Data Transfer Service (DTS)

Support Added for Database Size Reduction and System Performance Improvement

In order to reduce the data footprint of the Simphony Transaction database, and to improve overall system performance, a new Employee Roles option has been added. The option named 10066 - Enable Access to edit Job/Purge Settings allows you to control who has access to changing the DTS and data Purge job settings. For Simphony release 19.1 fresh installations, default DTS and Purge job settings have been assigned (based on best practices recommendations) to assist in controlling the amount of data that is being stored. After performing an upgrade, you are required to enable this Roles option to grant permissions for the employees deemed responsible for editing these job settings going forward.

See the Oracle MICROS Simphony Cloud Services Post-Installation or Upgrade Guide—specifically the Configuring Access Privileges for Data Transfer Service (DTS) and Data Purge Job Settings topic—for more information about assigning privileges to configure the DTS and database Purge job settings.

Support Removed for Posting to Totals Table and to Details Table

Simphony release 19.1 no longer posts data to the legacy MCRSPOS.TOTALS table nor to the DETAILS tables. Previous versions posted data to these tables, even though the data was no longer being utilized by the system. By stopping the unnecessary posting, the system operates more efficiently as it no longer consumes the disk space and processing resources required to post this data. Customers using legacy exports that require TOTALS or DETAILS table data may reactivate the posting through Oracle Customer Support until they transition off of the legacy export task.