Track Account History

Use Manage Accounts Receivables to create and manage direct billing accounts. It enables managing invoices and payments and tracking account activity across many different properties.

You can:
  • Create accounts for companies, travel agents, groups, sources, and guests.

  • Prepare reminder and statement letters.

  • Assign traces on accounts. This allows you to track action items.

  • View account balances by aging periods. These provide a visual reference in graphical or table format. Account balances show unpaid or partly paid invoices and unallocated credits.

  • Set up fixed charges to post to reservations. These can post once, daily, weekly, or monthly.

  • Review the account’s future and past stays.

  • View account data for the 12 months leading up to and including the current month. The Year View option shows month-by-month totals. These include net debits, unallocated credits, and a running net balance.

  • Create notes as a record of internal information on an account. For example, actions taken on an invoice or an account's billing preferences.