Searching and Editing Rate Strategies

  1. From the OPERA Cloud Administration menu, select Financial, select Rate Management, and then select Rate Strategies.
  2. On the Rate Strategies screen, search for the property (mandatory).
  3. Click Search and all the defined strategies are shown on the table.

Editing Rate Strategies

  1. From the OPERA Cloud Administration menu, select Financial, select Rate Management, and then select Rate Strategies.
  2. In the Search results table, click the vertical ellipsis and click Edit.
  3. Enter or modify the information in mandatory fields and click Save.
    The changes for the modified Rate Strategy appear in the table.
    Deleting any rate strategy simply means, the restrictions are no longer set due to the strategy. If an action was generated due to the strategy while it was active, these remain set. Counter strategies should be created to automatically reverse the effect of restrictions when conditions warrant. For example, "when Occupancy % > 90, close the house" strategy exists, the counter strategy would be to open the house if the Occupancy % falls below 89%.