2. Getting Started with Oracle FLEXCUBE Process Framework

2.1 Introduction

This chapter explains the features of Oracle FLEXCUBE process framework accessible from the landing page.

Each transaction in workflow can be configured as a process. At certain points in a process, input from the user-end is required. The input could be in the form of data to initiate or enrich a transaction or to authorize an existing transaction. To facilitate this, human tasks are generated by the workflow engine as and when required during the process. These human tasks are associated with a Function ID. When a user initiates a task, the different user roles associated to the Function ID are assigned to the task.

In addition, each process (transaction) passes through the workflow layer in stages. Access to each stage is restricted to users who have the requisite rights. Once a task has been initiated or completed for a particular stage, it is placed in the relevant queue or task list (explained later). To proceed further with the process, a user - with relevant rights - needs to acquire it under his/her user ID.


Oracle FLEXCUBE supports the co-existence of multiple composite versions of BPMN (Business Process Models and Notations) and BPEL process models. In BPMN process­es, you can query the first task of a process by querying with the conversation id. You can customise the BPMN process using the BPM Composer.

2.2 Tasks

When you log into the application, the Landing Page, as shown below, is displayed:-

The following options are available to you in this screen:

Select ‘Tasks’ tab to view the tasks.

You have the following options under tasks:

2.2.1 Quick Search

If you know the application number, you can quickly search for an application using the quick search feature.

Specify the application number and click the adjoining search button. You can also specify a part of the application number. If the application number of any record has the number you have specified as a part of it, then the system will fetch that record.

Click any record to view the details.

2.2.2 Application

Under ‘Application’ section, you can view the menu to access the Oracle FLEXCUBE Origination screens.

You can expand the menu items and invoke the Origination screens.

2.2.3 Dashboard

Under ‘Dashboard’ section, you can view the list of the maintained and configured dashboards along with the default dashboards.

You can expand the menu items and invoke the dashboards.

2.2.4 Queue

The ‘Queue’ menu displays the tasks under various queues. You can expand the menu and view the number of tasks under each queue.

If you select ‘Search’ and then click ‘All’, the ‘Task List - Search’ window is displayed on the right hand side.

Here you need to input value for querying on the tasks. You can provide values for any or all of the following criteria:

Click ‘Search’ button to initiate the query. Based on the details specified, the system displays all tasks satisfying the search criteria.

If you select ‘Standard View’, the system displays the number of records available in each of the task queues namely ‘Acquired’, ‘Assigned’, ‘Completed’, ‘Pending’ and ‘Supervisor’. Click the links to view the respective details in the right pane.

The Pending List displays tasks which are not yet acquired by anyone. On acquiring, the task goes to the Assigned List. From the Assigned List, you can capture the task and input the action. Then the transaction goes to Completed stage.

The following queues are available on this screen: Operations under Standard Queue

The workflow actions that you can perform for a task are:


After a task is assigned to a group, you, as a user, can further process the task only if you acquire it. Select the transaction and click ‘Acquire’ button. The task is then be moved from the group queue to your task list. You can release the task that has already been acquired by clicking ‘Release’ button.


A task can be re-assigned only by a supervisor to any of his subordinates. If you have the requisite rights, you can select the transaction and click ‘Reassign’ button in your task list. This is done when a contract is transferred from the maker of the contract to another user for further operations.


A task that has been suspended can be resumed when you click the ‘Resume’ button in your task list. You can then continue with the suspended task.

The system also gives you the option of carrying out the same action on many tasks simultaneously. To do this, you are required to select all the tasks that you want, by checking the box at the beginning of each row. The operations common to all the tasks are listed at the top of the Task Pane. You can select the appropriate one. The chosen action will be implemented for all the selected tasks. For example, after choosing the tasks that you require, you can acquire all of them in bulk (if the ‘Acquire’ operation is allowed for all the tasks).


A selected task can be copied by clicking on ‘Copy’ button in your task list. You can assign a task only if the task is assigned to your user role/ID.


System allows you to escalate a task to a supervisor or a higher authority. Follows are the types of escalations:

A task can be escalated only if it is acquired.

On clicking the ‘Escalate’ button, the system invokes the ‘Comments’ screen.

The system prompts to enter the following details:

Reason Code

Select the reason code from the adjoining option list. This list displays all valid reason codes maintained as ‘Common’.


Specify the reason for escalation here.

On escalation, the task appears under the ‘Escalated’ option in the Supervisor queue. When the supervisor opens the escalated task, system displays the reason of escalation and remarks as an information message. Opening Multiple Queues

You can open multiple queues as tabs and perform the required tasks in each queue.

Check the ‘Apply Filters’ box for a detailed search in a particular task in the queue. System displays the following tabs in each queue:


Under the ‘History’ tab, system displays the audit trail for the selected task.

Click the ‘View’ button to view the corresponding task screen.


Under the ‘Interactions’ tab, system displays the customer interactions captured for a particular Application.

System displays the relevant details for the selected task in the queue.


Under the ‘Documents’ tab, you can view the documents maintained for a particular task at each stage.

Click the ‘View’ button to view the relevant documents for the selected task in the queue.


Under the ‘Advices’ tab, you can view the advices generated for a particular task at each stage.

System displays the advices for the selected task in the queue.

Click the ‘View’ button to view the advices generated for a particular task.

2.2.5 Scheduling Acquired Tasks

Oracle FLEXCUBE allows you to schedule you acquired tasks for a specific day/time based on your work structure, by setting reminders for the acquired tasks in your task list.

You can set a reminder by clicking the Reminder button for a task. System displays the following list of activities in the drop-down list:

In case a reminder has already been set for a task, on clicking the reminder flag, you get the following options:

On setting a reminder, system sets the reminder flag for the task. Reminder flags are colour-coded to differentiate between time-spaced and time-barred tasks. When a task crosses the scheduled reminder date or time, the flag turns from green to red (tasks which that not cross the scheduled date or time will have green flags). At any point of time, you can view the reminder date, time and remarks, if any.

System allows you to set reminders for multiple tasks together. Select the tasks for which you want to set reminders and then select the appropriate option.

2.2.6 Holding a Task

You can hold a task from processing using ‘Hold’ button. When you withhold a task for some purpose, you can add a comment stating the reason for holding the task.

Specify the reason code for holding the task.

When you pick up the held task again from the ‘Pending’ queue, the system reminds you of the hold and display the reason and remarks as an information message.

2.2.7 Quick View

You can view the configured quick access dashboards in the Quick View. This frame consists of crisp and precise task-related information.

You can configure a dashboard for quick access by checking the ‘Default’ box in the ‘Origination Dashboard Role Maintenance’ screen.

2.3 Viewing Stage Status

In BPMN processes, the system allows you to view the flow diagram and the current stage of a particular task. On clicking the ‘Stage Status’ button in the task list, system displays the flow diagram, for the selected task, in a separate window.


System supports the Stage Status image only for BPMN Processes.