Viewing Folio Histories

Folio History provides a research tool for reviewing, sending, or printing folios. OPERA Cloud stores a copy of each folio when the guest checks out, when an accounts receivables invoice is created, when a deposit folio is created (if deposit folios are enabled), or when a passerby folio is generated.
  1. From the OPERA Cloud menu, select Financials, and then select Cashiering.
  2. Click Folio History.
  3. Search for folios by property.
    Search results show a list of folios broken out by active folio windows.
  4. Locate the folio, click the row-level vertical ellipsis, and select from the following options:
    1. Send to. Use this option to print, email, fax, or download the folio.
    2. Generate Credit Bill. Use this option to create a credit bill.


    A credit bill applies a credit against charges on a folio. You can associate a credit bill with a folio if the folio was generated prior to the current business date. The credit bill must not exceed the maximum number of credit days.