Creating and Editing Display Sets

  1. From the OPERA Cloud Administration menu, select Financial, select Rate Management, and then select Display Sets.
    On the Search screen:
  2. Enter or select a Code. You can select multiple codes using the search icon.
  3. Enter a Description for the code and click Search.
  4. The details appear in the table with the Code, Description, and Sequence.
  5. Click Edit, to edit the Display Set code. When you select the Edit button to edit an existing Display Set code, the Code field is read-only.
    To create a new display set code:
  6. On Manage Display screen, click the vertical ellipsis and then click New.
  7. Select the required fields. Select Inactive check box. The Inactive check box allows you to make the Display Set inactive.
  8. Enter a number for the sequence you would like this display set to appear in the Display.
  9. Click Cancel or Save or Save and Continue.