Creating New Pricing Schedule

  1. From the OPERA Cloud Administration menu, select Financial, select Rate Management, and then select Rate Codes.
  2. On the Rate Codes screen, click Search. In the search results table, select a Rate Code and in the Actions column, click Edit.
  3. On the Rate Code Configuration screen, in the Rate Code Overview section, click Pricing Schedules.
  4. On the Pricing Schedules panel, click Search to search for the existing Pricing Schedules.
  5. Click the vertical ellipsis and then click New to enter all the mandatory information.
  6. If applicable, on the Packages section, click Search to search for an existing Package Code. Select a Package Code from the search table option and click Attach to add a Package Code. Repeat the steps to attach a Package Group.

    If you delete a pricing schedule, a reservation is still reserved using the rate code- room type combination defined in the pricing schedule, the room type and rate code remains on the reservation detail. This rate code, room type, and rate amount combination is honored, as when it was booked and the combination was offered.

    The following fields can be used independently of each other or used together to define the occupant threshold.

    Table 12-18 Manage Pricing Schedule fields and its description

    Field Description
    Dates Season Code Season codes are used to define a starting date and ending date for the highlighted pricing schedule. The pricing schedule can only be sold if the arrival and departure dates of a guest’s reservation fall within that time frame. If a season is entered, the Start and End Date fields automatically fill with the defined season’s begin and end date. If the Season field is not used in a new pricing schedule, you will have the ability to change both the start and end dates.
    Start Date Required field. The begin date that the pricing schedule is available. You can change dates for the pricing schedules, provided they do not overlap with another pricing schedule set with any of the same room types. If previously selecting a season code, the Start Date will have already populated for you.
    End Date Required field. The ending date that the highlighted pricing schedule is no longer available. If a season code has been entered, the End Date field will have already populated for you.
    Days of the Week check boxes Days of the week for which the specified pricing schedule may be sold. Mark the applicable days for each pricing schedule for the dates defined. The check boxes automatically default with each day marked for convenience.
    Amounts The Amounts section is for defining the rate amounts for room types based on the number of adults and/or children occupying the room.
    Adults 1 Adult - 5 Adults. Flat or added rate amounts for 1- 5 adults for the highlighted pricing schedule. You can add to the pricing schedule amounts, change, or delete the pricing schedule amounts at any time.
    Children in Own Room in cases OPERA supports rates for children who are staying in a room with an adult or who are staying in a room alone without an adult. In cases where children are staying in a room with an adult, the Extra Child rate is used to determine the amount added to the adult rate.
    • Children on Own:

      These rates are for children occupying the room without an adult.
    • Extra Child:

      When there are children staying in the room with an adult, the rate for each child is determined by the child's age. The Extra Child rate is also used for children staying in their own room if no applicable "unaccompanied child" rates have been specified. For example, if 4 children are staying in their own room and rates for 1 Child, 2 Children, and 3 Children have been specified, but not a rate for 4 Children, the rate would be the rate for 3 Children plus the rate for 1 Extra Child.
    Attributes The Attributes section assists the user in noting additional information for the pricing schedule.
      Market Code. Although a market code may have been defined in the Rate Code Definition, the user may have a situation where a different market code is required for a specified period of time. Enter the market code associated with the pricing schedule for the rate code. If a market code is defined on the rate code definition and on the rate schedule, the market code specified on the rate schedule will override the rate code definition market code when auto- populating a reservation.
      Source Code Source code associated with the pricing schedule for the rate code. If a source code is defined on the rate code definition, the source code on the pricing schedule will override it.
      Room Types Select the room types that are to be available for the pricing schedule set. The attached room types available for each pricing schedule displayed are automatically populated in this field once selected. You can add a new room type, provided that this room type does not yet have pricing schedules within the specified date range. You can also delete a room type from an existing pricing schedules. The room types available for a pricing schedules are the room types specified on the rate code definition.

    The Packages field is where package elements can be added or deleted to the active pricing schedules. If package elements have already been assigned to the rate code and then another package element has been added to the rate code’s pricing schedules set, the room rate would then include the two package elements, provided the reservation stay dates fell into the date range for that pricing schedule set.

    The packages visible are those packages for which a package start and end date that encompass the currently highlighted pricing schedule for the rate code.

    For same day or next day packages, you will not be able to delete a package that is currently being used by an inhouse reservation from the Pricing Schedule panel.