Accessing the Block Room Rate Grid

You can access the Block Room and Rate Grid from the Manage Block screen.
  1. From the OPERA Cloud menu, select Bookings, select Blocks, and the select Manage Block.
  2. Enter or confirm your Property, enter additional search criteria, and click Search.
  3. From the Blocks listed in search results, click the + symbol to expand the Block summary and select the Room and Rate Gridlink. The Room & Rate Grid popup provides a search function for the following:
    1. Date. Enter the starting date for the grid display. This field is populated when the Grid opens under the following conditions:
      • If the block Start Date is the same as the current business date, or in the future, the block Start Date is populated in this field.

      • If the block has a Shoulder Start Date, the shoulder start date is populated in this field.

      • If the block Start Date is in the past, and the block End Date is in the future, the current date is populated in this field.

      • If the block End Date is in the past, the block Start Date or Shoulder Start Date is populated in this field.

    2. Range. Enter the number of nights to display in the grid. You may select 7 Days, 14 Days, 28 Days or 31 Days.
    3. Rooms, Rates, Availability: The Grid lets you enter room blocks, customize rates, and view pickups, available rooms, and so on. The grid is organized by dates. Each date may include the following grid types:
      • Original Rooms: the room block you created in the Original Block Grid. The Original grid is available for update until the business block is in an open-for-pickup status.

      • Current Rooms: the number of rooms currently blocked. The figure includes both picked-up and non-picked-up rooms.

      • Pickup Rooms: shows the number of rooms picked up per Room Type per day. If OPERA PMS is used, this grid is automatically populated from the reservations that are made against the Block.

      • Pickup Percent: percentage of rooms picked up.

      • House Availability: the number of rooms per type that are available and remaining to be booked on the house level.

      • Rates: the rates for each occupancy (1 through 4, plus extra adult) for the rate code. If a rate change occurs for a specific night on the block, the change will appear on the Room Grid.

      • Released Rooms: rooms no longer available for the Block.

  4. Click theManage link to open the Room & Rate Grid. The grid is refreshed so that the date populated in the field is the first date listed in the Date column in the Grid.
  5. After the Room & Rate Grid opens, click Edit and then click Expand All to manually adjust rooms and rates.
    1. Enter a number of rooms to block on a specific date and by room types (standard, deluxe, king, and so on).

    2. Enter or edit rates by occupancy and room types.

  6. Click Save.