CAL Installation Prerequisites for Microsoft Windows Devices

Before installing CAL on Microsoft Windows devices, verify or perform the following functions:
  • Ensure that the EMC server and the Microsoft Windows device are on the same time zone.

  • Ensure that you can access https://[EMC Server IP]:443/egateway/egateway.asmx from the EMC server machine and from the Microsoft Windows device. You cannot use an IP address when CAL obtains the files from the Enterprise only. The domain name works as it requires a valid certificate.

  • Add the Microsoft Windows device to the EMC. Adding a Workstation contains more information.

  • Assign the employee privilege to download software, install and authenticate clients and Service Hosts using CAL.

    In Simphony release 2.9.1 or later, users must have the employee privilege assigned to the appropriate role to successfully authenticate Microsoft Windows devices, Android devices, and Kitchen Display Systems (KDS). EMC users do not automatically acquire this privilege during an upgrade to release 2.9.1 or later. After installing or upgrading to Simphony release 2.9.1 or later, you must assign the privilege to a user’s role. When the Role option is set, employees can use their EMC logon credentials when CAL’ing devices. Allowing Employees to Install and Authenticate POS Clients and Service Hosts contains more information on assigning the privilege.

  • Set the CAL deployment schedule. Configuring the Deployment Schedule to Install CAL on Workstations contains information on deploying CAL packages.

  • Set the default sign in and transaction pages. Assigning Default Touchscreen Pages contains more information.