Configuring Reservation Deposit Rules

Deposit Rules provide a way to manage the advance deposits guests make prior to their stays. They specify deposit amounts or percentages and when deposits must be paid.

Properties can configure credit ratings with deposit and cancellation rules. Guests and bookers who make reservations with the property will have these cancellation and deposit rules applied based on their credit rating as indicated on their profile.

Use a Deposit Rule template when creating Deposit Rules. While creating the new Deposit Rule, you can edit the description, sequence, amount, type, and due dates.

Creating Reservation Deposit Rules

  1. From the Administration menu, select Booking, select Booking Rules and Schedules, and then select Deposit Rules.


    In a multi-property environment, reservation deposit rules are created on the template level and then copied to each property. To be consistent with all hotels in the environment, the best practice is to reuse existing codes for new hotels in an existing setup or agree on universal codes for all properties.

  2. Click New.

  3. Enter or select the property.

  4. In the Deposit Rule field, enter characters or numbers to identify the new rule.

  5. Enter a text description of the rule.

  6. Select a deposit type from the Type drop-down list.

  7. Enter a deposit amount based on the deposit type.

  8. Enter a number of days in the Before Arrival and/or After Booking fields. This indicates when the deposit is due.

  9. Add a Sequence.

  10. Click Save to save and exit, or Save and Continue to save and add a new deposit rule.

Editing Reservation Deposit Rules

  1. From the Administration menu, select Booking, select Booking Rules and Schedules, and then select Deposit Rules.

  2. Select or confirm the Property.

  3. Enter search criteria and click Search.

  4. In the search results, select the code and then click the on the vertical ellipsis.

  5. Select Edit.

  6. Select Inactive if you want to make the rule code inactive.

  7. Update the configuration and then click Save.

Deleting Reservation Deposit Rules

  1. From the Administration menu, select Booking, select Booking Rules and Schedules, and then select Deposit Rules.
  2. Select or confirm the Property.

  3. Enter search criteria and click Search.

  4. In the search results, select the code and then click the on the vertical ellipsis.

  5. Select Delete.

Copying Reservation Deposit Rules

When the OPP_MHOT Multi-property add on license is active, you may copy reason codes from the Template to the properties. After you copy codes to a property, the codes may be edited as necessary.

For more information, see Copying Configuration Codes to Multiple Properties.