Folio Grouping Codes

Folio Groupings enable you to define codes that aggregate charges when printing a folio. You can define codes in the following groups:

  • Folio arrangement codes can group similar transactions together. For example, if you have configured transaction codes for breakfast food and breakfast beverage separately, you can define an arrangement code Breakfast Charge that links these together. On the guest folio, the individual postings for food and beverage are consolidated and printed as a single posting – Breakfast Charge; details of the food and beverage component are hidden.

  • Expense arrangement codes are for generating expense folios summarizing transactions for up to 12 expense buckets. For example, the folio prints with expenses grouped according to the codes.

  • Group arrangement codes are available for folios generated for group accounts. For example, as group folio styles are defined separately, a different bucket configuration is possible and up to 12 group codes defined.

  • Daily Plan codes can consolidate expenses for selected transaction codes by day. For example, two Daily Plan codes are available — LODGING and OTHERS. The LODGING code can only include Lodging type transaction codes or package transaction codes. OTHERS can include all other transaction codes, excluding payments; LODGING type transaction codes cannot be added to the OTHERS code group.

  • Package arrangement codes can link to multiple packages. For example, if the package is configured with a package arrangement code, the package-related transactions are grouped together on the folio by package arrangement code. Grouping by package arrangement code is implemented regardless of the package configuration (for example, Included in Rate, Add to Rate/Combined Line, or Add to Rate/Separate Line). Transactions not included in the wrapper are listed separately.