Configuration Reports

Account Types (cf_accounttypes) - displays the property’s configured accounts receivable account types. The accounts receivable license must be active in order to configure any account types.

Alerts (cf_alerts) – displays the property’s configured alert types.

Articles (cf_articles) - displays the property’s configured articles. Articles allow a property to post certain items to a guest folio in such a way that they appear to have come from a single transaction code.

Back Office Interface Market Codes Mapping (cf_bof_mktcodes_map) - displays the property’s configured Back Office mappings for market codes.

Back Office Interface Statistic Codes Mapping (cf_bof_statcodes_map) - displays the property’s configured Back Office mappings for statistic codes.

Back Office Interface Transaction Codes Mapping (cf_bof_trxcodes_map) - displays the property’s configured Back Office mappings for transaction codes.

Budgets (cf_budgets) - displays the property’s configured budgets.

Cancellation Reasons (cf_cancelreasons) - displays the property’s configured cancellation reasons.

Cashiers (cf_cashiers) - displays the property’s configured cashiers.

Cities and Postal Codes (cf_postal_codes) - displays the property’s configured cities and postal codes.

Country Codes (cf_countrycodes) - displays the property’s configured countries.

Credit Limits (cf_creditlimit) - displays the property’s configured credit limits.

Discount Reasons (cf_creditlimit) - displays the property’s configured discount reasons.

Districts (cf_districts) - displays the property’s configured districts.

eCoupon Codes (cf_ecoupons) - displays the property’s configured eCoupon codes.

Exchange Rates (cf_exchange_rates) - displays the property’s configured exchange rates. The report includes all details that are set in the exchange rate setup.

Features (cf_features) - displays the property’s configured features.

Folio Grouping Codes (cf_folio_groupings) - displays the transaction codes associated with the folio groupings of arrangement, expense and group codes.

Housekeeping Sections (cf_hksections) - displays all housekeeping sections and days of the week that correspond to the property’s attendants.

Item Inventory (cf_iteminventory) - displays the property’s configured items.

Languages (cf_languages) - displays the property’s configured languages.

Market Codes (cf_marketcodes) - displays the property’s configured market codes.

Master Codes (cf_mastercodes) - displays the property’s configured master codes.

Origin Codes (cf_origincodes) - displays the property’s configured origin codes.

Out of Order Reasons (cf_outoforderreasons) - displays the property’s configured out of order reasons.

Package Codes (cf_packagecodes) - displays the property’s configured packages.

Preferences (cf_preferences) - displays all preferences that have been configured in the application.

Profile Changes (cf_profilechanges) - displays all changes made to profiles for the date range specified.

Rate Category (cf_ratecategory) - displays the property’s configured rate categories.

Rate Class (cf_rateclass) - displays the property’s configured rate classes.

Rate Code – Details (cf_ratecodedetail) - displays the details of the property’s configured rate codes.

Rate Code Header (cf_ratecodeheader) - displays rate header information of the property’s configured rate codes.

Rate Seasons (cf_rateseason) - displays the property’s configured seasons.

Reason Codes (cf_reasoncodes) - displays the property’s configured adjustment codes.

Regions (cf_regions) - displays the property’s configured regions.

Relationship Types (cf_relationshiptypes) - displays the property’s configured relationship types.

Reservation Types (cf_reservationtypes) - displays the property’s configured reservation types.

Revenue Buckets (cf_revenue_buckets) - displays the transaction codes associated with the various revenue buckets.

Room Classes (cf_roomclasses) - displays the property’s configured room classes.

Rooms (cf_rooms) - displays the property’s configured rooms and corresponding information.

Room Types (cf_roomtypes) - displays the property’s configured room types and corresponding information.

Routing Codes (cf_billinginstructions) - displays the property’s configured routing codes.

Source Codes (cf_sourcecodes) - displays the property’s configured source codes.

Special Requests (cf_specialrequests) - displays the property’s configured special request preferences.

State Codes (cf_statescodes) - displays the property’s configured states.

Tax Types (cf_taxcodes) - displays the property’s configured tax types.

Tax Types by Transaction Codes (cf_taxtypesbytrxcodes) - displays the property’s configured tax types, organized by transaction codes.

Titles (cf_titles) - displays the property’s configured titles.  The output includes the language with which the title has been associated.

Transaction Codes (cf_trxcodes1) - displays the property’s configured transaction codes, grouped by transaction group, then subgroup, then transaction code.

Transaction Codes by Transaction (cf_trxcodes2) - displays the property’s configured transaction codes in numerical order by transaction code.

Transaction Codes by User Groups (cf_usergrp_trxcode) - displays the property’s configured transaction codes in numerical order by transaction code.

Turnaway Reasons (cf_turnawayreasons) - displays the property’s configured turnaway reasons.

Waitlist Priorities (cf_waitlistpriorities) - displays all waitlist priorities and their defined sequence order to display.