Configuring Posting Rhythms

The posting rhythm feature is not intended for use with daily rates.

Posting Rhythm and Dependent Rates

The Posting Rhythm field defaults to the Base Rate configuration, when you configure a Dynamic Base Rate or an Advanced Dynamic Base Rate on the Rate Code Configuration screen. You can configure the Posting Rhythm functionality from Rate Code Configuration > Financial > Posting Rhythms.
  1. On the Rate Code Configuration screen, in the Financial panel, click vertical ellipsis and then click Edit.
  2. Select the Posting Rhythm type from the Posting Rhythm drop down list.
    1. If you select Post Every X Nights from the Posting Rhythm drop down list, entering a number for this specific posting rhythm will define the nights in which to post the discounted rate, giving the guest a promotional discount rate. For example, if you enter a 3 into this field, and the guest is staying for 3 nights, the room charge for the third night will post with the discounted rate on the guest folio.
    2. If you select Do Not Post Every X Night, you can enter a number for the specific posting rhythm which will define how many days a guest must stay before the rate amount will post as 0.00, giving the guest a promotional free night. For example, if you enter a 3 into this field, and the guest is staying for 3 nights, the room charge for the third night will post as 0.00 on the guest folio.
  3. Click Post Packages check box.
    This check box appears when you have defined a value for the Do Not Post Every XX Nights field. Select this check box if, on the "free" night, you want to post charges for packages that are included in the rate code and packages attached to the reservation.


    When the check box is unchecked, the system will not post any associated packages with this posting rhythm. When this check box is checked, the system will post any associated packages with this posting rhythm. Any associated packages will post as they currently do today it can be inclusively or exclusively.