6. Credit Appraisal Management Covenant Poller Process

This chapter contains the following sections:

6.1 Introduction

The bank / financial organization receive a credit proposal application from client / customer for covenant poller process

A batch program OREOD is used to collect the covenants which are due on today or revision date as today. The system automatically initiate a task in EODPoller process and passed the covenant details (Process code, Initiation Ref No) as part of the Poller process input. The DB adaptor is called to construct the Covenant process Payload for that specific covenant.

6.2 Stages in Covenant Poller Credit Appraisal Manage­ment

The different stages in covenant credit appraisal management process flow are designed using Oracle BPEL (Business Process Execution Language) and BPMN (Business Process Model and Notation) framework with multiple human tasks for workflow stages.

6.2.1 Process Flow Diagram

The process flow diagram given below illustrates the activities carried out during the different stages of the workflow.

Step 1. Process for Initiating Covenant Maintenance

In this stage, the bank receives an application covenant details which will be tracked in the process. Facility is provided to view the interaction which has been carried out with the customers and list of covenants which are pending / received from the customer. To capture the no of days before the covenant task needs to be created from the due date / revision date.

You can key-in the covenant details required in ‘Covenant Process Initiation Maintenance’ screen. You can also invoke this screen by typing ‘ORDCTRMT’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking the adjoining arrow button.

You can enter the following details:

Covenant Name

Specify the name of the covenant to which the task initiation parameter is maintained. The adjoining option list displays all the covenant names maintained in the system. Select the appropriate one.

Covenant Description

The system displays the description. However you can modify it.

Initiation of Covenant Tracking Process

Covenant Tracking Required

Select this check box to indicate whether the covenant tracking is required.

No of days before Due date

Specify the number of days before which the task needs to be initiated from the due date.

Days after due date

Specify the number of days before which the task needs to be initiated from the revision date.