Changing Room Class

Room classes typically define groups of room types having some characteristic in common. The Change Room Class utility enables you to associate one or more room types to a room class for a property. You can also use the utility to associate all room types to the internal room class ALL, effectively turning off the Room Class function.

To associate Room Types to a Room Class or turn off the Room Class function:

  1. From the Toolbox menu, select Utilities.
  2. From the drop-down, select Room Utilities and then select Change Room Class.
  3. Enter a valid OPERA Cloud Support Key number and click Login.
  4. If associating room types to a room class at your property, select the Change Room Class radio button.
  5. Select a Property.
  6. Select a Room Class.
  7. Select Room Types.
  8. Click Change Room Class.
  9. If associating all room types to your property’s internal Room Class ALL, click the Default Room Class radio button.
  10. Search and select a Property.
  11. Click Change Room Class.