CAL / DCAL Infrastructure and Terminology

Figure 1-1 CAL Components and Data Flow

This figure shows the CAL components and the flow of data with and without Distributed CAL (DCAL) being used.

Deployment Schedules are the configuration settings defined at the Enterprise and used to deploy packages to CAL or DCAL clients. You can create deployments for the entire Enterprise, specific properties, and individual service host clients. Deployments can also be scheduled for immediate or future delivery.

DCAL Download Schedules are the configuration settings defined at the Enterprise that specify which CAL packages are delivered and stored on the DCAL workstation.

DCAL Workstation is the workstation at the property designated as the local CAL server. DCAL Download Schedules are used by this workstation to determine which packages should be downloaded from the Enterprise. Deployment Schedules are used by this workstation to determine which downloaded CAL packages should be made available to DCAL clients.

DCAL Client is the workstation at the property that receives CAL packages from the DCAL workstation. DCAL clients still use the CAL client application, but the CAL client is configured to communicate with the DCAL workstation rather than the Enterprise.

CAL Client is the application component responsible for installing CAL packages. Typically, the CAL client communicates with the Enterprise application server unless a DCAL workstation exists on the property.