Understanding Time Reporter Data

Employees and non-employees do not automatically participate in the Time and Labor system when added to the Human Resources database. You must enroll, as a time reporter, each person for whom time will be reported or created. When enrolling a time reporter, specify how the person will report time and how the system will process that time. You must assign the following:

  • A task group that identifies:

    • The default time reporting templates.

    • The task template.

    • The task profiles for time reporting.

  • A workgroup that defines:

    • The type of reporting (exception or positive).

    • The rule program.

    • The time reporting code (TRC) program.

    • The default time period.

    • Schedules.

    • Rounding rules.

    • Day-breaker options.

    • The compensatory time plan assigned to the time reporter.

In addition, you can:

  • Assign a time collection device (TCD) group that identifies the TCDs that the time reporter can use.

  • Assign a restriction profile ID that identifies which TCD punches are acceptable.

  • Select a time reporter's time zone if it is different from the base time zone.

  • Enter up to five rule elements to associate with the time reporter.

  • Select a specific task profile, time reporting templates, and time period ID that take precedence over those associated with the time reporter's default task group and workgroup.

Note: A time reporter is any employee or non-employee whose time is reported or generated through Time and Labor

Preventing Inactivation or Deletion of Effective-Dated Rows

The system disallows the inactivation or deletion of effective-dated rows on the Maintain Time Reporter Data page under the following conditions:

  • A time reporter can be inactivated as long as there is no time reported in Approved Status and when payable time is not in Approved, Taken by Payroll, Sent to Payroll, Rejected by Payroll, Paid, Diluted, Closed, or No Pay that is the same or after the effective date.

  • If the Default from Workgroup check box on the Time and Labor Installation page is cleared.

    You cannot delete an effective-dated row that invalidates a compensatory time plan association on the Comp Plan Enrollment page. You must inactivate the compensatory time off plan associated with the time reporter on the Comp Plan Enrollment page before you delete the row on the Maintain Time Reporter Data page.

    Note: If the Default from Workgroup check box is selected, you can delete a row on the Maintain Time Reporter Data page.

    Note: Time that is reported for an inactive time reporter through Rapid, Mass or TCD creates high severity exceptions that the time reporter is inactive (for elapsed or punch time).

    The reported time is still populated for those days that the Mass Time, Rapid Time or TCD interface is submitted.

    The manager is able to delete the reported time using the Timesheet pages.

    Note: If you terminate an employee in the Job Data pages without inactivating the employee on the Maintain Time Reporter Data page, the employee may still be able to enter time on the Timesheet pages.

Execute Edit Error Checking

On the Create/Maintain Time Reporter Data page, you cannot change the minimum effective date to a date less than the minimum effective date of the following fields:

  • Workgroup

  • Taskgroup

  • TCD Group

  • Rule Element 1

  • Rule Element 2

  • Rule Element 3

  • Rule Element 4

  • Rule Element 5

Nested Effective Dates

You cannot change the effective date of the following prompt tables to be greater than the effective date of the Create/Maintain TR Data target table:

  • Workgroup

  • TCD Group

  • Taskgroup

  • Rule Element 1

  • Rule Element 2

  • Rule Element 3

  • Rule Element 4

  • Rule Element 5

Compensation Plans

There are two ways to enroll time reporters into the compensatory time plans in Time and Labor. You choose a method on the TL Installation page:

  • Select the Default from Workgroup check box.

    Time and Labor assigns time reporters to the compensatory time plan linked to their workgroup. The compensatory time plan and its status appear on the Comp Plan Enrollment page; however, you cannot make changes on this page. If you change the compensatory time plan associated with the time reporter's workgroup or assign the time reporter to a different workgroup (through the Maintain Time Reporter Data page), resulting in a new compensatory time plan assignment, the system updates the Comp Plan Enrollment page.

  • Clear the Default from Workgroup check box on the TL Installation page and assign a time reporter directly to one or more compensatory time plans using the Comp Plan Enrollment page.

    View active and inactive compensatory time plans for a time reporter on the View Comp Plans pages.

Note: Enrollment records are not affected if you clear the Default from Workgroup check box after compensatory time plans are assigned to time reporters. However, you will gain the ability to edit the Comp Plan Enrollment page.


All time reporters have a schedule assignment that is either the workgroup default schedule or a custom schedule. When a person is hired, they use the workgroup default schedule.

For a time reporter to have a custom schedule assignment, there are two ways to change the assignment:

  • Assign a custom schedule on the Assign Schedules page.

    You can also designate that the system should use the time reporter's workgroup default schedule. Depending on your access security, you can view a time reporter's schedule history on this page.

  • Use the Group Schedule Assignment process.

    You can assign a schedule to multiple time reporters simultaneously, to a static or dynamic group, or to selection of individual time reporters (solely for the purpose of assigning the same schedule.) After running the Group Schedule Assignment process, view the time reporters' new schedule assignment using the Assign Schedules page.

When you assign a schedule to a time reporter, the system deletes workday overrides that:

  • Are of different types than the schedule assignment (for example, elapsed instead of punch).

  • Have a date greater than or equal to the new assignment.

This is to retain the data integrity of the work schedule.

New schedule assignments trigger the Referential Integrity process. Reported or payable time with a date greater than or equal to the date of the new assignment is reevaluated by Time Administration. This is to make corrections where necessary:

  • Due to payable time being created from scheduled time.

  • Where rules are run against scheduled time.

Time reporters with multiple jobs can have a schedule assignment for each job. However, check the assignments to verify that you are not scheduling the time reporter to concurrent hours. The system does not check for overlapping hours from multiple schedule assignments.

To assign a schedule to a group of time reporters, most of whom are in a static or dynamic group, select that group ID and then selectively exclude time reporters to whom the schedule assignment does not apply. You can also selectively include time reporters who share the same schedule assignment, but do not belong to the group ID. If the group of time reporters sharing the schedule assignment have nothing in common, select them individually by employee ID.

Note: To assign schedules, the Workforce_Sync Message must be active on the PERSON_DATA queue, which is delivered with PeopleSoft Integration Broker. This message inserts a row into the SCH_ASSIGN record when an employee is hired.

See the product documentation for PeopleTools Integration Broker Testing