported or payable time that is negatively affected by the setup change and triggers exceptions for invalid elements. If validation is unnecessary, the Referential Integrity process triggers Time Administration to reprocess payable time that is affected by the setup change.

  3. When Time Administration runs, it initiates a separate RI review process.

    The RI process determines whether any rows exist in the control record to identify setup changes. If rows exist in the control record, the RI process determines which time reporters are affected by each change in the record. The affected time reporters will:

    • Change their Time Administration status so that they are selected for Time Administration processing.

    • Set their earliest change date to the first instance of reported or payable time that is equal to, or greater than, the effective date of the setup table change.

    • Run the Time Validation process against reported time that is equal to or greater than the new earliest change date.

  4. Time Administration continues processing.

    The process runs rules, runs Time Administration Validation, and creates payable time based on the updated earliest change date.


Today's date is February 28, 1990. You decide to change the TRC Program on Workgroup A for the effective date of January 1, 1990 from TRC Program A to TRC Program B.


TRC Program ID

Effective Date

Workgroup A

TRC Program A

January 1, 1980

Workgroup A

TRC Program B

January 1, 1990

Workgroup A

TRC Program A

January 1, 1995 (future time can be reported up to this next effective date)

All TRCs reported between the effective date of January 1, 1990 and January 1,1995 need review. If the TRCs reported during this period do not exist in TRC Program B, the system generates exceptions on the invalid time. Change the TRCs associated with that time or adjust the TRCs in TRC Program B to resolve these exceptions.

Note: For the RI process to correctly trigger changes to JOB Data, the DEPT_SYNC message must be active on the ENTERPRISE_SETUP queue, which is delivered with PeopleSoft Integration Broker.

PeopleSoft Application Integration Framework and PeopleSoft Application Integration Framework