Adding Hurdle Rate

Before any consideration is made concerning hurdle rates OPERA first checks its own rate availability controls to determine whether the rate code is open or closed and are visible on the rate availability table. OPERA completes the following checks to determine whether or not a rate code is available:

  • The Rate Code Start and End Sell dates are valid.

  • At least one room type is available for this rate code.

  • During a Look To Book, OPERA checks if the proposed reservation falls within the boundaries of these two fields, Max Rooms Sold and Actual Rooms Sold.

  • OPERA's normal rate availability status still applies and therefore the dates must at least be open.

To add a Hurdle Rate:

  1. From the OPERA Cloud Administration menu, select Financial, select Rate Management, and then select Hurdle Rates.
  2. Click the vertical ellipsis and then click New.
  3. Enter required information and click Save.
    Fields Description
    Property Property for which hurdle rate needs to be added.
    Hurdle Date Date when this hurdle rate is effective.
    Room Type Select and choose the room type for this hurdle rate.
    Delta Represents a monetary value, which is added to the hurdle rate for each additional room sold up to the ceiling. If the hurdle rate is set at $80.00 and the delta is $1.00, for the first room sold the rate value needs to be $80.00 or more. For the second room the rate value needs to be $81.00, for the third $82.00 and more up to the Ceiling at which time no additional delta values are added.
    Ceiling Enter the number of rooms to be sold to which the delta value should be added. For example:
    • Hurdle is $90.00

    • Delta is $5.00

    • Ceiling is 3

      • The first reservation must achieve the hurdle value of $90.00.

      • The second reservation must achieve the hurdle value of $95.00.

      • The third reservation must achieve the hurdle value of $100.00.

      • The fourth reservation must achieve the hurdle value of $105.00.

    All subsequent reservations must achieve the hurdle value of $105.00 until maxsolds is reached, at which point the date is restricted.

    Max Rooms Sold Enter the maximum number of rooms to be sold in the room types linked to the yield category.
    Actual Rooms Sold Enter the actual number of rooms to be sold in the room types linked to the yield category.