Viewing the Property Brochure from Quick Launch

You can view the Property Brochure from Quick Launch. First, you must add Property Brochure to Quick Launch before you can access it.

Add Property Brochure to Quick Launch

  1. From the OPERA Cloud menu, click Quick Launch.

  2. Click Manage Quick Links.

  3. In the search field, type Property Brochure and click Go.

  4. Select Property Brochure in the Available pane. Click the arrow to move it into the Selected pane.

  5. Click Save.

    Property Brochure is now a bookmarked link in Quick Launch.

View Property Brochure

  1. From the OPERA Cloud menu, click Quick Launch.

  2. Expand the My Bookmarks section if needed.

  3. Under My Bookmarks, select Property Brochure and click the Go to Screen button.

  4. On the Property Brochure screen, enter your Property name and click Search.

    All the available brochures for the property appear.
  5. Expand the section for the brochure you want to view.


    You might need to enter additional search criteria and click Search to view information.