Managing Tax Types

The Tax Types feature enables properties to calculate taxes on sales charges based on either the guest’s profile tax type or the reservation tax type. You can configure tax types from the Financial Administration menu, Cashiering Management option, and these codes are referenced within tax generates rule configuration.
By creating Tax Type codes such as Regular Guest, Sales Tax Exempt, 10% VAT, or so on, properties can control whether a generate is applied to a posting and how it calculates the amount. The feature can also determine the effective dates for the application of particular generates. You cannot set up Tax Types generates on transaction codes configured as a Payment or as part of a Wrapper group.
After configuring tax types, you can select a default tax type in OPERA Controls, Cashiering > Default Tax Type. The value selected will be set for all new profiles or reservations created, depending on Tax Type Calculation setting.
As an option, you can enable the Tax Exempt report when configuring Tax Types. The report gives a detailed daily breakdown of room revenue and the tax exemptions held by each specific guest.
  1. From the Administration menu, select Financial, select Cashiering Management, and then select Tax Types.
  2. Click New.
  3. Enter or confirm the Property.
  4. Enter a Tax Type code for the new tax type.
  5. Enter a Description of the tax type.
  6. As an option, complete the Tax Exempt Report Configuration selections.
    1. Exempt Days – specifies the number of days in the report date range after the guest becomes tax exempt.
    2. Tax Percentage – sets the tax types as a percentage, such as four percent or so on.
    3. Print Auto Adjust check box – enables printing Room Revenue for all days before the guest became tax exempt; Number of nights before the guest became tax exempt, and Tax paid on room revenue for all days before the guest became tax exempt.
  7. Click Save.
  8. To edit or delete a Tax Type:
    1. Search for the tax type.
    2. From search results, select the tax type and then select the row-level vertical ellipsis.
    3. Select Edit, make changes, and click Save.
    4. Select Delete, confirm your decision, and click Delete.

Related Topics:

Tax Generates