Publishing Estimated and Actual Cost Data to Project Costing

This section presents an overview of publishing estimated and actual cost data to Project Costing.

Page Name

Definition Name


Publish Estimated Payable Time Page


Initiate the transmission of estimated costs if the version of Project Costing you are using retrieves data through flat files. Also transmit estimated cost data to other applications.

If your version of Project Costing uses XML to transmit data, estimated payable time is published automatically in response to a request message from Project Costing. You can use this page to publish estimated payable time if you do not want to wait for the request message.

Publish Actual Payable Time Page


Publish time with a payable status of Closed before you run the extract process in Payroll for North America. To retrieve the published data, the receiving application must subscribe to the Actuals message. (Payable time that has been labor-distributed or labor-diluted is not published.)

You can send both estimated and actual time and cost data to Project Costing.

  • Estimated costs are those calculated by the Time Administration process before payable time is sent to payroll.

    When estimated costs are sent to Project Costing, Project Costing replaces any previously received estimated payable time with the entries received from Time and Labor.

  • Actual costs are those your payroll system calculates for payable time and returns to Time and Labor after the completion of a pay run.

    Project Costing considers all payable time it receives to be additions to previously received time. Time and Labor sends offsets in the rare cases when there is updated actual time.

When Estimated Costs are Published to Project Costing

Estimated payable time is published to Project Costing in the following cases:

  • When Time and Labor receives a request from Project Costing.

    The request arrives in the form of a message from the PeopleSoft Financials database. In response, Time and Labor automatically publishes estimated time for payable time when the following conditions are met:

    • A record has a value in the Business Unit PC, Project ID and Activity ID fields and that have a payable status of Estimate, Needs Approval, Approved, Sent, Rejected, and Taken.

    • The related TRC has the Publish to Projects option selected.

    Note: The publish switch field (Publish_Sw) on the Payable Time table is updated with a status of Ignored for records that do not have an occurrence of either of the above.

  • When you run the Publish Estimated Payable Time process.

    The system handles this in exactly the same manner as Time and Labor receiving a request from Project Costing.

When Actual Costs are Published to Project Costing

Actual payable time is published to Project Costing:

  • When you run the Publish Actual Payable Time process.

    In this case, Time and Labor publishes only closed payable time records that will not be run through the Labor Distribution process.

  • When you use the Approve Payable Time page, the Approve Payable Time - Group page, or the Batch Approval page to:

    • Close payable time for time reporters whose time is not sent to payroll. (The Send Time to Payroll option is not selected on the Maintain Time Reporter Data page.)

    • Close payable time for a TRC that is not sent to payroll. (The Send to Payroll option is not activated on the TRC 2 page.)

  • When you make a record adjustment to a payable time entry.

    Time and Labor publishes both the new entry and an entry that offsets the original entry. (Record adjustments are not sent to payroll, only prior-period adjustments are sent.)

  • When you adjust a record adjustment.

  • When a record has a value of No Pay for the payable status field and the following conditions are met:

    • Publish No Pay rows is enabled on the Time and Labor Installation page.

    • Maintain Time Reporter Data - Send Time to Payroll option is selected.

    • The TRC is not associated with an earnings code.

Other actions that cause actual payable time to be published vary by payroll system:

Payroll for North America Integration

When Time and Labor is integrated with Payroll for North America, actual time and cost data is published in the following cases:

  • When Payroll for North America sets the status of successfully processed payable time entries to Closed. This happens because you have elected not to use labor distribution. Publishing occurs at the end of the load process.

  • At the completion of the Extract process started in Payroll for North America. Publishing occurs after costs have been labor distributed (and diluted if the labor dilution feature is active).

  • After rerunning the Extract process. If you unconfirm a pay run after running the Extract process, modify payable time, and then rerun the payroll, you can start the Extract process again. This process publishes all payable time that has a payable status of Closed, Distributed, or Diluted.

Check Reversals (Payroll for North America)

The process to generate reversed rows and additional rows for future payment is an application engine process (TL_PAY_REVRS) and is triggered after the PayConfirm process completes successfully. This process also determines if any original or reversed rows must be sent to Project Costing.

These four scenarios describe how reversed checks are handled and how the associated costs are published to Project Costing:

  • Straight Reversal – before the Extract Cost process is completed.

    After the TL Load Data process is run, the payable time status is set to Taken by Payroll. If the check reversal occurs before the Extract Cost process is run, reversed rows with a Reversed status are created, and the original rows still have the status of Taken by Payroll.

    When confirming the check reversal before the Extract Cost process is run, the reversal rows are not sent to Project Costing because the original rows with actual costs have not been sent yet. When running the Extract Cost process after confirming the reversal process, both the original rows with actual costs and reversed rows are published to Project Costing.

    Because of the estimated costs were sent to Project Costing earlier, and these costs may already have been billed, Time and Labor sends both the original row (with actual costs) and the reversed row (offset) for the reconciliation process on the Project Costing side.

  • Straight Reversal – after the Extract Cost process is completed.

    When the Extract Cost process is run, the original rows with actual costs are sent to Project Costing. If the check reversal process occurs after the Extract Cost process is completed, the original rows with actual costs have already been sent to Project Costing; consequently, the reversed rows are sent to Project Costing immediately.

  • Reversal with future payment – before the Extract Cost process is completed.

    After the TL Load Data process is run, the payable time status is set to Taken by Payroll. If the check reversal occurs before the Extract Cost process is run, the reversed rows with a Reversed status are created, and the original rows with status Taken by Payroll are changed to the Reversed status (see PeopleBook — Time and Labor Integrating with Payroll Applications for why the status changed). These original rows are sent to Project Costing with the reversed rows.

  • Reversal with future payment – after the Extract Cost process is completed.

    When the Extract Cost process is run, the original rows with actual costs are sent to Project Costing. If the check reversal process occurs after the Extract Cost process is completed, and the original rows with actual costs have already been sent to Project Costing, the reversed rows are sent to Project Costing immediately. Additional rows for future payment with the Estimated status are not sent to Project Costing.

See Reversing or Adjusting a Paycheck.

Unconfirming and Unsheeting a Payrun that Contains a Check Reversal (Payroll for North America)

These two scenarios describe how reversed checks are handled and how the associated costs are published to Project Costing when you unconfirm and unsheet a payrun:

  • Straight reversal with no additional row.

    Time and Labor removes all payable time rows with the Reversed status that have an initial sequence number equal to the sequence number of the original check entered by the user. Time and Labor publishes the original row with PUBLISH_SW equal to "Y" to Project Costing. This assumes that the reversal row has already been published to Project Costing and alerts Project Costing that the reversal has been undone.

  • Check reversal with an additional row generated.

    Time and Labor removes all payable time rows with statuses Reversed, Estimated, Needs Approval, Rejected, and Ignored that have an initial sequence number equal to the sequence number of the original check entered by the user. Time and Labor publishes the original row with PUBLISH_SW equals to "Y" to Project Costing only if the reversal row and/or the new row have already been published.

Global Payroll Integration

When Time and Labor is integrated with Global Payroll, actual time and cost data is published in the following cases:

  • When Global Payroll sets the status of successfully processed payable time entries to Closed. This happens because you have elected not to use labor distribution. Publishing occurs at the end of the update process that is initiated through the Time and Labor Run Control in Global Payroll.

  • At the completion of the Labor Distribution or Labor Dilution process that is initiated automatically at the end of the update process that you start through the Time and Labor Run Control page in Global Payroll. This process also publishes all payable time that has a payable status of Closed, Paid−Labor Distributed, or Paid−Labor Diluted.

Note: On the payable time table, the payable status field value of Ignore is used by the Global Payroll system. The status of Ignore is set by Global Payroll when offset rows are created in Time and Labor.

The publish switch field is set to Ignore for rows of payable time that have payable status set to Ignore and either the PC Business Unit, Project ID or Activity ID are blank or both the LBR_DIST_AMT and DILUTED_GROSS fields are blank.

Use the Publish Estimated Payable Time page (TL_RUN_PUB_TIME) to initiate the transmission of estimated costs if the version of Project Costing you are using retrieves data through flat files.

Also transmit estimated cost data to other applications. If your version of Project Costing uses XML to transmit data, estimated payable time is published automatically in response to a request message from Project Costing. You can use this page to publish estimated payable time if you do not want to wait for the request message.

Field or Control


Accounting Date

The accounting date is assigned to every row of payable time published to Project Costing. It defaults to the current date, but you can change it.


Click to run the Publish Payable Time Application Engine process (TL_PUB_TM_AE).

Use the Publish Actual Payable Time page (TL_RUN_PUB_ACTUALS) to publish time with a payable status of Closed before you run the extract process in Payroll for North America.

To retrieve the published data, the receiving application must subscribe to the Actuals message. (Payable time that has been labor-distributed or labor-diluted is not published.)

In Payroll for North America, you must confirm the pay run before publishing cost data.

Field or Control


Accounting Date

The accounting date is assigned to every row of payable time published to Project Costing. It defaults to the current date, but you can change it.


Click to run the Publish Time that PY Closed Application Engine process (TL_PY_PUB_TM).