Client Application Loader (CAL)

The Oracle MICROS Simphony Client Deployment Guide contains more information about CAL.

Enhanced CAL Deployment Order

The CAL package deployment order of the start database has been optimized to change the order. The database is now provisioned with a best practices order of the CAL packages. The core package deployment order is read-only and cannot be modified. New custom packages must have a number of 1000 or higher.

CAL Restructuring Enhancement

Starting with Simphony release 19.1.2, the ServiceHostPrereq package is obsolete and has been removed from the Simphony release 19.1.2 ISO.

Simphony client files and third party prerequisites are now transferred in a separate package named Service Host Download. This lets you schedule the file transfers separately from the installation. The Simphony release 19.1.2 CAL packages are:
  • Service Host Download

  • Service Host


  • CAL Version Fixer

  • CAL Client

  • Simphony KDS Client (WinCE)

  • WS KDS Display (Win32)

  • PosToKdsHandler

  • Media Viewer

  • Device Information

CAL File Transfer Regulation

The transfer of CAL files is regulated (throttled) to prevent the amount of data that is allowed to saturate the network.

CAL clients attempt to transfer files from the Simphony application server as quickly as possible. Files are transferred from the application server in blocks and these blocks are assembled into a complete file at the client site.

Installation Performance Enhancements

The CAL installation process has been enhanced. The POS client device no longer restarts multiple times during CAL installation and upgrades. Only the necessary files are transferred.

Service Host Download Package

The new Service Host Download package in Simphony release 19.1.2 combines file transfers from the following legacy packages:
  • Service Host Prereq

  • Service Host

  • Biometrics (when not already installed)

  • Language Translation

All third party files are transferred to the %AppRoot%\Micros\Simphony\Prereq folder on the client.

Simphony client files are transferred and stored under the %AppRoot%\Micros\Simphony\Download folder on the client.

Third party dependencies, ServiceHost, and language translations are installed using this single package to minimize restarts.

After updating to CAL 146, a CAL client progress dialog is hidden during upgrades and remains visible during new installations.

Service Host Package

The Service Host package has been modified to include all installation steps from the following existing packages:
  • Service Host Prereq

  • Biometrics

  • Language Translation

This package fails if the Service Host Download package is not deployed first.

CAL Package Install Status UI Changes

The CAL Packages Install Status tab has changed. You can see the Simphony client installation status showing started, successful, failed, and outstanding client updates.

In the left pane, in addition to the CAL Package View, there is a new Enterprise View, which shows a hierarchy view. You can switch between CAL Package View and Enterprise View.

The Enterprise View lists the Enterprise, properties, workstations, KDS displays, and enterprise Service Hosts associated with a property. An enterprise Service Host in a property is indicated with the Object Number showing as 0 (zero).

The Enterprise View shows the following installation status icons for each property (including status for workstations, KDS displays, and Enterprise Service Hosts):
  • This figure shows the On Latest Version icon. On Latest Version (green circle with checkmark)

  • This figure shows the Needs Attention icon. Needs Attention (red triangle with exclamation point)

  • This figure shows the Needs Update icon. Needs Update (yellow cycle with arrows)

  • This figure shows the Not Installed icon. Not Installed (gray circle)

You can limit the Enterprise View to specific installation statuses using the Filter field. You can expand and collapse the Enterprise View using the Expand and Collapse links.

The CAL Packages Install Status tab has a new filter (enabled by default), that shows only the latest status of the corresponding CAL package. Deprecated packages are filtered out. Filters correspond to the column header. In addition, a text entry field lets you filter a column dynamically by entering text.

The following columns have been added to the Install Status tab:
  • Available Version

  • Installed Version

  • Finished at

  • Install time (Minutes)

  • % Complete

The following columns have been removed from the Install Status tab:
  • Offset

  • Install Date From To (when using Enterprise View)

Device Information Package and Module

The new Device Information CAL package is deployed automatically with the Service Host in Simphony release 19.1.2. However, the Device Information CAL package must be deployed for clients that still run on an earlier Simphony release (prior to 19.1.2).

Clients with Simphony release 18.2.2 or later have the package for 18.x releases. For example, if you are upgrading from 18.2.2 (or a later 18.2.x patch release) to 19.1.2, you do not need to deploy the client package.

A Linux based Simphony POS client on 19.1 cannot receive the separate Device Information handler.

Device Information shows detailed status results of workstation and other CAL devices, as well as the date and local time the tool was run. This allows administrators to resolve issues before scheduling CAL client updates.

The detailed status of workstations and other CAL enabled devices appears in the new Device Information module within EMC. After the CAL client is installed, the Device Information module shows data if the following conditions are met:
  • The CAL client is updated to Simphony release 19.1.2.

  • The Device Information CAL package is deployed to the workstation, which shows the status upon deployment.