BAR Based Rates

Best Available Rates (BAR) are the best rates available per room type for a property. You can create a rate code that is a BAR type and use it as a base code on which to base other rate codes. These dependent rate codes derived from the BAR rate code are called BAR Based rates.

General Guidelines

The following guidelines apply when using BAR Based rates:

  • A rate code marked as BAR Based must be of the same currency as the rate codes marked as BAR.

  • Negotiated rates can be added to rate codes that are BAR or BAR Based.

  • A rate code marked as BAR Based cannot also be marked as a BAR rate code.

  • A rate code cannot be selected as a BAR Based rate and at the same time be selected as a Dynamic Base Rate’s rate code.

  • A rate code cannot be selected as a BAR Based rate and at the same time be selected as a Advanced Dynamic Base Rate’s rate code.

  • If the Show Add Separate Line Pkgs to Rates on Rate Query application parameter in the Rate Management group is On, OPERA Cloud ignores packages configured as Add Rate Separate Line when calculating BAR Based rate codes. For example, BAR3 is configured for 100. BAR3 has Add Rate Separate Line packages totaling 65. WEBDEAL is configured as -10% of BAR with its own Add Rate Separate Line packages totaling 50. When running an availability check through the Look to Book screen, WEBDEAL is 140 (calculated as 100 - 10% +50). The 65 Add Rate Separate Line package on BAR3 is ignored.

  • When you book reservations using the Best BAR or a dependent rate (derived from the Best BAR), OPERA Cloud records the BAR rate code and the amount of the first night for tracking purposes.

Process Overview

BAR rate codes serve as the base rates for your BAR Based rates and should already be configured with the BAR option selected under the Rate Code Type on the Rate Code Configuration screen.

Once you have BAR rate codes configured, create a new rate code for your property derived from the Best BAR rate code. Configure this new rate code from the Administration menu by selecting Financial, selecting Rate Management, and then selecting Rate Codes. When setting up the rate code, you must verify the Best Available Rate option is not selected under the Rate Code Type. Instead, select the BAR Based option, which is available when the Best Available Rate Type setting is Best BAR By Day. With this setting, OPERA Cloud determines the Best BAR rate code and amount based on the stay dates selected.

Under Rate Code Type, enter the amount you want added or deducted from any BAR Based rate in the Amount field.

For example, when a profile has a corporate rate associated with it and you want to deduct 25.00 off the lowest, Best BAR price, you would enter -25. Select if this is based on a Flat rate or a Percentage. To apply rounding, select the method in the Rounding field. During the rate availability search, the system checks for the Best BAR rate code for the room type and stay dates. It then calculates and shows the price of that rate code, based on the search criteria you entered. For example, assume the Best BAR price for the arrival date and the room type is 125.00. With the corporate rate now configured as BAR Based, the system automatically deducts 25.00 from the Best BAR price for that guest profile and calculates the price for the room at 100.00.