Linking Profiles to Reservations

OPERA Cloud enables you to link guest profiles to reservations. The guest profile option enables you to access, view or edit primary details, such as name, address, or communication methods of guest profile linked to the reservation. It is also possible to open the full guest profile from this option or to change the guest profile linked to the reservation by selecting another profile.

You can also attach other types of profiles to reservations, such as company, travel agent, source, group, reservation contact, and billing contact.

  1. To link an associated profile to a reservation:
    1. From the OPERA Cloud menu, select Bookings, select Reservations, and then select Manage Reservation.
    2. On the Manage Reservations screen, search for a reservation and open it.
    3. Click the Linked Profiles link located in the Reservation Overview panel under Profile.
    4. Click the Associated Profiles tab and click Edit.
    5. Search for an associated profile, highlight it, and click Select.
    6. Click Save.
  2. To link an accompanying guest profile to a reservation:
    1. On the Manage Reservations screen, search for a reservation and open it.
    2. Click the Linked Profiles link located in the Reservation Overview panel under Profile.
    3. Click the Associated Profiles tab and click Edit.
    4. In the Accompanying Profiles panel, click the vertical ellipsis button and click Attach.
    5. Search for an accompanying profile, highlight it, and click Select.
    6. Click Save.
  3. To view profiles linked to a reservation:
    1. On the Manage Reservations screen, search for a reservation and open it.
    2. Search for and open a reservation.
    3. Click the Linked Profiles link located in the Reservation Overview panel under Profile.
    4. Click the Associated Profiles tab. Review the company, travel agent, source, group, reservation contact, and billing contact profiles linked to the reservation. The lower panel in this screen shows a list of accompanying guest profiles.