5 Known Issues

The following issues are known for this Simphony release:

Table 5-1 Simphony Version 19.1 Known Issues

Module BugDB Jira Ticket # Description




The SWP home page does not show menu options in portrait view when using the pre-installed Chrome browser on some Android workstations.

Workaround: Access the SWP https://<ServerName>:<Port>/SimphonyApp/Download/AndroidCAL. Log in if prompted, and then download the CAL setup.apk file on the Android device.




The Server Address Port dialog box remains open after changing the port value.

Workaround: After adjusting the port number, remember to close the port popup box by clicking the plug icon to the right of the Server URL field.




When installing a new Simphony application, the transaction database will fail on creation if the regional settings are set to a language other than English (United States). The install log displays the following SQL error: “ORA-01882: timezone region not found.”

Workaround: Ensure that Windows regional settings are set to English (United States) prior to installing Simphony.




An ‘EMC handler failed’ error message is generated when selecting the 'Remove OPS from Service Host' option from a newly inserted workstation record.

Workaround: To avoid the error message, prior to selecting the 'Remove OPS from Service Host' option, you must first remove the print controller from the device, Save the change, and then proceed configuring the device.






Currently, the following KDS Toolbar/Bump bar functions do not work on all Oracle Linux for MICROS workstation clients:

  • Media Viewer

  • Show Ops

  • Minimize

  • Play Audio on a new order. Workaround: A beep on a new order can be enabled using the bump bar annunciator.

  • Touchscreen Display Rotation - A KDS Display does not rotate the touchscreen device when Portrait Mode is used. When Portrait Mode is enabled for a Linux KDS Display, the screen rotates, but the touchscreen input device(s) need to rotate as well.

  • Display Rotation: Portrait to Landscape - If this transition is made while the KDS Display application is running, a small portion of the bottom of the screen appears blank. A workstation reboot resolves the issue. It works as expected if you transition from Landscape to Portrait.

For Workstation 5A’s running Oracle Linux for MICROS:

  • Are not supported running as KDS Controllers.

  • Are not supported running the KDS Display application.

For Select Electronics (SEI OASYS) KDS Display devices:

No longer supported as of Simphony release 19.1.1.

Page Design



The Popup Condiment Orderer template from the Page Design module can be assigned to Oracle Linux workstations, however any further or additional Page Design Popup Type configurations are not currently rendered on these devices.

POS Operations



If a check number has more than 5 digits, the full check number is truncated in POS Operations when a check is begun by users manually entering a check number. This occurs when a check is not assigned to a table or has a check name.

Workaround: Increase the width in the check detail area as per your requirement to view the entire check number. Access the Page Design module and open the correct page template, click the Configuration tab, increase the Width setting from within the Check Detail Area section, and then click Save.

Application Server Monitor Display Settings



When using a large monitor with the display resolution set to 1920 x 1080, and the Dots Per Inch (DPI) setting is set to 120, the EMC displays oddly, or does not display any information upon opening particular modules.


  1. Access the Simphony application server, and using File Explorer, navigate to the EMC.exe file.

  2. Right-click the file and select the Compatibility tab.

  3. Click the Change high DPI settings button.

  4. Under the High DPI scaling override section, select the Override high DPI scaling behavior checkbox.

  5. Change the setting under Scaling performed by: heading to System and click OK.

  6. Click Apply.