Creating and Editing Activities

You can create and edit Activities to manage your sales actions related to accounts, contacts, and blocks. Activities display the account’s profile business card. Mandatory fields are marked with an asterisk.

  1. From the OPERA Cloud menu, select Client Relations and then select Activities.
  2. Click I Want To . . . and select Activity.
  3. Select the Appointment or the To Do radio button.
  4. In the Purpose field, enter a text explanation of the Activity’s purpose.
  5. In the Owner field, enter the OPERA Cloud user responsible for the activity.
  6. Select a Start Date and an End Date.
  7. Select a Start Time and an End Time if the activity is an Appointment. If the activity is a ToDo, the Start Time/End Time options do not appear.
  8. In the Type field, search and select an Activity Type code. The name associated with the Activity Type code will appear automatically in the Purpose field.
  9. Select a Trace Code to notify colleagues about actions that they must take relative to the business.
  10. Select Account to associate an account profile with your Appointment or To Do. This step enables you to link the Activity to an account, a travel agent, a company, or a source.
  11. Select Contact to associate a contact profile with your Appointment or To Do. This step enables linking to a contact person.
  12. Select Block to associate a block with your Appointment or To Do. This step opens Manage Block for searching and selecting a block.
  13. Select the High Priority check box to indicate the Appointment or To Do is urgent.
  14. Select the Complete check box. When checked, the Completion Start and End date/time fields appear along with Activity results field.
  15. Enter a description or the details of the activity in the Notes text field.
  16. Click Save. Or, click Save Activity and Add More Details to save and edit the Activity.