Working with Time and Labor Dashboard

The Time and Labor Dashboard is a collection of pagelets that provides the user with both functional and actionable information. It is summaries of information useful for a manager regarding the managers direct and indirect reports. Using the pagelets, managers can focus on items needing their attention and to act on those items by providing an immediate update from within the dashboard or by transferring to a specific application component.

For more details, refer the Video Feature Overview on PeopleSoft In Memory Labor rules and Monitoring.

PeopleSoft In Memory Labor Rules and Monitoring

PeopleSoft Time and Labor Dashboard

Use Time and Labor Dashboard (TL_MNG_APRV_PG_LT) to view a collection of pagelets that provides the user with funtional and actionable information.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Time and Labor Dashboard.

Image: Time and Labor Dashboard page 1 of 2

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Time and Labor Dashboard page 1 of 2.

Time and Labor Dashboard page1 of 2

Field or Control


Selection Criteria

The changes in the fields updates the details in other pagelets. Click Search to update the pagelets.

Reported Time

This pagelet displays all the Reported Time approval requests categorized by TRC Category.

This pagelet lists the employees according to their TRC Category and you can Approve , Deny or Push Back the reported time, if needed.

View Detail link shows all the approval details of all the employees.

Name is a hyperlink that opens a modal window with the details under the employee for the category.

Select All /Deselect Allselects or deselects all the rows on the grid for approval actions – Approve, Deny, and Push Back.

Payable Time

This pagelet provides the payable time summary and details by TRC or TRC category for a given period of time. The period defaults to the  to the current period but can be changed to a different period or date range.

Image: Time and Labor Dashboard page 2 of 2

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Time and Labor Dashboard page 2 of 2.

Time and Labor Dashboard page2 of 2

Field or Control


Overtime Requests

Displays all the overtime approval requests for all the employees that report to the logged in Manager. The default list is controlled by Manager Search options.

Payable Time Approvals

This pagelet displays all the Payable Time approval requests categorized by TRC Category.

This pagelet lists the employees according to their TRC Category and you can now Approve , Deny or Push Back the reported time, if needed.

Schedule Deviation

This analytic shows data for scheduled, reported, scheduled to date and approved time by time reporting period. The date range is treated ‘as is’, and one set of bars will be shown for each time type (scheduled, reported, and approved). The set of bars (series) are corresponding to TRC Category, so there will be three/ four sets of bars altogether.

Quick Links

You can navigate to different pages like Timesheet, Payable Time Summary, Payable Time Detail and Time Reporter Status using Quick Links.

Absence Request

This pagelet lists all the AWE Absence Approval requests that are assigned based on the userid of the person entering the dashboard. This loads all absence approvals that are assigned to one user.

This pagelet enables the direct line manager to approve, deny, or push back absence requests. Absence request are generated directly through the Employee/Manager Absence Management or Timesheet pages.

For more details, see Managing Manager Self Service Pages

The analytics and approval pagelets return data based on the Manager Search Options with Time and Labor Group Security or HR Security. The fields which are available on the standard Manager Search page appears on the Dashboard Selection Criteria pagelet, along with any values that have been assigned to those fields.

The Dashboard Selection Criteria pagelet is a standard Manager Self Service (MSS) search criteria page. The initial values come from the MSS page and are displayed on the search pagelet. The values can be changed on this pagelet and are used to refresh the other pagelets on the dashboard. The search pagelet does not allow the MSS values to be saved. The search pagelet drives the employee search criteria for all of the analytics and all of the approvals pagelets except Absence Requests. Absence Request uses the tools Inter-Window Communications (IWC) feature to publish the search field values to the other pagelets, which will then refresh the data using the new search criteria.

Image: Dashboard Search Criteria pagelet

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Reported Time Approval pagelet. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Dashboard Search Criteria pagelet

The Selection Criteria pagelet is the publishing pagelet. On selecting the Search button, the subscribing pagelets which include approval and analytics pagelets are refreshed according to the search values.

The following are the list of approval pagelets:

  • Reported Time

  • Payable Time

  • Overtime Requests

  • Absence Requests

Approval pagelet for Reported Time

This pagelet displays all the reported time approval requests that requires approval actions by a manager. It groups the requests on summary level and by the Employee, TRC Category, and TRC Type. The manager can drill down all the details on each employee by selecting the employee name or by selecting the View Details link at the bottom of the pagelet.

Image: Reported Time pagelet

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Reported Time Approval pagelet. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Approval pagelet for Reported Time

Field or Control



Name hyperlink opens a modal window with the details under the employee for the category.

Select All / Deselect All

To select or deselect all the rows on the grid for approval actions – Approve, Deny, and Push Back.

View Details

Opens a modal window which shows all the details for the entire employee on the home page.

Approval pagelet for Payable Time

This pagelet displays all pending payable time approval requests categorized by TRC Category for a Manager. The values are inherited from the Manager Search Options settings from the Dashboard Selection Criteria pagelet. Manager has an option to select an employee or a group of employee or all employees to take necessary Approval Action from the View Details page.

Image: Payable Time pagelet

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Payable Time Approval pagelet. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Pagelet for Payable Time

Field or Control



Name hyperlink opens a modal window with the details under the employee for the category.

Select All / Deselect All

To select or deselect all the rows on the grid for approval actions – Approve, Deny, and Push Back.

View Details

Opens a modal window which shows all the details for the entire employee on the home page.

Approval pagelet for Overtime Requests

This pagelet displays all the overtime approval requests for all the employees who reports to a Manager.

Image: Overtime Requests Approval pagelet

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Overtime Approval pagelet. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Approval Pagelet for Overtime Request

Field or Control


View Details

Opens a modal window which shows all the details for the entire employee on the home page.

Approval pagelet for Absence Requests

This approval pagelet supports Absence AWE transactions that originate from either Employee Self Service or Manager Self Service.

Image: Absence Requests pagelet

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Absence Request Approval pagelet. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Pagelet for Absence requests

The name of the employee in the pagelet is a hyperlink that will take the user to the Absence detail page. This page allows the user to see the details of the individual employee. When an absence is transacted in the pagelet, the user receives a confirmation message.

Field or Control


View Details

Opens a modal window which shows all the details for the entire employee on the home page.

Analytics pagelets

The following are the analytics pagelets:

  • Schedule Deviation

  • Payable Time

Schedule Deviation Analytics

This analytic is designed to answer business questions about the relationship of scheduled time, reported time and approved time.

  • How are my reported/approved hours compared to scheduled hours?

  • Which employees are not following their schedule?

  • Which employees have exceeded their scheduled hours?

  • Are there employees whose reported hours seem incomplete?

  • What are the departments that show greater schedule deviation?

  • What job codes have higher schedule deviation?

Image: Schedule Deviation analytics pagelet

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Schedule Deviation analytics pagelet. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Schedule Deviation Analytics

The data gathered are:

  • Schedule Time

  • Schedule to Date

  • Reported Time


  • Approved Time.

Analytics for Payable Time

The purpose of this analytic is to answer the following questions:

  • How many hours have been calculated based on the business rules?

  • How many hours of overtime have been calculated?

  • Which employees have incurred overtime and how much?

  • What other types of hours have the rules calculated?

  • What are my estimated costs based on the business rules?

Image: Payable Time analytics

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Payable Time analytics pagelet. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Analytics for Payable Time

This analytic is based on the Payable Time Table. It pulls all TRC’s with a TRC type of hours. The default type of chart is a pie chart.