2. OBCL Integration

2.1 Common Core Maintenances

The following are the common core maintenance that needs to be completed for FCUBS, Payments, and ELCM systems integration.

2.1.1 Configuring Accounting System for Host Code

You can configure the accounting system using host code in the ‘Host Parameter’ screen.

To invoke this screen, type ‘PIDHSTMT’ in the field at the top right corner of the application toolbar and click the adjoining arrow button.


Specify the following details

Host Code

Specify the host code.

Host Description

Specify the brief description for the host.

Accounting System Code

Specify the accounting system code.

Payment System

Specify the payment system.

ELCM System

Specify the ELCM system.

OBCL Integration System

Specify the external system. For example, OLINTSYS

2.1.2 Maintaining Integration Parameters

You have to maintain integration parameters for ‘External LOV’ and ‘ELCM/Payment/OL Utilization’. This maintenance must be done for all branches. This maintenance is done through ‘Integration Parameters Maintenance’ screen.

To invoke this screen, type ‘IFDINPRM’ in the field at the top right corner of the application toolbar and click the adjoining arrow button.

Example of Integration Parameter Maintenance screen for Payments


Example of Integration Parameter Maintenance screen for ELCM


Example of Integration Parameter Maintenance screen for OBCL


You can specify the following fields in this screen:

Branch Code

Select the branch code for which the parameters are to be maintained from the adjoining option list.


A brief description of the branch code is displayed.

External System

Select the external system for which the parameters are to be maintained, from the adjoining option list.


A brief description of the external system is displayed.

Offset Transaction Code

Select a transaction code for the offset entry from the adjoining option list. The adjoining option list displays all valid transaction codes available in the system. You can select the appropriate one

Offset Amount Tag

Select an amount tag for the offset entry from the adjoining option list. The adjoining option list displays all valid amount tag available in the system. You can select the appropriate one

Amount Block Validation

Select this check box to validate the amount block. If the amount block reference number is sent with the transaction details then the accounting will be invoked after the release of amount block.

Offset Required

Select this check box if an offset entry is required. If this check box is selected, then ISB GL will be resolved based on branch, currency, function id and external system. If the check box is not selected, then it is expected that external system sends the balanced entry

Offset Netting Required

Select this check box if offset netting entry is required. If this check box is selected, then the consolidated entries will be built. Offset amount tag is picked from the maintenances. If this check box is not selected, then individual entries are built.

Allow Force Post

Select this check box to suppress all the overrides after posting transactions.

You need to maintain the integration parameters for the following:

External Lov



Rest Service need not be maintained for OBCL.

ELCM Utilization/Payment/OBCL



2.2 Oracle Lending and Loan Syndication module integra­tion with CASA

The integration of OLand LS module with CASA enables banks to do the following:

This chapter contains the following sections:

2.2.1 Scope

This section describes the activities that take place in each system and its impact on the other.

This section contains the following topics:

2.2.2 Integration Scope with FCUBS Co-deployed with OL and LS module

If FCUBS is co-deployed with OL and LS module, then web service call is used to check the available balance.

2.2.3 Integration Scope without FCUBS Co-deployed with OL and LS module

The following are the integration activities that take place in Oracle Corporate Lending.

ECA Request for Auto Liquidation


ECA Handling during Auto Rollover


ECA Handling for Manual liquidation


ECA Handling for Manual Rollover


Account Interface and Handoff


Force debit Components

Tax, Fee and charge which are associated with liquidation/rollover event is debited from the account without ECA.

Forward Liquidation


2.2.4 ECA handling scenarios for Corporate Loan Liquidation

This section contains the following topics: Single CASA Account with Full liquidation


Amount Due


ECA Approved Amount








10000 Different CASA Account with Full Liquidation

In this case OL and LS module generates a single ECA request that contain details amount due from two accounts.


Amount Due


ECA Approved Amount








10000 GL Account used for Liquidation

In this case request is not sent to ECA system, however it is marked as approved by OL and LS module in ECA tables and it proceeds with liquidation processing.


Amount Due


ECA Approved Amount








10000 One CASA and GL Account used for Liquidation

In this ECA request is sent only for CASA account and the GL it is marked as approved automatically. Liquidation processing happens irrespective of whether the ECA request is successful for the CASA account.


Amount Due


ECA Approved Amount








10000 Single CASA Account with Partial Liquidation

In this case, the system proceeds with allocating the approved amount based on liquidation order specified at the product level.


Amount Due


ECA Approved Amount








10000 Manual Liquidation with Single CASA or Multiple CASA Account

In this case ECA request is sent with Partial allowed as ‘N’, hence the request is marked as failure if the full amount requested is not available.


Amount Due


ECA Approved Amount









2.2.5 Prerequisites

This section contains the following topics:

2.2.6 Prerequisites in Oracle Lending and Loan Syndication

The prerequisites for this integration are as follows. Parameter Setup Maintenances

Complete the following maintenances in Oracle Banking Corporate Lending to enable the integration.

Queue Name



Request to external system


Response from external system

Table Name



ECA request details


ECA request components details


The following data in OL and LS module must be in sync with those maintained in external system.

2.3 Integration Process of OL and LS module CASA

This section contains the following topics:

2.3.1 Viewing ECA Queue Summary Details

ECA Queue Summary screen contains details on the transactions between OL/LS and external system.

To invoke this screen, type PISECAQU’ in the field at the top right corner of the application toolbar and click the adjoining arrow button.


You can search records based on the following parameters:

Click ‘Search’ button with or without entering any of the above search parameters. All records matching the search criteria are displayed. To view a particular record double-click on the desired record displayed in the list of records. The details pertaining to each record is displayed.

2.3.2 Viewing External Accounting Log

'External Accounting Log' screen contains OL/LS transaction details with External Accounting System linkage.

To invoke this screen, type ‘OLSEACLG’ in the field at the top right corner of the application toolbar and click the adjoining arrow button.

In this screen, you can view the request sent from OL and LS module and view the response (received for the request sent) from the External Accounting System.


You can search records based on the following parameters:

Click ‘Search’ button with or without entering any of the above search parameters. All records matching the search criteria are displayed. To view a particular record double-click on the desired record displayed in the list of records. The details pertaining to each record is displayed.

2.4 OBCL Integration with Payments for SWIFT messages

The integration between Oracle Banking Corporate Lending and Oracle Banking Payments enables you to generate SWIFT messages (MT103 and MT202) for Corporate Lending through Payments module.

2.4.2 Scope

SWIFT payment message MT103 and MT202 are supported. If transfer type is ‘Customer Transfer’, then MT103 payment message is generated. If transfer type is Bank Transfer, then MT202 payment message is generated.

2.4.3 Integration Process of OBCL and Payments

For OL/LS with Payments integration, you need to perform the following:

In Loan Syndication, SWIFT messages are triggered based on the components like PRINCIPAL, INT_LIQD, and FEE_LIQD.

This section contains the following topics: Processing of Outgoing SWIFT Messages

Steps involved in processing of outgoing SWIFT messages. Viewing Payment Integration Request/Response Messages

You can view Oracle Lending and Loan Syndication contracts with payment integration in ‘Payment Outgoing Browser’ screen.

To invoke this screen, type ‘OLSPMTBR’ in the field at the top right corner of the application toolbar and click the adjoining arrow button.

In this screen, you can view the request sent from Oracle Lending/Loan Syndication module and view the response (received for the request sent) from the Payments module.


You can search records based on the following parameters:

Click ‘Search’ button with or without entering any of the above search parameters. All records matching the search criteria are displayed. To view a particular record double-click on the desired record displayed in the list of records. The details pertaining to each record is displayed.


To search outgoing payment details, for LB side use DD Contract Reference Number and for LP side use Contract Reference Number Maintaining ISB GL

You can invoke the ‘ISB GL Maintenance’ screen by typing ‘OLDISBGL’ in the field at the top right corner of the application tool bar and by clicking the adjoining arrow button.


You can specify the following field information in this screen. A brief description of each value updated in the fields appearing in this screen, is displayed by the system.

External System

Select the external system from the adjoining option list.

Module ID

Select a valid module code from the adjoining option list.

Transaction Currency

Select a valid currency code from the adjoining option list.

Transaction Branch

Select a valid transaction branch code from the adjoining option list

Product Code

Select a valid product code from the adjoining option list.

Function ID

Select a valid function ID from the adjoining option list.


Select a leaf General Ledger from the adjoining option list.

2.5 OBCL - ELCM Integration

The integration between OBCL and ELCM enables you to view the Oracle Lending and Loan Syndication contracts with ELCM linkage in a sync or async mode.

2.5.1 Scope

If you are booking a Oracle Lending and Loan Syndication contracts with ELCM linkage in a sync or async mode, the OLTB_REQ_MASTER table is updated with records. You can view these records in the External Limit Summary screen.

2.5.2 Prerequisites

OLTB_REQ_MASTER table must have value.

2.5.3 Integration Process of OL and ELCM

Forward Init

As part of loan batch process for contract marked for initiation on processing date, the system picks and processes the 'FWDINIT' on processing date.After processing ‘FWDINIT’, the system sends a request to ELCM system (if any limits are linked to contract) for Utilization of contract amount.

After success response from the ELCM system, the system authorizes the ‘FWDINIT’ process.For failure response from ELCM system, the system roll backs the ‘FWDINIT’ process (after roll back contract details are logged into exception table)

Forward VAMI

As part of loan batch process for contract marked for VAMI on processing date, the system picks and processes the ‘FWDVAMI’ on processing date. After processing FWDVAMI, the system sends a request to ELCM system (If any limits are linked to contract) for Utilization/De-Utilization of contract amount.

After success response from the ELCM system, the system authorizes the VAMI process. For failure response from ELCM system, the system roll backs the FWDVAMI process (after roll back contract details are logged into exception table)

Auto Liquidation and Forward Liquidation

As part of loan batch process for contract marked for Liqudation on processing date, the system picks and processes the liquidation on processing date. After processing the system sends a request to ELCM system (If any limits are linked to contract) for Utilization/De-Utilization of contract amount.

After success response from the ELCM system, the system completes the liquidation process. For failure response from ELCM system, the system roll backs the liquidation process (after roll back contract details are logged into exception table)


As part of loan batch process for contract marked for ‘ACCRUAL’ on processing date, the system picks and processes the ‘ACCRUAL’ process on processing date. After processing accrual process, the system sends a request to ELCM system (If any limits are linked to contract) for Utilization/De-Utilization of contract amount.

After success response from the ELCM system, the system authorizes the accrual process. For failure response from ELCM system, the system roll backs the ‘ACCRUAL’ process (after roll back contract details are logged into exception table). Viewing External Limit Summary Details

External Limit Summary screen contains details of the Oracle Lending and Loan Syndication transactions with ELCM linkage.

You can approve, resend, reject, and authorize the Oracle Lending and Loan Syndication transactions using this screen.

To invoke this screen, type OLSEXLMT’ in the field at the top right corner of the application toolbar and click the adjoining arrow button.


You can search records based on the following parameters:

Click ‘Search’ button with or without entering any of the above search parameters. All records matching the search criteria are displayed. To view a particular record double-click on the desired record displayed in the list of records. The details pertaining to each record is displayed. Viewing Action Log of External Limit Queue

The action log screen displays the details of actions performed in the External Limit Queue screen.

To invoke this screen, type ‘OLDQAHIS’ in the field at the top right corner of the application toolbar and click the adjoining arrow button.


This screen displays the action log of the following fields along with ‘Message Id’ and ‘Process Sequence Number’.

2.5.4 Viewing Service Log Details

You can view service log using ‘View Service Log’ screen. To invoke this screen, type ‘OLDSRLOG’ in the field at the top right corner of the application toolbar and click the adjoining arrow button.