4. Customer Service

4.1 Introduction

After an application has cycled through the Lease origination process, it becomes an account. Account maintenance and collections tasks can be performed with Oracle Financial Services Lending and Leasing’s Customer Service screen.

The Customer Service screen enables you to view and manage all customer information in a centralized location to ensure data integrity and provide better service. Oracle Financial Services Lending and Leasing provides online real-time information about the applicant(s), contract, account balances, dues, transactions, call activities, and comments. Oracle Financial Services Lending and Leasing also supports back-dating of financial transactions till the account’s opening date.

Activating an Account

An account is automatically activated when you fund the contract using Funding main tab or convert from a legacy system. You cannot activate an account using the Customer Service screen.

Posting and Reversing Payments

A payment can be posted and reversed on the Payments screen. You cannot post and reverse the payment in Customer Service screen. (For more information, see the Payment Processing chapter)

Account Mask

After an application completes the Lease origination cycle and is funded or is ported into the system, it becomes an account and receives an account number. The system assigns account numbers using the following logic:



YYYYMM = contract date

NNNNNNN = serial number

X = check digit

The system sorts accounts using the NNNNNN portion only. That portion is referred to as the account ID.

4.1.1 Quick Search section

Conditions and Queues

During the Lease application process,applications had a status and sub status. Accounts do not have sub statuses; instead, accounts use conditions. Conditions further define the status of an account; for example: delinquent, bankruptcy, scheduled for charge off, Do Not Charge Off. Conditions can be applied automatically by the system based on set up, and manually by the system users using Customer Service screen.

The system can assign accounts to specific users by way of queues. Queues are a work flow management tool that allow the users to work on accounts sequentially from a prioritized list, rather than having to manually search for and load them. Queues are created and sorted during nightly processing. Examples of customer service queues include due date change requests, delinquent accounts, deferment requests, and title and insurance follow-up.

Account conditions serve as default queues; that is, an account’s condition determines which queue the account is in.

In the following example, account has a condition of deliNquent, noted in the Conditions section and Status field. The account was loaded from delinquent queue, DELq (d).

A queue can be associated with only one condition. In the following example, the Delinquent queue is associated with the Delinquent condition. However, an account can have more than one condition, so an account can be in more than one queue. Multiple queues can be created for a single condition. Account attributes (such as number of days delinquent and product code) can be used for assigning accounts to a queue and sorting accounts within a queue.

You can quickly load an account from a queue using Next Account button in the Quick Search section.

4.2 Customer Service screen

Most of the screens on Customer Service screen contain Account(s) and Customer(s) sections as a header. The Account(s) section provides a quick overview of an account by displaying its company, branch, account number, product, payoff amount and amount due, status, and oldest due date. The information on Customer Service screen always refers to the account selected in this section.

The Customer(s) section displays information about customer(s) attached to the account. The information on Customer Service screen always refers to the customer selected in this section.

To view account details in Account(s) and Customer(s) sections, open Customer Service screen and load the account you want to work with.

On Customer Service screen’s Account(s) section, view the following information: The system filters and displays information based on your selection:

Command Button:

Action Performed:


Displays the current search account only. It does not matter how that account was searched like using account search screen or selected a queue from drop-down and pressed ‘Next’ button or account num­ber was directly pasted in Acc# text box and pressed Submit but­ton.This is the default option.

Show All

Displays the related accounts based on current selected customer’s customer Id. To view the details of account number(s) other than current account, select the account in Account(s) section and click Submit.

Group Follow-up

Displays the set of accounts that share same account condition as the selected account and bear same Customer Id. Other than hav­ing same account condition and Customer Id, the queue currently selected should have the Group Follow-up Indicator enabled in queue setup and follow-up date should fall in range of organization level system parameter UCS_GROUP_FOLLOWUP_DAYS.

In Account(s) section, click View to view the following information:

In this field:

View this:


The company of the account.


The branch of the account.

Account #

The account number.

Note: This can also be the external reference number in case of conversion accounts if the value of system parameter AUTO_GEN_ACC_NBR_CONV is set to ‘N’.

Master Account #

View the Master Account number of the customer.

During the funding process, an application can either be marked as ‘Master Account’ or ‘Linked to Existing Master Account’ in the Mas­ter Account tab of Origination screen.

- If marked as Master Account, system populates the Master Account # which is same as Account #.

- If Linked to Existing Master Account, system populates the selected Master Account #.

- If the Application is neither marked as ‘Master Account’ nor ‘Linked to Existing Master Account’, then this field is displayed as UNDE­FINED.

Master Account

View the Master Account indicator value propagated from Origina­tion on funding an application. ‘Y’ indicates that the current account is a Master Account and ‘N’ indicates its not.


The product for the account.

Days Past Due

The total number of days elapsed past due date.


The currency for the account.

Pay Off Amt

The current payoff amount for the account.

Amount Due

The current delinquent amount due for the account.


The account’s status.

DLQ Reason

The delinquency reason that gets auto updated by the system as one of the following when the account is marked delinquent.

- 1st Payment Delinquency, when the first payment is delinquent.

- NSF Delinquency, when the payment amount on due date results in NSF (non sufficient funds) in the account.

- Matured Delinquency, when account reaches the ‘Maturity Date’ with some delinquency amount.

Note: System automatically removes the delinquency reason on the account if the payment is received. However, if the same payment is reversed, the conditions are posted back.

Oldest Due Dt

The oldest due date.

The system allows quick search of an account through Quick Search section in the right hand side of screen irrespective of the customer service screen on which you are working on. This is available in addition to the Quick Search section available in Results tab.

For more details on Quick Search refer ‘Search Functions’ chapter.

Comments can be added using Add Comment section in the right hand side of screen irrespective of screen you are working on. This is available in addition to the Comments sub tab available under Customer Service tab. This facilitates quick and easy reference.

For details on Comments refer Comments sub tab section in this chapter.

Call Activity functionality can be performed using Add Call Activity section in the right hand side of screen irrespective of the screen you are working on. This is available in addition to the Call Activities sub tab available under Customer Service tab. This facilitates quick and easy reference.

For details on Call Activity refer Call Activities sub tab section in this chapter.

4.3 Customer Service screen’s Summary tab

Open Customer Service screen and load the account you want to work with. By default the Customer Service screen opens the Summary tab.

Alerts section

Any comment posted as an alert, are displayed in the alert section of Summary tab.

Conditions section

You can view any conditions like Bankruptcy, Repossession, Foreclosure etc posted on an account. The condition is posted in the account with a start date which is the effective date and follow up date which indicates the next follow-up date for further process.

Dues section

Unpaid dues and the dates are displayed in a tabular form. Details of payment amount due, fee due, payoff are also displayed.

In this field:

View this:

Delq Due

The total delinquent amount that is due so far in the account.

LC Due

The total amount of non-sufficient fee due in the account.


The non sufficient funds fee due.

Other Due

The total of any other dues pending in the account.

Fee Usage

Indicates the lease fee usage amount and this field is displayed only for Usage type lease accounts.

Total Due

The total of all dues including payment amount and all applicable fees along with Fee Usage amount.

Total Due (incl current due)

The additional due of current month (included based on pre-bill days) along with Fee Usage amount.

Today’s Pay­off

If the account is to be paid off as per the current date and the amount payable by the borrower.

Future payoff

The total Amount due on a future date. The borrower can know the total pay off amount for a future date, say 10 days from today.

Future Payoff Date

The date on which the future payoff is due.

Future Pmt Dt

The date till which the future payoff quote is valid.

Oldest Due Dt

The due date.

Amt Paid Excess

The excess amount paid.

Memo Excess Amount

The excess amount paid towards the membership fee.

Paid Term

The total count of paid dues.

Remaining Term

The total count of remaining outstanding dues to be paid.

Days to Time Bar

View the total number of days remaining to reach the time bar end date.

Delinquency Information Section

View the following information in the Delinquency Information section:

In this field:

View this:


Total number of times the account was delinquent for less than 30 days since start date.


Total number of times the account was delinquent for over 30 days since start date.


Total number of times the account was delinquent for over 60 days since start date.


Total number of times the account was delinquent for over 90 days since start date.


Total number of times the account was delinquent for over 120 days since start date.


Total number of times the account was delinquent for over 150 days since start date.


Total number of times the account was delinquent for over 180 days since start date.


The delinquency category.


The number of days delinquent. A negative number in this fields denotes the number of days until a payment is due.

Broken Promises (Life)

Total number of broken promises since the account start date.

Broken Promises (Year)

Total number of broken promises since this year.

Kept Prom­ises (Life)

Total number of fulfilled promises since the account start date excluding Broken and Cancelled Promises.

Kept Prom­ises (Year)

Total number of fulfilled promises since this year excluding Broken and Cancelled Promises.

NSF (Life)

Total number of non sufficient funds since the account start date.

NSF (Year)

Total number of non sufficient funds since this year.


The default collector working on the account.

Activities Section

View the following information in the Activities section:

In this field:

View this:

Active Dt

The date account was made active.

Last Activity Dt

The date on which most recent activity was performed in the account.

Due Day

The due day for payment.

Last Pmt Amt

The last payment amount.

Customer Grade

The customer grade.


The application number from which this account was created.


The producer through which the account was sourced.


The cross reference number of third party origination system.

Paid Off Dt

The date on which account was paid off.

Note: Filed has value only if account has Paid-off condition.

Effective Dt

The date account became effective.

Current Pmt

The current payment amount.

Last Bill Amt

The last bill amount.

Last Pmt Amt

The last payment amount.

Chargeoff Dt

The Date on which account was charged off.

Note: This is applicable only if account has Charged-off condition. Else, no value displayed.

Military Duty

If selected, indicates that at the time of billing, the customer was in active military duty and qualifies for rates in accordance with Ser­vice members Civil Relief Act (SCRA) of 2003.

Customer Score

The customer score.

Behaviour Score

The behavior score.

Due Date Change section

The Due Date Change section displays the remaining number of transactions available for the account in the Summary tab. You can view the following information under Due Date Change section.

In this Field:

Do This:

Last Txn Dt

The last date on which the due date was changed.

Rem. Txn. Limit (Life)

Remaining number of due date changes allowed till account clo­sure.

Rem. Txn. Limit (Year)

Remaining number of due date changes in the account for current calendar year.

Extensions section

The Extensions section displays the remaining number of transactions available for the account in the Summary tab. You can view following extension details as per the conditions maintained in the contract.

In this Field:

Do This:

Rem. Txn. Limit (Year)

Remaining number of extensions in the account for current calen­dar year.

Rem. Txn. Limit (Life)

Remaining number of extensions in the account till closure.

Last Txn Dt

The date when last extension was made.

Exten. Gap Rem. (Months)

The number of months remaining before you can post Extensions for an account.

Contract Information

You can view the contract information recorded during the funding process. It’s a display only version of the same information found on the Funding screen’s > Contract screen.

In this Field:

Do This:

Contract Dt

View the contract funded date.


View the contract term.


View the interest rate.

Maturity Dt

View the contract maturity date.

Adjusted Cap Cost

View the adjusted capitalization cost considering any rebates, trade-ins or down payment.

Settlement Information

You can view the account settlement details as recorded in Account Details when the ‘Account Settlement Transaction’ is posted.

In this Field:

Do This:

Effective Dt

View the settlement agreement start date.

Good Through Dt

View the settlement agreement expiry date.

Agreed Amt

View the settlement amount agreed by customer to the lender.

Paid Till Dt

View the total amount paid by the customer and allocated to account balances during the agreed period (between effective date and Good through date).

Collateral Information section

You can view the Collateral Information in this section:

In this field:

View this:


If selected. indicates that this is the primary collateral.


A brief description on the collateral.

This is a hyper-link which when clicked opens Collateral Manage­ment screen with relevant collateral details.

Identification #

The identification number of the collateral.

This is a hyper-link which when clicked takes you to the collateral management screen with the relevant asset details.


The year of manufacture of the collateral.

Asset Class

The asset class of the collateral.

Asset Type

The type of collateral.

Sub Type

The sub type of the collateral.

Customer Information section

On Customer Service screen’s Customer Information section, select the record you want to work with and view the following information:

In this field:

View this:

Customer #

Customer identification number (unique customer identifier).


Customer’s full name.


Customer’s relationship to the account.


Customer’s social security number.

If the organizational parameter UIX_HIDE_RESTRICTED_DATA is set to Y, this appears as a masked number; for example, XXX-XX-1234.

National ID

Customer’s national identification number.

Birth Dt

Customer’s date of birth.


Customer’s gender.


Customer’s e-mail address.

Customer Details section

In this field:

View this:


Customer’s e-mail address.


Language spoken by the customer.

Marital Sta­tus

Customer’s marital status.


Customer’s disability indicator If selected, this indicates that the cus­tomer is disabled.


Customer’s skip indicator. If selected, this indicates that the customer is a skip debtor. This is selected using the Maintenance screen.

Stop Corre­spondence

Stop correspondence indicator. If selected, Oracle Financial Services Lending and Leasing will not send correspondence to customer. This is selected using the Maintenance screen.

Privacy Opt-Out

Privacy opt-out indicator. If selected, indicates that customer does not want the FI to share his /her information with any other body, other than regulatory requirements. (optional).

Active Mili­tary Duty

Customer’s Active Military Duty indicator. If selected, this indicates that the customer is serving Military Duty. This is selected using the Mainte­nance screen.

Time Zone

Customer’s time zone.

Address Information section

In this field:

View this:


Address type.


If selected, indicates that this is the current address.

Permission to Call

If selected, indicates that you can contact the customer.


If selected, indicates that this is the mailing address.


Address details.


Phone number.

Employment Information section

The details defined in Customer Service > Customer Details > Employments tab are populated here.

In this field:

View this:


Type of Employment as PART TIME, FULL TIME and so on.


If selected, indicates that this is the current employer.

Permission to Call

If selected, indicates that you can contact the employer.


Employer Details

Next Pay Day

The next payment day of the month.


Frequency of the payment.


Address details.


Phone number.

Telecom Information Section

In this field:

View this:


The type of phone contact such as Home / Office / Car / Mobile phone.


If selected, indicates that this is the current phone contact.

Permission to Call

Permission as either Yes ‘Y’ or No ‘N’ to contact the customer over phone.


The customer’s phone number.


The customer’s phone extension.

Time Zone

The customer’s time zone.

Best day to call

Preferred day of the week to contact the customer, if specified.

Best Time To Call

Preferred time to contact the customer, if specified.

Outbound Call History

Displays outbound call statistics with following references:

In this field:

View this:


The total number of outbound calls as of today.

Last 7 days

The total number of outbound calls in the past 7 days.

Last 30 days

The total number of outbound calls in the past 30 days.

Work Order Details

Displays work order details as indicated below:

In this field:

View this:

Work Order #

View the work order number.

Case #

View the case number if associated with the work order.

Work Order Type

View the type of work order.


View the vendor to whom the work order is assigned.


View the status of work order.

4.4 Customer Service screen’s Collections tab

The Collections tab in the Customer Service screen displays the collection-related account information required for a collector to work on the account. It is a quick snap-shot of the payment dues and promises along with other account details maintained in the system.

The Collections tab consists of the following sub sections:

Dues & Promises

This section displays the details of unpaid dues and promises on the selected customer account.

The adjacent section display the following details depending on the account status:


When a due is partially paid and the Payment Received flag = N, system displays only the remaining due amount and not the full due amount.

Account Details

This section displays the summary of account-related information maintained in the system. Since some of the sections are already detailed in the above ‘Customer Service screen’s Summary tab’ the same have been referenced in required instances.

Customer Information

Displays the customer's information starting with primary customer. For detailed information, refer to ‘Customer Information section’.

Address Information

Displays corresponding address information of the customer selected in ‘Customer Information’ section. For detailed information, refer to ‘Address Information section’.

Employment Information

Displays the corresponding Employment information of the customer selected in ‘Customer Information’ section. For detailed information, refer to ‘Employment Information section’.

Telecom Information

Displays the corresponding Telecommunication details of the customer selected in ‘Customer Information’ section. For detailed information, refer to ‘Telecom Information Section’.

Collateral Information

Displays the corresponding collateral details maintained in Customer Service > Collateral tab for the selected customer account. For detailed information, refer to ‘Collateral Information section’.

Reference & Other Contacts

Displays the following details maintained in Customer Service > References tab.

For detailed information, refer to ‘References sub tab’.

Customer Preferences

This section displays the details of customer communication preferences maintained in Customer Service > Customer Preferences tab.

In this field:

View this:

Communi­cation Mode

The mode of communication preferred by customer such as Email or Phone.


Communication details such as email ID or phone number.


Preferred type of communication in case of ADHOC TELECOM.

Time Zone

Customer’s time zone.

Best day to call

Preferred day of the week to contact the customer, if specified.

Best Time To Call

Preferred time to contact the customer, if specified.


This section displays the dues and payment related activities on account for the current month in Calendar format. By default, the calendar is displayed in Monthly format and can be changed to view by ‘Day’ on clicking icon. The navigation buttons ( and ) facilitates to move to Previous or Next Month/Day depending on the selection. However, clicking ‘Today’ button reverts the selection to the current Month/Day.

The following events are highlighted in the Calendar on specific dates:

When multiple events occur on the same day, the same is indicated with the count along with a link to view the events. Also depending on the time zone configured, an event may be extended and highlighted to two days in the calendar when there is an overlap.


This section displays the customer account eligibility to take an ‘Extension’ for payment due date and if ‘Due Date Change’ (DDC) is allowed on the account. If yes, the same is indicated with a (tick mark).


This section displays the dues and payment related activities on account for 36 activities starting from A01 up to A36.

4.5 Customer Service screen’s Customer Service tab

Open the Customer Service screen and load the account you want to work with. Click the Customer Service tab to view the sections under it.

4.5.1 Call Activities sub tab

Call activity section includes calls from customer, calls you make regarding the account or changes to the condition of the account. Entries in the Call Activities section are listed in reverse chronological order of follow-up date.

Each action and result has a code and description. The code for the call action and call result is what appears on the Call Activity sub screen. The Call activity action codes (Action field) and call activity results codes (Results field) are user-defined.

The Call Activities sub tab displays all the call activities defined by users in both “Customer Service > Call Activities tab” and in “Right Hand Splitter > Add Call Activity section”. Recording a Call Activity

To record a call activity

  1. Open the Customer Service screen and load the account you want to work with.
  2. Click Customer Service sub tab and then click Call Activities tab under it. Click Add. The system displays the following screen.

  3. You can complete the following optional fields:
  4. Perform any of the Basic Operations mentioned in Navigation chapter.

    In this field:

    Do this:


    System defaults the current date.


    Select the action performed from the drop-down list.


    Select the result of the action from the drop-down list. Depending on the action selected, filtered results are displayed for selection.


    Select who person you contacted from the drop-down list.


    Select the reason for the communication from the drop-down list.

    Promise Date

    Select the promise date from the adjoining calendar.

    Promise Amt

    Specify the promise amount.


    Select the condition or queue type from the drop-down list.

    The list displays a combination of all the possible conditions depending on the action and result selected along with any open conditions applicable on the account. You can select ‘None’ if there are no specific conditions.


    Check this box to take an appointment.

    If Appointment is checked, then system allows you to select date and appointment time as per customer request. If appointment flag is not checked, then you can only enter the date with date picker.

    Followup Dt

    Specify the next follow-up date. Based on this date, system auto­matically adds the account in queue for follow-up.

    Time Zone

    Select the time zone of the customer.

    Group Followup

    Check this box to enable group followup.


    Specify additional information of the call activity, if any.

  5. Perform any of the Basic Actions mentioned in Navigation chapter.
  6. Click to Save and Add to add a new record. Click to Save and Return to return to the main screen. The system creates two entries on Customer Service screen for the call activity.

The codes for Action and Result appear as a record on the Customer Service screen, under Call Activities tab. The description for Action and Result appear as a system generated comment on the Customer Service screen, under Comments tab. If the account is delinquent, then the delinquency days is also appended in the system generated comment. Making an Appointment

The Appointment box on Call Activities section enables you to schedule an account to appear in a particular queue at a future date and time. When you make an appointment, account will appear in the front of queue listed in the Conditions field at the time listed in the Follow Up Dt field.

In order to view the account, you must be working in that queue at follow up time. Refer the ‘Recording a Call Activity section’.

To make an appointment

  1. Open Customer Service screen and load the account you want to work with.
  2. Click Customer Service sub tab and then click Call Activities tab under it.
  3. Click Add and specify the field details on Call Activities section (Refer, Recording a call activity section).
  4. In Condition field, select the condition for queue you want the account to appear in.
  5. In Follow Up Dt field, select the date and time you want account to appear using the calendar. This can be either current day or a day in future.
  6. Select the Appn’mt box.
  7. Click Save And Add / Save And Return.

If account is not worked within the queue on day of the appointment, nightly jobs will cancel the appointment. If the account’s queue condition changes during nightly batch jobs, the outstanding appointments are cancelled. Cancelling an Appointment

Using the Call Activities screen, you can cancel an appointment for an account. The account will still appear in the queue on follow up date, but no longer receive a priority.

To cancel an appointment

  1. Open Customer Service screen and load the account you want to work with.
  2. Click Customer Service sub tab and then click Call Activities tab under it.

Click Add. The system displays Call Activities screen. If you need to change time for the appointment, create a new entry on account’s Call Activities section with the same condition, but enter a new follow up date. If you need to cancel the appointment, create a new entry on account’s Call Activities section with same condition, but don’t check the Appointment check box.
(To create a new entry, refer Recording a Call Activity section.)

  1. Click Save. Recording a Promise to Pay

If you record an action on Call Activities screen as a ‘promise to pay’, it appears as a record on the Account Details screen’s Promises section. The Promises section enables you to quickly view these actions without searching for them individually.

To record a promise to pay

  1. Open Customer Service screen and load the account you want to work with.
  2. Click Customer Service sub tab and then click Call Activities tab under it.
  3. Click Add. The system displays the Call Activities screen. In Action field, select the action which is already performed, such as DC - Dealer Called
  4. In the Result field, select a result involving a promise to pay, such as PP - PROMISE TO PAY.
  5. You can complete the following optional fields:

    In this field:

    Do this:


    Select the contact type. (Who was the person you communicated with?).


    Select the reason, as stated by the contacted person. (What is the reason for this contact?).

  6. In the Promise Dt field, record date when the person you spoke with promises to make payment.
  7. In the Promise Amt field, record amount of payment the person you spoke with promises to pay.
  8. In the Condition field, select the condition or queue type.
  9. In the Follow up Dt field, enter next follow-up date for the promise-to-pay or accept the default date.
  10. Click Save. The system automatically notes this information as an entry on the Promises and Comments sub screens.


If payment amount is within the tolerance limit, promise is considered to be kept. If the pay­ment amount is not within tolerance limit, promise is considered to be broken. Cancelling a Promise to Pay

Oracle Financial Services Lending and Leasing enables you to cancel promises to pay using the Account Detail’s screen Call Activities section. You might do this when a customer informs you prior to the promise date that he or she cannot make the payment.

To cancel the existing promise to pay

  1. Open the Customer Service screen and load the account you want to work with.
  2. Click Customer Service sub tab and then click Call Activities tab under it.
  3. Click Add. The system displays the Call Activities screen.
  4. Select the call activity entry for the promise to pay you want to cancel.

Click the Cancel box. The promise is marked as cancelled and will not be considered when processing promises; in other words, it will not be counted as either satisfied or broken. Posting Offline Call Activities

The system facilitates posting of offline call activities against an account.

To Post Offline Call Activities:

  1. The source file is provided in CSV format (pre-determined for fields & size). Each field in the file is separated by a comma (,) and each line is separated by return (New Line).
  2. A batch job Offline call activity posting, loads the provided flat file in the specified format and system will process it line by line.
  3. For each line, the system posts Call Action Code and the corresponding Call Result Code, for a given account number with SYSDATE.
  4. The system will perform respective call activities and sets the follow-up date as SYSDATE + Follow up Days (As provided in the feed file)
  5. During offline call activity, you can specify comments, if any, in the comments field. The system defaults comments received from offline call activity in the comments section sub tab under Customer Service screen.
  6. During offline call activity, you can also include the alert flag as ‘Y’ or ‘N’ for a comment as the last parameter (i.e. after comments and separated by a comma). Oracle Financial Services Lending and Leasing recognizes this comment as an alert and displays in Customer Service > Summary Tab, in Alerts section.

4.5.2 Maintenance sub tab

The Customer Service screen’s Maintenance screen acts as a single command stations that enables you to post a wide array of monetary and non monetary transactions for any given account. Transaction available is based on the account’s Lease produce and the user’s responsibility. This section explains how to complete the following tasks:

Monetary tasks


‘Change ACH due date’ is optional. So, while posting a due date change transaction, you can choose whether to change the ACH due date or not. If you select 'Yes' for Change ACH due date, then it changes both the ACH due date and due date. If you select 'No', it changes only due date. By default, system sets 'No’ for Change ACH due date parameter. When due date change transaction is being reversed, the original data for due date and Change ACH due date (if this was also changed) would be retained.

In the ACH Maintenance transaction, the ACH default Indicator gets set to ‘Y’ if ACH date gets defaulted from due date maintenance.

Non-Monetary tasks


The system enables you to post a monetary transaction immediately or submit it for nightly processing. The transaction is identified as either a ‘real-time’ or nightly batch transaction in Oracle Financial Services Lending and Leasing’s transaction setup codes. The system also enables you to cancel the future dated transactions or transactions those have been submitted for nightly processing. All activities in the account, including who performed it, date and time stamp, are captured in the audit trail. Creating Monetary and Non monetary Transactions

All monetary and non monetary tasks listed in the appendix Transaction Parameters are available for use on Maintenance screen. Each task requires a Transaction value and a Parameter value.

To use the Maintenance screen to complete monetary transaction

  1. Open Customer Service screen and load the account you want to work with.
  2. Click Customer Service sub tab and then click Maintenance tab under it.

  3. On the Maintenance screen’s Action section, click AddIn the Transaction Batch Information Section section:
    • Select the Monetary box to complete a monetary transaction.


    • Clear the Monetary box to complete a non monetary transaction.
  1. In the Transaction field, select transaction for the task you want to complete. Transaction availability depends on the type of Lease account, whether the transaction is monetary or non monetary, and user responsibility.

Note that, during set up, all transactions are configured to be processed either in real time or as a batch transaction. Accordingly, the ‘Batch’ check box is selected only if the selected transaction is to be performed through batch execution.

  1. Click Load Parameters.
  2. Specify all the required parameter values and click Post.
    The system displays result (success or failure) in the Results section.

You can cancel a transaction by selecting the record and clicking Void. The parameter ‘TPE_TXN_POST_DEFAULT_GLDATE’ is used to default the transaction date to GL date. If the ‘Default Transaction Date to GL Date’ is Yes, then GL date will be defaulted as transaction date. If the value is ‘No’, then the transaction date will not be defaulted and you can specify the transaction date manually.

When transaction date is not equal to or less than the system date, transaction is considered to be back dated. System Date is ‘OFSLL System Date’ which is the GL Date. When user posts the back dated transaction, system displays warning message as “Confirm to post the back dated transaction” with YES/NO. If user selects 'Yes', then transaction proceeds. If user selects 'No', then the transaction gets cancelled.

System displays back dated posting warning message only if the parameter ‘TPE_SHOW_BACKDATE_WARNING’ is set to ‘Y’

When an ‘ON MILITARY DUTY TRANSACTION’ is posted in an account:

4.5.3 Comments sub tab

Oracle Financial Services Lending and Leasing enables you to record/delete comments on the Customer Service screen using Comments tab. These comments also appear under the Comments sub tab.

All the user added Comments in either Customer Service > Comments tab or in Right Hand Splitter > Add Comment section, are displayed in the Comments sub tab including system generated comments. Recording an Additional Comment

To record an additional comment

  1. Open the Customer Service screen and load the account you want to work with.
  2. Click Customer Service sub tab and then click Comments tab under it.
  3. Click Add. The system displays the Comments screen.

  4. If you want to tag this comment as important, select the Alert box. If selected, the comment appears on Customer Service screen’s Alerts section, after Save.
  5. In the Type field, select what type of comment you are adding.
  6. In the Sub Type field, select what sub type of comment you are adding.
  7. In the Comment field, specify your comment.
  8. Click Save and Add to add a new record. Click Save and Return to return to the main screen.

Comments can be viewed under the Comments tab View the following:

In this field:

View this:


If selected, Oracle Financial Services Lending and Leasing to recog­nizes this comment as an alert and displays in Customer Service > Summary Tab, in Alerts section.


The type of comment.


The sub type of comment.


The text message entered in the Add Comments section.

Comment By

The user ID of person who entered comment in the Add Comments section.

Comment Dt

The date on which comment was entered in the Add Comments sec­tion. Deleting Comment(s)

You can delete ‘REGULAR’ type comments displayed in the Comments sub tab.

To delete a comment

  1. Open the Customer Service screen and load the account you want to work with.
  2. Click Customer Service sub tab and then click Comments tab under it.
  3. Select the row which consists of the comment and click Delete from the actions.
  4. Click ‘Yes’ to confirm delete in the warning message displayed.

4.5.4 Promises sub tab

The system automatically updates promise to pay request information as an entry under the Promises sub tab based on value defined in parameter at setup level.

In this field:

View this:

Promise Amt

The amount promised.

Promise Dt

The date by which customer promises to pay the said amount.

Taken By

The user who took promise.

Taken Dt

The date promise was taken.

Collected Amt

The amount collected against the promise.

Broken ind

If ‘Y’, indicates that this is a broken promise.


If ‘Y’, indicates that this is a cancelled promise

If a call was recorded as a Promise to Pay on the Call Activities section, it will appear under the Promises sub tab. The Promises sub tab enables you to quickly view details about the call and subsequent actions and displays 25 most recent promises to pay.

A promise is considered to be broken in either of the following conditions:

System automatically updates the consolidated status of all promises in Customer Service > Summary tab, ‘Delinquency Information’ section. View the following information in the Promises sub tab.

Create Multiple Promises

In the Promises sub tab, you can capture more than one Promise at a go and track all promises, instead of adding multiple call activities to capture multiple promises.

To record multiple promises related to call activity, Click Create Multiple Promises. The system displays the ‘Promises’ section with the following fields:

In this field:

View this:


Select the type of action from the drop-down list.


Select the required result of action from the drop-down list. The Result field drop-down list displays only “Promise to Pay” related results based on the action selected.


Select the type of person you contacted from the drop-down list.


Based on the account condition and the reason stated by the contact, select the appropriate reason from the drop-down list.

Promise St Dt

Select the date from which the first promise is made from the adjoining calendar icon.


Select the frequency of payment from the drop-down list.

Promise Amt

Specify the amount promised by the contact. Ensure that you do not enter zero or a decimal value.

No. of Prom­ises

Specify the total number of promises made by the con­tact. A minimum of one promise need to exist.


Select the check box if a prior appointment is to be taken for future follow-up.


Specify additional details of the promise, if any.

Click Create to record the promise details. Based on the number of promises, equivalent records are created in the section below with the following information:

In this field:

View this:

Promise Dt

The first record indicates the promise start date and subsequent records will have dates incremented based on frequency and number of promises.

Promise Amt

View the amount promised.


Indicates the reason stated by the contact.


Indicates the contact selected.

FollowUp Dt

Indicates the followup date which is auto calculated by the system by adding 2-3 additional days from the promise date.


Indicates if a prior appointment is required for future follow-up.


Specify additional details of the promise, if any.

If required, You can further modify the details of each record.

Click Save and Return. The recorded promises are populated in Call Activities tab for tracking.

For more information on Call Activities, refer Customer Service > Call Activities sub tab section.

4.5.5 Checklists sub tab

In this field:

View this:

Promise Amt

The amount promised.

Promise Dt

The date by which customer promises to pay the said amount.

Taken By

The user who took promise.

Taken Dt

The date promise was taken.

Collected Amt

The amount collected against the promise.


If selected, indicates that this is a broken promise.


If selected, indicates that this is a cancelled promise

Oracle Financial Services Lending and Leasing enables you to use checklist to ensure that procedures are followed to complete various tasks. This instructional information appears under the Checklist sub tab. Completing a Checklist for an Account

To complete a checklist for an account

  1. Open the Customer Service screen and load the account you want to work with.
  2. Click Customer Service tab, Click Checklist sub tab.

  3. In the Check List Type field, select the type of checklist you want to complete and then click Load Checklist. The system loads checklist in the Checklist and Checklist Action sections.
  4. Under Action - Regular tab, Click Edit. In the Action field, select an action you want to complete.
  5. Under Action - Document tab, Click Edit. In Document tab, you can track documents pertaining to the checklist type and update the status.
  6. Note your work with the Yes/No/NA option buttons. You can also add comments to each action on the checklist in the Comment column.
  7. Click Save and Add to add a new record. Click Save and Return to return to the main screen.

4.5.6 Tracking Attributes sub tab

The Tracking Attributes screen enables you to link information to an account that is not tracked by default in the system, but is part of your company’s business practices; for example, the location of important documents, how customers receive pay checks, or the hint questions for remembering a PIN. Such attributes are defined during system setup.

To use the Customer Service screen’s Tracking Attributes screen

  1. Open the Customer Service screen and load the account you want to work with.
  2. Click the Customer Service tab, then click Tracking Attributes sub tab.
  3. Click Load Tracking. The system loads the tracking parameters.

  4. Complete Tracking section by entering the requested parameter in the Value field.
  5. Save any changes you made to the account.

4.5.7 Field Investigation Sub Tab

The Field Investigation sub tab allows you to record the field investigation details for further processing. Field investigation primarily consists of verifying cusotmer’s contact points and the other details to be verified such as address, employment, asset etc through a specific verifying agency.

To record field investigation and create work-order

  1. Open the Customer Service screen and load the account you want to work with.
  2. Click the Customer Service tab, then click Field Investigation sub tab.

  3. In Field Investigation section, perform any of the Basic Operations mentioned in Navigation chapter.

A brief description of the fields are given below:


Do this


Select the customer attached to the account from the adjoining drop-down list

Verification Type

Select the field verification type from the adjoining drop-down list.

Verification Agency

Select the verification agency from the adjoining drop-down list.


Select the field verification status from the adjoining drop-down list.

Spoke to

Specify the name of the person contacted during field verification.

Call Dt

Select the date when the customer was contacted from the adjoin­ing calendar.

# of Attempts

Specify the number of attempts made to contact the customer.


Select the field verification result from the adjoining drop-down list

  1. Perform any of the Basic Actions mentioned in Navigation chapter.
  2. In Verification Details section, perform any of the Basic Operations mentioned in Navigation chapter.

A brief description of the fields are given below:


Do this


Specify remarks, if any regarding the field verification.

Verification Match

Check the box if the verification has matched.

  1. Perform any of the Basic Actions mentioned in Navigation chapter.

4.5.8 References sub tab

The References sub tab enables you to view/add/edit references attached to the account during Lease origination cycle.

To use the Customer Service screen’s References screen

  1. Open the Customer Service screen and load the account you want to work with.
  2. Click the Customer Service tab, then click References sub tab.
  3. Click Add.

Specify the following details:

In this field:

Specify this:


Referee's relationship with borrower.


Referee's name and details in the following fields.


Select the status of the reference as either ‘Active’ or ‘Inactive’ from the drop-down list.


The country.


The address line.


The zip code.

Zip Extn

The zip code extension


The city.


The state.


Number of years that the reference is known by the borrower.


The number of months that the reference is known by the borrower.


The reference’s primary phone number.


The reference’s primary phone extension.

Permission to call

Check this box if customer has provided permission to contact through the specified phone number.

Permission to Text

Check this box if customer has provided permission to contact through text message.


The reference’s secondary phone number.


The reference’s secondary phone extension.

Permission to call

Check this box if customer has provided permission to contact through the specified phone number.

Permission to Text

Check this box if customer has provided permission to contact through text message.


The comments regarding the reference.

  1. Click Save and Add to add a new record. Click Save and Return to return to the main screen.


You can also post a non-monetary transaction to add or modify contact reference details. For more details, refer to Appendix - ‘Transaction Parameters’ chapter. For references up­dated through the Customer Service screen, system automatically appends a comment as 'Direct Update' while posting the respective transactions.

4.5.9 Correspondence sub tab

Ad-hoc correspondence enables you to include information from accounts in document templates you create yourself without manually transferring the data. Ad-hoc documents can be generated as either Microsoft Word or PDF files.

Ad-hoc correspondence can be viewed on the Correspondence screen when you have opened an account. The screen enables you to generate a new letter or view a previously generated letter.

To generate an ad hoc correspondence

  1. Open the Customer Service screen and load the account you want to work with.
  2. Click the Customer Service tab, then click Correspondence sub tab.

  3. In the Correspondence section, click Add. In the Correspondence section, use Correspondence field to select type of correspondence you want to generate. The system displays following information in the Correspondence screen for selected type of correspondence:

    In this field:

    View this:


    The correspondence id.


    The correspondence which is to be generated.


    The correspondence generation date.

  4. In the Correspondence section, click Save. The Documents section displays all types of documents available for the type of correspondence you selected.
  5. In the Documents section, click View.View the following information for each document:

    In this field:

    View this:

    Document Id

    The document Id.


    The document description.


    The recipient description.

    E-Form Source

    The e-form source.

    Source Type

    The source type.


    ’Y’ indicates that Oracle Financial Services Lending and Leasing generated the document.


    ’Y’ indicates that this document is selected to be included in the correspondence.

  6. In the Documents section, select the correspondence you want to view.
  7. The Document Elements section displays elements of the system used to generate correspondence.
  8. Click All to view all elements in the correspondence.

- or -

  1. Click User Defined, to view user-defined elements in the correspondence. In the Document Elements section, view the following information:

    In this field:

    Do this:

    Element Type

    View the document element type.


    View the element description.


    Enter/view value of the element.

  2. In the Document Elements section, click User Defined and complete Content fields for Element fields you want to include in the correspondence.
  3. In the Document Elements section, click Save.
  4. In the Document Elements section, click View.

The system displays a PDF of the ad hoc correspondence. Recipient Details Sub Tab

The recipient details sub tab facilitates you to send ad-hoc correspondence to Customers, Producers, and Others as an email.

To add recipient details

  1. Open the Customer Service screen and load the account you want to work with.
  2. Click Correspondence > Recipient Details.
  3. Perform any of the Basic Operations mentioned in Navigation chapter.

A brief description of the fields is given below:


Do this:


Select the recipient from the drop-down list. The list displays the following options:

- Applicant

- Customer

- Producer

- Others

- Business

Customer Type

This field is enabled if you has selected the recipient as ‘Cus­tomer’. Select the type of customer relation from the drop-down list. The list is populated with all the customer relations linked to the account.


Select the mode of correspondence from the drop-down list. The list displays the following options:

- Fax

- Email


Based on the recipient selected, the following type of correspond­ence is listed for selection:

When the recipient is selected as Customer / Producer, the Type is defaulted as ‘Email’ and associated email ID is selected for cor­respondence. You can also change the Type to ‘Adhoc’ and spec­ify the required email ID.

When the recipient is selected as ‘Others’ you can specify the email ID in Type field for correspondence.


View the auto populated FAX/Email details or select from the drop-down list.

Email and Fax details are auto populated if the recipient is selected as Customer / Producer / Business and the ‘Mode’ and ‘Type’ is selected as EMAIL.


Specify additional information as comments.

  1. In the Recipient Details section, click Save.
  2. Click Send to email the correspondence details to the specified recipients.

System validates the correspondence details and generates a PDF document through BI Publisher with the Correspondence details. The same is emailed to the specified recipient as an attachment and a system generated comment is updated in ‘Comments’ Tab. The correspondence consists of following header details::


Type & Subtype


Comment By

Comment Date


System Generated

<Type> <Correspondence type> sent to <Recipient Type> through < Mode> to <'Email' id>

Logged in user

Current System date with time stamp

4.5.10 Letters sub tab

The Oracle Financial Services Lending and Leasing Customer Service screen’s correspondence address matters regarding customer service and collections for accounts. They also enable financial organizations to manage bulk mailings. The Letters screen enables you to create and view the following types of correspondence:

You can view format of all the above letter types by clicking ‘View Letter’ button. In case, the correspondence to a particular customer has been stopped using the Maintenance, ‘View Letter’ button will not be displayed and only Letters screen will be available.

To use the Letters screen

  1. Open the Customer Service screen and load the account you want to work with.
  2. Click the Customer Service tab, then click Letters sub tab.

Recipient Details

In the Recipient Details section, you can maintain the recipient details to whom the letter should be sent. You can specify the following recipient details:


Do this:


Select the recipient from the drop-down list. The list displays the following options:

- Applicant

- Customer

- Producer

- Others

- Business

Customer Type

This field is enabled if you has selected the recipient as ‘Cus­tomer’. Select the type of customer relation from the drop-down list. The list is populated with all the customer relations linked to the account.


Select the mode of correspondence from the drop-down list. The list displays the following options:

- Fax

- Email


Based on the recipient selected, the following type of correspond­ence is listed for selection:

When the recipient is selected as Customer / Producer, the Type is defaulted as ‘Email’ and associated email ID is selected for cor­respondence. You can also change the Type to ‘Adhoc’ and spec­ify the required email ID.

When the recipient is selected as ‘Others’ you can specify the email ID in Type field for correspondence.


View the auto populated FAX/Email details or select from the drop-down list.

Email and Fax details are auto populated if the recipient is selected as Customer / Producer / Business and the ‘Mode’ and ‘Type’ is selected as EMAIL.


Specify additional information as comments.

  1. In the Recipient Details section, click Save.
  2. Click Send to email the correspondence details to the specified recipients.

System validates the correspondence details and generates a PDF document through BI Publisher with the Correspondence details. The same is emailed to the specified recipient as an attachment and a system generated comment is updated in ‘Comments’ Tab. The correspondence consists of following header details:


Type & Subtype


Comment By

Comment Date


System Generated

<Type> <Correspondence type> sent to <Recipient Type> through < Mode> to <'Email' id>

Logged in user

Current System date with time stamp Servicing: Payoff Quote

The predefined Payoff Quote is sent if a payoff quote is requested for an account. Payoff quotes can be manually generated using Maintenance screen on the Customer Service screen with the monetary Payoff Quote transaction.

To generate a payoff quote letter

  1. Open the Customer Service screen and load the account you want to work with.
  2. Click the Customer Service tab, then click Letters sub tab.
  3. On the Letters section, select Payoff Quote Letter.
  4. Click View Letter to generate Payoff Quote Letter.

4.5.11 Document Tracking sub tab

You can view the documents attached to a particular account by loading the account on Customer Service screen, then clicking the Document Tracking sub tab. You can also open the Document Tracking screen and select from a list of all accounts with documents attached on the Document Tracking screen.

To use the Document Tracking screen

  1. Open the Customer Service screen and load the account you want to work with.
  2. Click the Customer Service tab, then click Document Tracking sub tab.

  3. In the Documents section, select the document you want to view and view the following information:

    In this field:

    Do this:

    Document Type

    View the document type.


    Specify comment.

  4. In the Account Document Details section, select the document you want to view and click Show in the Details column.
  5. In the Account Document Details section, click View to view the following information:

    In this field:

    Do this:

    Document Type

    View the document type.

    Document Sub Type

    View the document sub type.


    View the version. Version numbers will be incremental by batch job, first version will start with 1.0.

    Page #

    View the page number. In multiple paged documents, choose 1 in the Page # field on Account Document Details section to view all the pages in the document.

    Choose a specific page number to view only that page.

    Document File Type

    View the document file type.


    View the status of the document.

    Tracker #

    View the tracking number of the document.

    Docket #

    View the docket number of the document.


    View the location of the document.

    Received Dt

    View the received date of the document.

    Effective Dt

    View the effective date of the document.

    Expiry Dt

    View the expiration date of the document.


    Specify comment.

  6. Click View Document. The system opens a File Download dialog box.
    • Click Open to view the document in the browser screen


    • Click Save to download the document to a location of your choice.
  1. If you want, add comments to the Comments field in the Documents and Account Document Details sections.
  2. Save your entry.

4.5.12 Scenario Analysis sub tab

Oracle Financial Services Lending and Leasing enables you to reschedule customer payments with the Customer Service screen’s Scenario Analysis screen. You can simulate new payment schedule based on the customer’s request and also post the new schedule changes on to the linked Account.

To use the Scenario Analysis screen

  1. Open the Customer Service screen and load the account you want to work with.
  2. Click the Customer Service tab, then click Scenario Analysis sub tab.

You can use the Scenario Analysis screen to calculate a change in the account’s

For lease accounts, the Scenario Analysis screen is available only for ‘Interest Rate’ type of lease calculation method. In the scenario analysis screen, if the ‘Link To Account’ check box is selected (default), you can specify new value for ‘Term’, ‘Residual %’ of a linked account and calculate other lease parameters. The same can also be posted to the account after calculation.

On deselecting the ‘Link To Account’ check box, two options i.e. ‘Calculate Payment’ and ‘Calculate Term’ are enabled and allows you to calculate lease Payment or Term by adjusting the other parameters. However, above option is only for simulation purpose and cannot be posted to the account.

Following are the options in Scenario Analysis screen:

On determining the new payment schedule based on the customer’s request you can click Post to Account to replace existing schedule and update the account with new calculated amount.

The posted transaction can also be reversed in the Transactions screen (Customer Service > Transactions tab).

4.5.13 Access History

The Access History tab in Customer Service screen displays the list of users who have accessed a particular account in Oracle Financial Services Lending and Leasing application.

Irrespective of the action performed on the account or the way through which the account is accessed such as using search, queue/conditions, review requests and so on, system records every access and displays the user details in ‘Account Access History’ section.

Starting with the last user, the Account Access History section displays the list in descending order along with their logged-in User ID (Accessed By), date and time (Access Dt) of login in separate columns.

To view the account access history

  1. Open the Customer Service screen and load the account you want to work with.
  2. Click the Customer Service tab, then click Access History sub tab.

You can click (refresh) to fetch the latest data.

4.6 Customer Service screen’s Account Details tab

Open the Customer Service screen and load the account you want to work with. Click the Account Details tab to view the sections under it.

4.6.1 Account Details sub tab

Oracle Financial Services Lending and Leasing enables you to view account details using Account Details sub tab.

In the Account Information section click View.

View the following information for Lease servicing product.

In this field:

View this:

Interest and Accruals section

Accural Start Dt

The accural start date.

Last Accural Dt

The last accural date.

Stop Accrual

If selected, indicates that the accrual has been stopped for the account.

Accrual Method

The accrual method.

Base Method

The base method.

Rebate Method

The rebate calculation method.

Note: This field is displayed for ‘Rent Factor’ type of lease calculation.

Accrued Interest

The accrued interest amount.

Note: This field is displayed for ‘Interest Rate’ type of lease calculation.

Index Type

The index type.

Index Rate

The current index rate.

Margin Rat

The current margin rate.


The current rate.

Depreciation Value

The depreciation value.

Residual Value

The residual value.

Residual %

The residual percentage.

Rent Charge

The rent amount.

Balloon Amt

The balloon amount.

Note: This field is displayed for ‘Interest Rate’ type of lease calculation.

Residual Value in Final Bill

If selected, indicates that the Residual value of the asset can be included in the final bill.

Residual Valuation

The Residual Valuation as either Contract Value or Fair Market value.

Note: Fair Market Value is referred from Collateral > Valuation tab.

Rate Change Details section

Rate Start of the Year

The start rate of the year.

Last Rate Adj Dt

The last rate adjust date.

# of Rate Adjs (Year)

The number of due date changes (year).

# of Rate Adjs (Life)

The number of due date changes (life).

Reschedule Method

The reschedule method.

Reschedule Value

The reschedule value.

Extn and Due Dates section

# of Extensions (Life)

The number of times extensions granted (life).

# of Extension Term (Life)

The number of terms extensions granted (life).

# of Due Day Changes (Year)

The number of due day changes allowed in a year.

# of Due Day Changes (Life)

The number of due day changes allowed in a life of an account.

Last Extn Dt

The last extn date.

Due Day Change Dt

The due day change date.

Early Termination section

Allowed To Terminate

If selected, indicates that the contract is allowed to be terminated before the maturity date.

Note that, system validates and allows termination only if either the Billed Term or Lease Amount Recovered % is met.

Billed Term

The minimum number of bills that needs to be generated before allowing for early termination.

Lease Amt Recovered %

The percentage of lease amount to be recovered to allow early termination.

Additional Details section

Total Term

The total term.

Paid Term

The paid term.

Maturity Dt

The maturity date.

Security Deposit

The security deposit amount paid during contract.

Note: On posting ‘SECURITY_DEP_ADJUST’ (Secu­rity Deposit Adjustment) transaction, the security deposit amount is deducted to adjusting the arrears on the account.

Recourse Details - This section displays the recourse information captured in Origi­nation or the information updated during servicing in the respective Contract screen.


View the recourse indicator. If selected, it indicates that there is a recourse associated with the Lease.

Recourse Type

The recourse type as either 'Partial' or 'Full'.

Recourse Reason

The recourse reason depending on the type of recourse selected.

Recourse Max %

Percentage of recourse allowed.

Recourse Amt

Flat recourse amount allowed.

Cure Letter - This section displays the ‘Cure Letter’ details if it has been issued on the account on nonconforming to certain terms that are in violation of obligations and which are to be fixed within the time provided in cure letter.

System populates the Cure Letter details when the non monetary transaction ‘CURE LETTER DATE MODIFY’ is posted on particular account.

Start Date

Displays the start date mentioned in Cure letter.

Expiry Date

Displays the date when the Cure notice expires.


Statement Consolidation

View the statement Consolidation indicator propagated from Origination > Funding screen or updated by post­ing Master Account - Statement Consolidation Indica­tor Maintenance non monetary transaction.

If checked, indicates that system generates consoli­dated billing statement at Master Account level along with details of all the associated accounts.

If unchecked, system generates billing statement to only current account.

Stmt preference mode

The account statement preference mode (Email or PHYSICAL) as defined in Origination > Contract screen is displayed here.

Time Zone

Customer’s time zone.

Securitization Eligible

View the Securitization Eligible Indicator. If checked, indicates that the account is eligible for securitization.

Time Bar Details - System considers those accounts which are in ACTIVE or CHARGED OFF status and having dues, as time barred debts and displays the follow­ing time bar details:

Start Date

View the time bar start date which is the last payment date made on the account. The time bar years is calcu­lated starting from this date.

End Date

View the time bar end date. System calculates this date from the start date till the total time bar years specified in Setup > Products > Contract screen.

Days to Time Bar

View the total number of days remaining to reach the time bar end date.

Settlement Information - System displays the account settlement details when the ‘Account Settlement Transaction’ is posted.

Effective Dt

View the settlement agreement start date.

Good Through Dt

View the settlement agreement expiry date.

Agreed Amt

View the settlement amount agreed by customer to the lender.

Paid Till Dt

View the total amount paid by the customer and allo­cated to account balances during the agreed period (between effective date and Good through date).

System computes the total of all Good payment amounts received between ‘effective date’ and ‘good through date' and displays total amount paid only after the batch (ACCOUNT SETTLEMENT PROCESSING) is executed.

Usage / Rental Details

Agreement Type

View the Agreement Type if the current account belongs to any of the below category. Else, the same is displayed as UNDEFINED.




4.6.2 Statements sub tab

The Statements sub tab facilitates to view the list of statements generated for the account till date. In case of Master Account, you can view the list of consolidated statement of Master Account along with the associated accounts.

The Statements sub tab contains Statements, Transactions, Messages and Usage Summary sections. The Statements section displays a list of all statements generated during life of the account. The Transaction section displays monetary transactions applied to the account from closing date of the previous statement through closing date of the current statement. The Messages section displays user-defined message that appears in the statement. The Usage Summary section displays usage based billing of lease account for each billing cycle.

To view the Statements screen

  1. Open the Customer Service screen and load the account you want to work with.
  2. Click the Account Details tab, then click Statements sub tab.

  3. Select either ‘Current’ or ‘Consolidated’ option.

Note the following:

    • The ‘Current’ or ‘Consolidated’ option is available only for Master Account to filter and view the list of statements for current Master Account and consolidated statements of Master Account and Associated Accounts.
    • On selecting ‘Consolidated’, an additional section ‘Consolidated Statement Details’ is enabled to display the list of consolidated statements for Associated Accounts having the ‘Statement Consolidation’ flag enabled in Account details.
    • By default, only those accounts having the same currency of Master Account are displayed.
    • The consolidated Account statements associated for each Master Account is generated on executing the batch job MASTER ACCOUNT STATEMENTS GENERATION in batch job set SET-ODD2.
  1. In the Statements section, click View.

View the following information:

In this field:


Closing Dt

The statement closing date.

Due Dt

The statement due date.

Generation Dt

The statement generation date.

  1. In the Consolidated Statements Details section, select Loan / Line / Lease option to group and view the consolidated statements based on Product/Funding type. The default Product type is Master Account Product type.
  2. Click View and view the following information:

    In this field:


    Current Due (+)

    The current due.

    Past Due

    The past due amount.

    Late Charge (+)

    The late charge due.

    Other Charges (+)

    The other charges due.

    Tax Charges (+)

    Lease Sales and Usage Tax amount.

    Total Due =

    The total due.

  3. In the Statements Details section, select the statement and click View.

View the following:

In this field:


Account #

The Customer Account number.

Current Due (+)

The current due.

Past Due (+)

The past due amount.

Fee Usage Charge(+)

The Usage Fee charged for Lease account.

Late Charge (+)

The late charge due.

Other Charges (+)

The other charges due.

Tax Charges (+)

Lease Sales and Usage Tax amount.

Total Due =

The total due.

  1. Click Transactions sub tab and click View
  2. View the following information:

    In this field:


    Account #

    The Customer Account number.

    Txn Dt

    The transaction effective date.

    Transaction Type

    The type of transaction.


    The transaction amount.

Click Messages sub tab and click View.

  1. View the following information:

    In this field:


    Account #

    The Customer Account number.


    The sequence number.


    The message.

Click Usage Summary sub tab and click View.

  1. The Usage Summary sub tab gives you a summary of units charged for asset Usage/Rental which is derived based Usage/Rental Charge Matrix. For detailed information, refer Usage Summary section.
  2. The Usage History sub tab displays the asset usage details either populated via web service or input file upload. For more information, refer Usage History section.

4.6.3 Rate Schedule sub tab

The Rate Schedule section contains information about rate adjustments, such as the sequence and number of adjustments.

To view the Rate Schedule screen

  1. Open the Customer Service screen and load the account you want to work with.
  2. Click the Account Details tab, then click Rate Schedule sub tab.

The Rate Schedule section only applies to variable rate loans.

  1. In Rate Schedule section, click View.
  2. View the following information:

    In this field:

    View this:


    The sequence number for rate adjustment.

    Adjustment Frequency Type

    The rate adjustment frequency type.


    The rate adjustment period for the frequency.

    # of Adjustments

    The number of rate adjustments for the frequency.

4.6.4 Insurances sub tab

If insurance information was entered on Funding screen during Lease origination, you can view financed insurance information on the Customer Service screen’s Insurances screen. The Insurances screen displays the details of all financed insurances, including cancellation and refund information whenever applicable. It also displays the insurances that were financed after funding of Lease using the Customer Service screen’s Maintenance screen.

To view the Insurances screen

  1. Open the Customer Service screen and load the account you want to work with.
  2. Click the Account Details tab, then click Insurances sub tab.

  3. On the Insurances screen, view the following information in Insurance Information section:

    In this field:



    If selected, indicates that the insurance policy is required by contract.

    Insurance Type

    The insurance type.


    The insurance company.


    The insurance policy number.

    Effective Dt

    The insurance effective date.

    Premium Amt

    The insurance premium amount.


    The insurance term.


    The insurance status.

Click View and view the following information:

In this field:


Policy Information section:


If selected, indicates that the insurance policy is required by contract.

Insurance Type

The insurance type.

Insurance Plan

The insurance plan.


The insurance company.


The insurance policy number.

Effective Dt

The insurance effective date.

Premium Amt

The insurance premium amount.

Commission Rule

The rule of commission.

Primary Beneficiary

The primary beneficiary of the insurance.

Secondary Benefi­ciary

The secondary beneficiary of the insurance.


The status.

Sub Status

The sub status.

Insurance Mode

The insurance mode.


The insurance company’s primary phone number.

Phone 2

The insurance company’s alternate phone number.


The contract itemization.

Expiry Dt

The insurance expiry date.


The term of insurance.

Commission Amt

The insurance commission amount.


The comments regarding the insurance policy.

Cancellation/Refund section:

Policy Cancellation Dt

The insurance cancellation date.

Refund Allowed

If selected, a refund is allowed. A selected box indicates that the insurance premium can be rebated to the cus­tomer in case of early payoff.

Grace Days Cancella­tion Fee Allowed

If selected, indicates that cancellation fees during grace period is allowed.

Cancellation Fees

View amount of the cancellation fee to be charged when the insurance is cancelled.

Complete Refund

If selected, a complete refund is allowed.

Term Remaining

The remaining term on the insurance at cancellation.

Refund Calculation Method

The refund calculation method.

Grace Days

View the number of grace days allowed for cancellation without charging a cancellation fee.

Estimated Refund Amt

The estimated insurance refund.

Received Refund Amt

The insurance refund received.


The contract itemization.

Deduct Fee From

View the option defined in setup screen (Setup > Administration > Products > Insurances) to deduct the cancellation fee.

‘Premium Amount’ indicates fee is deducted upfront before computation and ‘Rebate Amount’ indicates fee is deducted after computation.

  1. In the Insurance Tracking section, click Create Tracking. The system loads insurance tracking parameters in the Insurance Tracking section.
  2. If you want to reduce the list of parameters, select a sub attribute in the unlabelled Sub Attribute box next to Create Tracking button.
    If your system has been configured to use the Sub Attribute field, only attributes in a particular group appear in the parameter display.
  3. Click Edit and complete the Parameter and Value fields.
  4. Click Save.

4.6.5 Condition Details sub tab

The Customer Service screen’s Condition Details tab displays the detailed log report of Account Vs Queue configuration changes i.e. every time an account has been changed from one queue/user/condition to another.

To view Condition Details

  1. Open the Customer Service screen and load the account you want to work with.
  2. Click Account Details tab, then click Condition Details sub tab.

The Condition Details tab is further categorized into following sections:


The Condition/Queue section displays the closed Conditions, Queues and User changes which were defined initially and later re-assigned to different Queues with Hard Assigned Users.

A current active Condition can be opened in any of the following cases:

The Condition/Queue section displays the following information:

Condition/Queue History

The Condition/Queue section displays only the closed Conditions which were defined on the account and later was re-assigned to different Queues with Hard Assigned Users.

The Condition/Queue History section displays the following information:

In the Condition/Queue History section, select the required record and click ‘View’.

4.6.6 Contract Information sub tab

The Customer Service screen Contract sub tab enables you to view contract and truth-in-lending information recorded during the funding process. It’s a display only version of the same information found on the Funding screen’s Contract screen.

To view an account’s contract information

  1. Open the Customer Service screen and load the account you want to work with.
  2. Click Account Details tab, then click Contract Information sub tab.

  3. Use the following sub tabs to view more information about the contract, if available:

For more information on the sub tabs of the Contract tab, refer the section Contracts tab in Funding chapter of the Origination User Guide.

4.6.7 Tax Details

The Tax Details tab under Customer Service > Account Details tab displays the lease sales tax exemption details and the tax code of the account maintained in the system. On posting the non-monetary ‘SALES TAX EXEMPTION DETAILS MAINTENANCE’ transaction to exempt tax during Bill/Due Date, Late Charge, or Payoff Quote process, the updated tax exemption details are displayed here.

For information on posting the above transaction, refer to Exempt Sales Tax in Customer Service section in Appendix chapter.

To view Tax exemption details

  1. Open the Customer Service screen and load the account you want to work with.
  2. Click Account Details tab, then click Tax Details sub tab.

4.7 Customer Service screen’s Associated Accounts tab

The Associated Accounts screen displays all the accounts associated with the selected Master Account in the ‘Associated Account Details’ section.

By default, system displays only those accounts having the same currency as that of Master Account. However, clicking on ‘Show All’ button displays all the accounts associated with Master Account irrespective of the currency with which the account is operated.

At the bottom of the grid, you can view the Count with total number of records displaying in Associated Account Details. Also the ‘Total PayOff Amt’ and ‘Total Amt Due’ is displayed which includes the Associated Account's + Master Account Dues and Payoff Amounts. This data is not displayed if ‘Show All’ option is checked.

To view associated account details

  1. Open the Customer Service screen and load the account you want to work with.
  2. Click ‘Associated Accounts’ sub tab.

A brief description of ‘Associated Account Details’ are given below:

In this field:

View this:

Account #

The account number.

Clicking on the hyperlink opens the respective account in Customer Servicing screen.


The title of the account.


The type of product associated with the account.


The disbursement currency.

Billing Cycle

The billing frequency.

Delq Days

The number of days the account has been delinquent.

Pay Off Amount

The total pay off amount on the account.

Amount Due

The total amount due on the account.

Oldest Due Dt

The oldest payment due date on the account.


The status of the account.

Asset Type

The type of asset associated with the account.

Asset Sub Type

The asset sub type.

Collateral Description

Details of primary collateral associated with account.

In case of Home Collateral, no Collateral Description is displayed.

Identification #

The identification number of the asset.


The portfolio company.


The portfolio branch.

4.8 Customer Service screen’s Customer/Business De­tails tab

Open the Customer Service screen and load the account you want to work with. Click the Customer/Business Details tab to view the sections under it.

If the selected account belongs to an individual Customer, this tab is displayed as ‘Customer Details’ and if there is no customer linked and only a business is involved in the account such as commercial leasing, this tab is displayed as ‘Business Details’. In case both Customer and Business are involved in the account, this is still displayed as ‘Customer Details tab’ and both the sub tabs ‘Customer’ and ‘Business’ are displayed.

Customer/Business Details screen displays the information gathered on application entry process regarding the customer and customer’s address, employment data, phone numbers and credit score. Using this screen, you can update or add to a customer’s address, employment information, or phone listing. Whenever you add or edit the details, a system generated comment will be posted in the account to keep record of old and new details.

Note that the ‘Edit’ option on this screen has user level security defined and based on your responsibility, you can either edit a few or all of the fields. The difference is that, you may either have access to edit only non-PII (Personal Identifiable Information) fields or edit all possible fields as per the customer maintenance transaction.

The list of possible editable fields in both these scenarios is given below:

Edit non-PII fields

All editable fields

Marital Status

Birth Date


Marital Status



Mother's Maiden Name


Class Type

Mother's Maiden


Class Type

Stop Correspondence



Stop Correspondence



Privacy opt out


Existing CIF

Privacy Optout


Existing CIF


Identification Details like




Issue Date


Expiry Date


Visa #




National ID




License #


License State

4.8.1 Customer sub tab

Using the Customer sub tab, you can view and update the existing Customer details. When an existing record is updated and saved, the same becomes the current/primary details of the customer and the current indicator is set to ‘Y’ by default. In such a case, the previous customer details are disabled (set to N). You can select the ‘Show All’ check box in Customer Information section to view the disabled records along with current record.

To view or edit customer information

  1. Open the Customer Service screen and load the account you want to work with.
  2. Click Customer Details sub tab.

  3. In the Customer Information section, click ‘Edit’. You can also perform any of the Basic Operations mentioned in Navigation chapter. A brief description of the fields are given below:

    In this field:

    View this:

    Customer Information section

    Customer #

    Customer number.


    Customer ‘s relation with the bank.


    The Equal Credit Opportunity Act code.


    Customer’s name.

    Birth Dt

    Customer’s date of birth.

    Marital Status

    Customer’s marital status.


    Status of the account.


    Customer’s language.


    Customer’s education.

    Mother’s Maiden Name

    Customer’s mother’s maiden name.

    Class Type

    Customer’s class type.


    Customer’s e-mail address.

    Stop Correspond­ence

    Customer’s stop correspondence indicator. If selected, this indi­cates that the system will not send the customer any correspond­ence, such as monthly statements. This is selected using the Maintenance screen.


    Customer’s disability indicator.


    Customer’s skip indicator. If selected, this indicates that the cus­tomer is a skip debtor. This is selected using the Maintenance screen.


    Customer’s bankruptcy indicator.

    Privacy Opt-Out

    Privacy opt-out indicator. If selected, indicates that the applicant has elected to refrain from the non-public sharing of information.

    Insurance Opt Out

    Insurance Opt Out indicator. If selected, indicates that the appli­cant has elected to refrain from insurance related inquiries.

    Marketing Opt Out

    Marketing Opt Out indicator. If selected, indicates that the appli­cant has elected to refrain from marketing related inquiries.

    Share Credit Opt Out

    Share Credit Opt Out indicator. If selected, indicates that the appli­cant has elected to refrain from financial information and share credit related inquiries.

    Existing CIF

    If selected, indicates that the customer is an existing CIF.

    Update Customer Info

    If selected, indicates that the system was allowed to override the existing customer information with the latest address and commu­nication details during account creation.

    Identification Details section

    Passport #

    Customer’s passport number.

    Issue Dt

    Passport issue date.

    Expiry Dt

    Passport expiry date.

    Visa #

    Customer’s visa number.


    Customer’s nationality.

    National ID

    Customer’s national identification.


    Customer’s social security number. If the organizational parame­ter UIX_HIDE_RESTRICTED_DATA is set to Y, this appears as a masked number; for example, XXX-XX-1234.

    License #

    Customer’s licence number.

    License State

    State where the licence was issued.

    Payment Hierar­chy

    The payment hierarchy is auto-populated by the system based on following conditions:

    • While funding an application with new customer details, the payment hierarchy is populated with value specified in system parameter PMT_HIERARCHY_CODE.
    • While funding an application with existing customer details, the same payment hierarchy selected for existing customer record is populated.

    The auto populated payment hierarchy can be modified by select­ing the required value from the drop-down list. This list is popu­lated based on the hierarchy definitions maintained in Setup > Administration > User > Payment Hierarchy screen along with ‘Equal Amount’ which is a default value provided by the system to adjusts the payment equally to all customer linked accounts.

    Military Service

    Active Military Duty

    Active military duty indicator. If selected, indicates that customer is on active military duty and may qualify for rates in accordance with the Service members Civil Relief Act of 2003 (SCRA).

    Effective Dt

    The effective date

    Order Ref #

    The order reference number.

    Release Dt

    The release date.

    Customer Decease Date

    The deceased date of the customer. You can also post a non mon­etary transaction to indicate if a customer is deceased. Refer to section Mark Customer as Deceased for more information.

    KYC section

    Reference #

    Specify the reference number of KYC document.


    Select the status of KYC document from drop-down list.

    FATCA section

    Birth Place

    Specify the birth place of the applicant.

    Birth Country

    Select the country of birth of the applicant from drop-down list.

    Permanent US Resident Status

    Check the box to indicate if the applicant has permanent US resi­dent status.

    Power of Attorney section

    Power of Attorney

    Check the box to indicate that the applicant holds Power if Attor­ney.

    Holder Name

    Specify the holder name of the power of attorney.


    Specify the address of the attorney holder.


    Select the country of the power of attorney holder from drop-down list.


    Select the country of the power of attorney holder from drop-down list.

    Telephone Number

    Specify the telephone number of the power of attorney holder.

    Credit Limit Details section

    Max Limit

    View the maximum credit limit amount sanctioned for this cus­tomer.

    Total Utilized Amt

    View the total credit limit amount utilized.

    Available Amt

    View the credit limit available amount from the sanctioned limit.

    Hold Amt

    View the credit limit amount on Hold.

    Suspended Amt

    View the credit limit amount suspended.


    View the grade of the customer.

    Max Late Charge

    View the maximum amount of late charge that can be levied for this customer. However, there is no system validation performed based on the amount specified.

    Limit Expiry

    View the credit limit expiry date.

    Limit Next Renewal

    View the date when credit limit has to be renewed.

    Utilization Details

    % of Utilization

    View the percentage of credit limit used to fund the account against the customer.

    Utilization Amount

    View the amount of credit limit contribution of customer towards Account current balance.

  4. Perform any of the Basic Actions mentioned in Navigation chapter.

When military duty transaction is posted on an account, the system does the following: Addresses sub tab

  1. In the Address sub tab, click ‘Add’. You can also perform any of the Basic Operations mentioned in Navigation chapter. A brief description of the fields are given below:

    In this field:

    View this:


    The address type.


    If selected, indicates that this is the customer’s current address.


    Check this box to indicate that the address is confirmed by the customer.


    Check this box to indicate that this is the customer’s mailing address.

    Permission to Call

    Check this box if customer has provided permission to contact through the specified phone number.

    Permission to Text

    Check this box if customer has provided permission to contact through text message.


    The country.

    Postal Address Type

    The postal address type.

    Address #

    The address.

    Street Pre

    The street pre.

    Street Name

    The street name.

    Street Type

    The street type.

    Street Post

    The street post.

    Apt #

    The apartment number.

    Address 1

    The customer’s address.

    Address 2

    The customer’s address.

    Address 3

    The customer’s address.


    The zip code.

    Zip Extn

    The zip code extension.


    The city.


    The state code.


    The phone number.


    The address.

    Time Zone

    View the customer time zone auto populated form TIME_ZONE_CD lookup code.

    Census Tract/BNA Code

    The census tract/BNA code.

    MSA Code

    The metropolitan statistical area (MSA) code.


    Comments regarding the address.

  2. Perform any of the Basic Actions mentioned in Navigation chapter. Telecoms sub tab

When you add new Telecom details or update existing details and save the record, the same becomes the current/primary Telecom of the customer and the current indicator is set to ‘Y’ by default. In such a case, the previous Telecom details are disabled (set to N).

  1. In the Telecom sub tab, click ‘Add’. You can also perform any of the Basic Operations mentioned in Navigation chapter. A brief description of the fields are given below:

    In this field:

    Do this:


    Select the telecommunication type.


    Specify the phone number.


    Specify the phone extension.


    Select if this telecom number is current.

    Permission to Call

    Check this box if customer has provided permission to con­tact through the specified phone number.

    Permission to Text

    Check this box if customer has provided permission to con­tact through text message.

    Time Zone

    Select the applicant’s time zone.

    Start Time

    Specify the best time to call start time.

    End Time

    Specify the best time to end the call.


    Specify the time period.

    Best day to call

    Select the preferred day of the week to contact the cus­tomer from the drop-down list.

    End Time

    Specify the best time to end the call.


    Select the time period for the best time to call end time, am or pm, from the drop-down list.

  2. Perform any of the Basic Actions mentioned in Navigation chapter. Employments sub tab

  1. In the Employment sub tab, click ‘Add’. You can also perform any of the Basic Operations mentioned in Navigation chapter. A brief description of the fields are given below:

    In this field:

    View this:


    If selected, indicates that this is the customer’s current address.

    Permission to Call

    Check this box if customer has provided permission to contact through the specified phone number.

    Permission to Text

    Check this box if customer has provided permission to contact through text message.


    The occupation.


    The employer’s name.


    The occupation.


    The title.


    The department of the employment.


    The country.

    Address #

    The address line.

    Address Line 1

    The employer’s address.

    Address Line 2

    The employer’s address.


    The zip code.

    Zip Extn

    The zip code extension.


    The city.


    The state.


    The work phone number.


    The work phone number extension.


    Comments regarding the employment.

    Pay Day

    View or select the payment day of the month using the adjoining cal­endar.

    For OFSLL generated accounts, system propagates the Pay Date defined in Origination > Application Entry > Applicant Tab > Employ­ments Sub Tab and is editable.

    For conversion accounts, you need to select the payment day.

    Next Pay Day

    The next payment day is auto populated based on the Pay Day and Frequency specified. When ‘Pay Day’ is selected, system posts a non-monetary transaction - EMPLOYMENT ADDRESS MAINTE­NANCE to calculate the next payment day after the current date has elapsed.


    Select the income frequency from the drop-down list.

  2. Perform any of the Basic Actions mentioned in Navigation chapter. Tracking Attributes sub tab

You can add tracking attribute information to an application at any time on the Customer Details screen’s Customer Tracking Attributes section

In the Tracking Attributes section, click Edit

When you click Create Tracking, the system loads the tracking parameters.

Save any changes you made to the account. Customer Score

Customer score or FICO score, also referred to as ‘Fair Isaac & Company’ credit score is a numeric summary of credit history compiled by the three major credit bureaus - Equifax, Trans Union, and Experian. This is obtained during Credit bureau pull and is one of the indicator for a customer (SSN) in the entire credit report.

The Customer Score tab displays all the customer FICO score data maintained in the system. Though the customer score is recorded while funding, the same can be captured and updated regularly during the life cycle of Lease to get a snapshot of credit score movements in recent history.

The customer score can be updated on required intervals by posting ‘Customer Credit Score Update’ non-monetary transaction and the data is populated into this screen. For more information, refer to Customer / Business Credit Score Update section.

In the ‘Customer Score Information’ section, select the required record and click ‘View’.

A brief description of the fields are given below:

In this field:

View this:

Txn Dt

View the transaction posted date.

Score Received Dt

View the date when customer score was received from credit bureau.

Relation Type Code

View the account relation type (Primary, Spouse, and so on) which are attached to account.


View the name of credit bureau from where the credit score is received.


View the customer credit score value.

Reference Number

View the reference number associated with the credit score.

Reason Code

View the reason for posting this transaction.


Additional information if any.

4.8.2 Business sub tab

If this is a SME or Business Lease, information gathered on the application entry process regarding the business and business’s address, partners data, affiliates data, phone numbers and business credit score appears on the Customer Service screen’s Business sub tab.

Using the Business sub tab, you can add new business details to an account and/or update the existing business’s address, partners and affiliates information, or phone listing. New business details can be added even after an account is created and is usually done in case when the existing business is taken over by another business.

When you add new business or update existing details and save the record, the same becomes the current/primary business of the customer and the current indicator is set to ‘Y’ by default. In such a case, the previous business details are disabled (set to N). You can select the ‘Show All’ check box in Business Details section to view the disabled records along with current business details.

On adding a new business, the Business # is auto generated by the system and other details such as business’s Addresses, Telecoms, Partners, credit score and so on are to be manually updated. Also, if there is a pre-defined Customer Credit Limit allocation to an existing business, the same is reinstated to new business automatically.

You can also add/update business details by posting a non monetary transaction. For more information, refer to Add/Update Business Customer Details section in Appendix chapter.

To add or edit business information

  1. Open the Customer Service screen and load the account you want to work with.
  2. On the Customer Service screen, click the Customer Details tab and then click Business.

  3. In the Business Details section, click ‘ADD’. You can also perform any of the Basic Operations mentioned in Navigation chapter. A brief description of the fields are given below:

    In this field:

    View this:


    ‘Y’ indicates that it is the current / primary business of customer associated with the account. ‘N’ indicates a non primary Business.

    Business #

    View the system generated business number. This field is displayed only while you update existing Busi­ness details.

    Organization Type

    Select the Organization type from the drop-down list.

    Type of Business

    Select the Type of the business from the drop-down list.

    Business Category

    Select the Business category from the drop-down list.

    Name of the Business

    Specify the name of business.

    Legal Name

    Specify the legal name of the business.

    Tax Id #

    Specify the Tax identification number.

    Start Dt

    Select the Business start date from adjoining calendar.

    # of Employees (Cur)

    Specify the current number of employees at the busi­ness.

    # of Employees

    Specify the number of employees at the business after financing.

    Contact Person

    Specify the contact person at the business.

    Business Checking Bank

    Specify the bank name of the business’s checking account.

    Bank Acc #

    Specify the bank account number of the business.

    Avg Checking Balance

    Specify the average checking balance.

    # of Locations

    Specify the number of locations where the business is established.

    Management Since

    Specify the year the current management was estab­lished.

    Payment Hierarchy

    The payment hierarchy is auto-populated by the sys­tem based on following conditions:

    • While funding an application with new customer details, the payment hierarchy is populated with value specified in system parameter PMT_HIERARCHY_CODE.
    • While funding an application with existing customer details, the same payment hierarchy selected for existing customer record is populated.

    The auto populated payment hierarchy can be modi­fied by selecting the required value from the drop-down list. This list is populated based on the hierarchy definitions maintained in Setup > Administration > User > Payment Hierarchy screen along with ‘Equal Amount’ which is a default value provided by the sys­tem to adjusts the payment equally to all customer linked accounts.

    Stop Correspondence

    Stop correspondence indicator. If selected, Oracle Financial Services Lending and Leasing will not send correspondence to the business.


    Business’s skip indicator. If selected, indicates that the Business has debts and the customer is a skip debtor.


    Business’s bankruptcy indicator.

    Privacy Opt-Out

    Privacy opt-out indicator. If selected, indicates that the business has elected to refrain from the non-public sharing of information.

    Insurance Opt Out

    Insurance Opt Out indicator. If selected, indicates that the business has elected to refrain from insurance related inquiries.

    Marketing Opt Out

    Marketing Opt Out indicator. If selected, indicates that the business has elected to refrain from marketing related inquiries.

    Share Credit Opt Out

    Share Credit Opt Out indicator. If selected, indicates that the business has elected to refrain from financial information and share credit related inquiries.

    Update Business Info

    Value is auto populated and if selected, indicates that the system was allowed to override the existing busi­ness details with the latest address and communica­tion details during account creation.


    Business’s e-mail address.

  4. The below fields are displayed only while editing the details of an existing business and information within the fields are populated from Origination > Customer Credit Limit section:

    Credit Limit Details section

    Max Limit

    View the maximum credit limit amount for the account.

    Total Utilized Amt

    View the total credit limit amount utilized.

    Available Amt

    View the credit limit available amount from the sanc­tioned limit.

    Hold Amt

    View the credit limit amount on Hold.

    Suspended Amt

    View the credit limit amount suspended.


    View the grade of the business.

    Max Late Charge

    View the maximum amount of late charge that can be levied for this business. However, there is no system validation performed based on the amount specified.

    Limit Expiry

    View the credit limit expiry date.

    Limit Next Renewal

    View the date when credit limit has to be renewed.

    Utilization Details

    % of Utilization

    View the percentage of credit limit used to fund the account against the business.

    Utilization Amount

    View the amount of credit limit contribution of Business towards Account current balance.

  5. Perform any of the Basic Actions mentioned in Navigation chapter. Addresses sub tab

  1. In the Address sub tab, click ‘Add’. You can also perform any of the Basic Operations mentioned in Navigation chapter. A brief description of the fields are given below:

    In this field:

    View this:


    If selected, indicates that this is the customer’s current address.

    Permission to call

    Check this box if customer has provided permission to contact through the specified phone number.

    Permission to Text

    Check this box if customer has provided permission to contact through text message.


    Check this box to indicate that the address is confirmed by the customer.


    Check this box to indicate that this is the customer’s mailing address.

    Address Type

    Address type.


    Country code.

    Address #

    Address number.

    Postal Type

    Postal type.



    Street Name

    Name of street.

    Street Type

    Type of street.


    Post box number.

    Apt #

    Apartment number.

    Address 1


    Address Line 2

    Address Line 2


    Zip code.

    Zip Extn

    Zip extension.






    Phone number.


    Ownership type.

    Time Zone

    View the business time zone auto populated form TIME_ZONE_CD lookup code.


    Additional comments.

  2. Perform any of the Basic Actions mentioned in Navigation chapter. Telecoms sub tab

When you add new Telecom details or update existing details and save the record, the same becomes the current/primary Telecom of the business and the current indicator is set to ‘Y’ by default. In such a case, the previous Telecom details are disabled (set to N).

  1. In the Telecom sub tab, click ‘Add’. You can also perform any of the Basic Operations mentioned in Navigation chapter. A brief description of the fields are given below:

    In this field:

    View this:

    Permission to call

    Check this box if customer has provided permission to contact through the specified phone number.

    Permission to Text

    Check this box if customer has provided permission to contact through text message.

    Telecom Type

    Select the Telecommunication type from the drop-down list.


    Enter the business phone number.


    Enter the phone extension.


    Check this box to indicate that this is the current record.

    Best day to call

    Select the preferred day of the week to contact the business from the drop-down list.

    Start Time

    Specify the start time after when you can contact the business.


    Select the period as AM/PM from drop-down list.

    End Time

    Specify the end time before which you can contact the business.


    Select the period as AM/PM from drop-down list.

  2. Perform any of the Basic Actions mentioned in Navigation chapter. Partners sub tab

  1. In the Partners sub tab, click ‘Add’. You can also perform any of the Basic Operations mentioned in Navigation chapter. A brief description of the fields are given below:

    In this field:

    View this:

    Permission to call

    Check this box if customer has provided permission to contact through the specified phone number.

    Permission to Text

    Check this box if customer has provided permission to contact through text message.

    First Name

    Partner’s first name.


    Partner’s middle name.

    Last Name

    Partner’s last name.


    Partner’s suffix.


    Partner’s social security number.

    Birth Dt

    Partner’s birth date.

    Birth Place

    Partner’s birth place.

    Director Ind

    If selected, indicates that partner is the director of the business.


    Partner’s net worth.

    Gross Income

    Partner’s gross income.


    Partner’s language.


    Partner’s nationality.


    Partner’s title.

    Ownership (%)

    Percentage of ownership held by the partner.


    Partner’s e-mail.


    Partner’s phone.


    Partner’s phone extension.

  2. Perform any of the Basic Actions mentioned in Navigation chapter. Affiliates sub tab

  1. In the Affiliates sub tab, click ‘Add’. You can also perform any of the Basic Operations mentioned in Navigation chapter. A brief description of the fields are given below:

    In this field:

    View this:

    Organization Type

    Affiliate’s organization type.

    Legal Name

    Affiliate’s legal name.

    Name of the Busi­ness

    Affiliate’s business name.

    Tax ID #

    Affiliate’s tax identification.

    Ownership (%)

    Affiliate’s percentage of ownership.

    # of Employees

    Affiliate’s number of employees.


    Affiliate’s North American Industry Classification System code.

  2. Perform any of the Basic Actions mentioned in Navigation chapter. Tracking Attributes sub tab

You can add tracking attribute information to an application at any time on the Business Details screen’s Business Tracking Attributes section.

In the Tracking Attributes section, click Edit

When you click Create Tracking, the system loads the tracking parameters.

Save any changes you made to the account. Business Score

Business score or business credit score is a numeric summary of business credit history compiled by the three major credit bureaus - Equifax, Trans Union, and Experian. This is obtained during Credit bureau pull and is one of the indicator for a business account in the entire credit report.

The Business Score tab displays all the business score data maintained in the system. Though the business score is recorded while funding, the same can be captured and updated regularly during the life cycle of business Lease to get a snapshot of credit score movements in recent history.

The business score can be updated on required intervals by posting ‘Business Credit Score Update’ non monetary transaction and the data is populated into this screen. For more information, refer to Customer / Business Credit Score Update section.

In the ‘Business Score Information’ section, select the required record and click ‘View’.

A brief description of the fields are given below:

In this field:

View this:

Txn Dt

View the transaction posted date.

Score Received Dt

View the date when business score was received from credit bureau.


View the name of credit bureau from where the credit score is received.


View the business credit score value.

Reference Number

View the reference number associated with the credit score.

Reason Code

View the reason for posting this transaction.


Additional information if any.

4.9 Customer Service screen’s Customer Preferences tab

The Customer Preferences tab allows you to define the customer communication preferences at an account level for each relation type associated with the account. The details of this tab are populated to Customer Service > Collections tab for further action.

However, if any of the following transactions are posted on the account the defined customer communication preferences are disabled and can be manually enabled in specific conditions:

To view or edit customer preferences

  1. Open the Customer Service screen and load the account you want to work with.
  2. Click Customer Preferences sub tab.

  3. In the Customer Preferences section, click ‘ADD’. You can also perform any of the Basic Operations mentioned in Navigation chapter. A brief description of the fields are given below:

    In this field:

    View this:

    Relation Type

    Select the account relation type from the drop-down list. The list displays only those relationship types which are attached to account and are enabled (excluding deceased customer rela­tions).

    Communication Mode

    Select the preferred mode of communication as one of the follow­ing from the drop-down list.

    EMAIL ADDRESS - if selected, system displays the email ID associated with the selected contact in view mode and allows you to enable/disable the customer preference record.

    TELECOM - if selected, you can further select the type of commu­nication option as Telecom type, Address or Employment for which the permission to call indicator is ‘Y’. On selection, the other details are auto-populated based on the details maintained in Cus­tomer Service > Telecom, Address and Employment tabs. You can also enable/disable the customer preference record.

    ADHOC TELECOM - if selected, you can specify the following field information.


    Select the preferred type of communication option from the drop-down list. The list displays the options maintained in TELECOM_­TYPE_CD lookup.


    Specify the phone number of the selected contact.

    Note: On saving the record, system updates the specified phone number into ‘Telecom’ tab by internally posting a non-monetary transaction ‘EMPLOYMENT ADDRESS MAINTENANCE’.


    Specify the extension (if any) for the selected contact.

    Permission to Call

    This check box is selected by default and indicates that the cus­tomer has provided permission to contact through the specified phone number.

    Time Zone

    Select the contact’s time zone.

    Best Day to Call

    Select the preferred day of the week to contact the customer from the drop-down list.

    Start Time

    Specify the start duration after which the contact can be called.


    Specify the time period (AM/PM).

    End Time

    Specify the end duration before which the contact can be called.


    Specify the time period (AM/PM).


    Check this box to enable the customer preference record.

    Note: You can always enable only one record of a particular com­munication mode and for a particular relation type at any given point.

  4. Perform any of the Basic Actions mentioned in Navigation chapter.


Clicking ‘EDIT’ in the Customer Preferences section allows you to only enable or disable the customer preference record.

4.10 Customer Service screen’s Transaction History tab

Open the Customer Service screen and load the account you want to work with. Click the Transaction History tab to view the sections under it.

4.10.1 Balances sub tab

Details of an account balance can be viewed on the Balances sub tab.

The Balance Group in Balances section consists of the following four action buttons:

By default, the Current Balance option is selected. In case the status of an account is ‘Charged Off’, then the system defaults to ‘Deficiency Balance’ option.

Depending on which one you select, a different set of balance information appears. In all cases, the Balance screen can be viewed in the following two transaction period modes:

To view account balance information

  1. Open the Customer Service screen and load the account you want to work with.
  2. Click Transaction History tab, then click Balances sub tab
  3. In the Balance Group section, select the balance you want to view.

Current Balance displays the current balances for accounts with an status of ACTIVE.

In this field:


Balance Type

The balance type.

Opening Balance

The opening balance amount.


The amount posted (in addition to the opening balance).

Paid Balance

The amount paid.


The amount waived.

Charged Off

The amount charged off.

Adjusted (-)

The amount adjusted (negative adjustments).

Adjusted (+)

The amount adjusted (positive adjustments).


The current (closing) balance. The total active balance of the account is displayed at the bottom.

Deficiency Balance displays the current balances for accounts with an status of charged off. If you click Deficiency Balance, the following information appears:

In this field:


Balance Type

The balance type.

Opening Deficiency

The opening deficiency balance.

Chg off Posted

The additional charged off amounts posted.


The amount of deficiency balance paid.

Deficiency Balance

The current (closing) deficiency balance. The total defi­ciency balance of the account is displayed at the bottom.

Non-Performing Balance displays the current balance for accounts with status as non-performing. Non-Performing accounts fall between Charged Off accounts and Active accounts. These accounts are treated as active when dealing with the customer, but for accounting purposes are treated differently as they are expected to charge off in the future. Fee and interest balances are not expected to be collected in full and therefore are not recognized as income. If you click Non-Performing Balance, the following information appears:

In this field:


Balance Type

The balance type.

Opening Non-Performing

The opening non performing balance.

Paid / Terminate

The amount of non performing balance paid or termi­nated.

Paid Excess

The additional non performing amounts posted.


The amount waived.

Adjusted (-)

The amount adjusted (Negative adjustments).

Adjusted (+)

The amount adjusted (Positive adjustments).


The current (Closing) non performing balance. The total non-performing balance of the account is dis­played at the bottom.

Terminate Balance displays the current balance for accounts with a status of TERMINATE. Selecting Terminate Balance option displays the following account details.

In this field:


Balance Type

The balance type.

Opening Balance

The opening non performing balance.

Paid / Terminate

The amount of non performing balance paid or terminated.


The amount waived.

Charge Off

The additional charged off amounts.

Adjusted (-)

The amount adjusted (Negative adjustments).

Adjusted (+)

The amount adjusted (Positive adjustments).


The balance amount to terminate.

  1. In the Txn Period Balance section, select how you want to view the balance:

Select ITD/CTD to view transactions by Inception-to-date /Cycle-to-date:


Select YTD to view the transactions by year to date.

4.10.2 Transactions sub tab

The Transactions screen displays all transactions that have occurred over the life of account. Transactions can be sorted by when the transaction was created (Post Dt) or the effective date of transaction (Txn Dt). You can choose to view all transactions, filter System / User posted transactions, export account transaction details to a file, or reverse certain transactions. This information comes from the payments and advances applied to the account, maintenance tasks, and nightly processes such as billing.

To view the transaction history of an account

  1. Open the Customer Service screen and load the account you want to work with.
  2. Click Transaction History tab, then click Transactions sub tab.

  3. In the View Options section, select type of transactions in this account’s history you want to view on the Transactions screen.

    If you select this:

    The system displays:

    Good Payments

    All valid payments that was neither voided nor reversed.

    All Payments

    All transaction involving payments.

    Good Fees

    All valid fees that was neither voided nor reversed.

    All Fees

    All transaction involving fees.

    Good Txns

    All transactions that was neither voided nor reversed.

    All Txns

    All transactions.

  4. In the View section, you can further filter the list of transactions which are posted by System or User. Selecting ALL transactions displays all the transactions.

    If you select this:

    The system displays:


    All system posted transactions filtered based on View option selection are displayed.


    All User posted transactions filtered based on View option selection are displayed.

    All Txns

    All posted transactions filtered based on View option selection are displayed.

  5. In the Sort Option section, choose Post Dt to sort entries on in Transactions section in order of when the transaction was made effective.


  1. Select Txn Dt to sort the entries on in Transactions section in order of when the transaction was created.
  2. In View Option section, click View to view the following information:

    In this field:


    Transactions section

    Post Dt

    The transaction posting date.

    Txn Dt

    The transaction effective date.


    The transaction details.


    The currency of the transaction.


    The transaction amount.


    The transaction details.

    Balance Amt

    The balance amount. This is the principal balance, not the total balance amount.

    Payment Currency

    The payment currency.

    Payment Amount

    The payment amount.

    Payment Type

    The payment type.


    The reference number associated with the transaction.


    The mode of the transaction.


    The reason for the transaction.

    Posted By

    Indicates if the transaction is either system posted (marked as INTERNAL) or user posted (marked with User ID)

    Allocation Details


    The transaction allocation details.


    The transaction allocation amount. To Reverse (or Void) a Transaction

  1. Open the Customer Service screen and load the account you want to work with.
  2. On the Customer Service screen, click Transaction History tab and then click Transactions.
  3. In the Transactions section, select the transaction you want to reverse.
  4. Click Reverse. A confirmation dialog is displayed.
  5. Click ‘Yes’ to reverse the transaction. On confirmation, the reversal is posted for processing.

Some transactions cannot be reversed. If a transaction cannot be reversed, the Reverse button will be dimmed when transaction is selected. If the Reverse button is unavailable, the transaction anniversary cannot be reversed.

Access to the Reverse button can be restricted by user responsibility and account’s product type using the PAYMENT_REV transaction code (Super Group: ACCOUNT MONETARY TXN) on the Administration screen.

(For more information, see Txn Codes tab (Transaction Super Group screen) section of the Administration (System) Setup chapter in the Oracle Financial Services Lending and Leasing Setup Guide). Voiding an Account

To void an account

Oracle Financial Services Lending and Leasing can be configured to void an account using the Reverse button on the Transaction screen.

  1. Open the Customer Service screen and load the account you want to work with.
  2. On the Customer Service screen, click Transaction History tab and then click Transactions.
  3. In the Transactions section, select Active entry in the Description field.
  4. Click Reverse.

On the Transactions screen, Oracle Financial Services Lending and Leasing creates an entry of Reverse Active and reverses all transactions. The system also changes status of the account to Closed: Void and changes status of the application to approved-void (or whatever the account’s last status was before funding).

To use this feature, active _rev transaction code must be enabled and set to manual on the Transaction Super Group screen for your user responsibility and account’s product type. (For more information, see the Txn Codes tab (Transaction Super Group screen) section of the Administration (System) Setup chapter in the Oracle Financial Services Lending and Leasing Setup Guide). Export Account Transaction Details

In the Transactions sub tab, you can export the required account transactions and allocation details to a file.

To export account transaction details

  1. Open the Customer Service screen and load the account you want to work with.
  2. On the Customer Service screen, click Transaction History tab and then click Transactions.
  3. In the Transactions section, select the required transaction.
  4. Click Export to Excel. The details are exported to a .xls file with options to save or open.

4.10.3 Payment Rating sub tab

To view the transaction history of an account

  1. Open the Customer Service screen and load the account you want to work with.
  2. Click Transaction History tab, then click Payment Rating sub tab.

The Payment Rating section displays month and year of payment and rating reported to credit bureaus through Metro 2 file for the past 24 months, including the following:

In this field:

View this:

Pmt Rating

The payment rating.

Rating Description

The payment rating description.

Acc Status

The credit bureau account status.

Status Description

The credit bureau account status description.

Month/Year Rating

The month/year of payment rating.

4.10.4 Due Date History sub tab

The Due Date History tab provides a delinquency history, by payment, by displaying a history of all due dates, along with when actual payment was made for that due date and the subsequent balance. If a payment was delinquent, Due Date History section displays the number of days the customer was delinquent against each due date.

Due Date History sub tab displays all the dues that have crossed the system date and also the history that is currently available in Transaction History > Due Date History sub tab.

  1. Open the Customer Service screen and load the account you want to work with.
  2. Click Transaction History tab, then click Due Date History sub tab.

In Due Date History section, click View

View the following:

In this field:

View this:

Due Dt

The due date.

Due Amt

The due amount.

Last Pmt Dt

The last payment date.

Pmt Amt

The payment amount.

Balance Amt

The balance amount.

Days Past Due

The days past due.

Pmt Received

If selected, indicates the payment was received.

4.10.5 Repayment Schedule sub tab

The Repayment Schedule section contains information about schedule of repayment such as the date and payment amount.

  1. Open the Customer Service screen and load the account you want to work with.
  2. Click Transaction History tab, then click Repayment Schedule sub tab.

View the following information:

In this field:

View this:

Repayment Schedule section


The payment sequence number.


The repayment date.

# of Pmts

The number of payments.

Pmt Amt

The payment amount.


If selected, indicates that the repayment schedule has been generated.

Repayment Schedule Details section


The repayment date.

Payment Amt

The payment amount.

Principal Amt

The amount paid to principal.


The amount paid to interest.

Balance Princi­pal

The balance of the principal.

4.10.6 Work Order sub tab

To expedite repossessions and foreclosures, the display only Vendor Work Order screen enables you to view all the work orders issued to different vendors for an account.

To view the vendor work order screen

  1. Open the Customer Service screen and load the account you want to work with.
  2. Click Transaction History tab, then click Work Order sub tab.

In the Vendor Work Order section, click View

View the following display only information:

In this field:

View this:

Work Order Type

The assigned work order type.


The assignment date.


The estimated dollar amount of work order.


The vendor number and name.


The assigned status.

Total Amt

The total estimated dollar amount of all work orders.

You can create/view and maintain vendor work orders related to an account.

If vendor screen is already opened in the main screen and user tries to create new work order or open an existing work order, system displays the warning message as “Vendor management screen is already open. Please close it and retry”.

  1. Click Close on the Vendor Management screen to return to the Customer Service screen.

For more information about using the Vendor Management screen, please refer to the Vendor chapter in the User Guide.

4.11 Customer Service screen’s Pmt Modes tab

Open the Customer Service screen and load the account you want to work with. Click the Pmt Modes sub tab to view the sections under it.

4.11.1 ACH sub tab

If used, the ACH section displays information about automated clearing house and electronic fund transfers.

To view the ACH information screen

  1. Open the Customer Service screen and load the account you want to work with.
  2. Click Pmt Modes tab, then click ACH sub tab.

The system displays the ACH details depending on the following option selected:

If you have selected ‘Recurring’ or ‘One-Time Phone’ option, you can further Add, Edit, or Copy the details and perform any of the Basic Operations mentioned in Navigation chapter. On save, the system will automatically post the transaction capturing the current transaction date along with a comment as 'Direct Record Update' for the particular ACH transactions.

If you have selected ‘Recurring’ option, the following fields are displayed:

In this field:

View this:

Reference #

The unique reference number.

Bank Name

The bank name.

Bank City

Specify the city where the bank exist.

Bank State

Select the state where the bank exist form the drop-down list.

Routing #

The routing number.

Account Type

The type of account.

Name On Account

Specify the name of the account.

Account #

The account number. If the organizational parameter UIX_HIDE_RE­STRICTED_DATA is set to Y, this appears as a masked number; for example, XXXXX1234.


Select the Business Identifier Code from the drop-down list. The list displays the BIC codes defined in the system.


Specify the IBAN (International Bank Account Number). IBAN is used for identifying bank accounts across national borders with a minimal of risk of propagating transcription errors.

Ensure that value entered satisfies the check-digit validation based on modulo 97. On save, system automatically validates the IBAN number length based on country code, characters, white spaces, and check­sum. Validation is also done during posting non-monetary transaction (ACH Maintenance).

You can maintain the IBAN length and other details required as per the country code in the user defined table (Setup > Administration > Sys­tem > User Defined Tables).

Note: IBAN for 'NL' country code (IBAN_FORMAT_NL) is defined by default with length of IBAN as 18.

Sequence Type

System displays the current Sequence Type of the selected account.

Depending on the nature of direct debit, the sequence type can be one of the following:

- First - First time direct debit

- Recurrent - Subsequent repayments after first direct debit

- Final - Final repayment

- One-off - One time bullet contract repayment

However, during the life cycle of the payment processing, the direct debit sequence type for an account can change.

Pmt Day

The payment day.

Pmt Amt

The Payment amount.

Pmt Amt Excess

The excess payment.

Pmt Freq

The payment frequency.

Fee Amt

The amount charged as fees.

Direct Debit Fee

If selected indicates that the fees is debited directly.

Start Dt

The date the system began using ACH payments for this account

End Dt

The ACH end date.


If selected indicates that this ACH is the default ACH for the account.


The status of the account.


This information can be edited using the Maintenance screen and the non monetary trans­action ACH MAINTENANCE.

If you have selected ‘One-Time Phone’ or ‘All’ option, the following fields are displayed:

In this field:

View this:

Reference #

The unique reference number.

Bank Name

The bank name.

Bank City

The bank city.

Bank State

List of available states.

Routing #

The routing number.

Account Type

The type of account.

Name On Account

The account name.

Account #

The account number. If the organizational parameter UIX_HIDE_RE­STRICTED_DATA is set to Y, this appears as a masked number; for example, XXXXX1234.


Select the Business Identifier Code from the drop-down list. The list displays the BIC codes defined in the system.


Specify the IBAN (International Bank Account Number). IBAN is used for identifying bank accounts across national borders with a minimal of risk of propagating transcription errors.

Ensure that value entered satisfies the check-digit validation based on modulo 97. On save, system automatically validates the IBAN number length based on country code, characters, white spaces, and check­sum. Validation is also done during posting non-monetary transaction (ACH Maintenance).

You can maintain the IBAN length and other details required as per the country code in the user defined table (Setup > Administration > Sys­tem > User Defined Tables).

Note: IBAN for 'NL' country code (IBAN_FORMAT_NL) is defined by default with length of IBAN as 18.

Sequence Type

System displays the current Sequence Type of the selected account.

- First - First time direct debit

- Recurrent - Subsequent repayments after first direct debit

- Final - Final repayment

- One-off - One time bullet contract repayment

However, during the life cycle of the payment processing, the direct debit sequence type for an account can change.

Debit Dt

The debit date.

Pmt Amt

The Payment amount.

Direct Debit Fee

If selected indicates that the fees is debited directly.

Secret Ques­tion

Select the secret question from the drop down list.

Provided To Whom

The person to whom the ACH is concerned.


Additional reference if any.

Drawer Rela­tion Type

The withdrawer relation to ACH.

Drawer Name

The name of withdrawer.

Drawer Address1

Address of withdrawer,

Drawer Address2

Address of withdrawer,

Drawer City

City of withdrawer,

Drawer State

State of withdrawer,

Drawer Zip

Zip of withdrawer,


The status of the account.


This information can be edited using the Maintenance screen and the non monetary trans­action ACH MAINTENANCE.

Copying ACH Details

You can copy and maintain ACH details from Pmt Modes sub tab of Customer Service screen. Copy option is available only when you have selected the ACH option as either Recurring or One-Time Phone.

To copy the ACH details

  1. Select a record and click Copy.
  2. A confirmation message is displayed as ‘Do you want to Copy ACH Record?’. Click OK to copy and create a new record.

On confirmation, the system creates a new row with new reference number, Status as ‘Active’, Default as ‘N’, Start Dt as ‘System Dt + Pre note days’ and all the other details as maintained in the copied record. When a new record is created using the Copy function, the system will post a ‘New ACH Transaction’ capturing the current transaction date along with a comment as 'Direct Record Update'.

4.11.2 Coupon sub tab

The Coupon section displays information regarding coupons associated with the account.

To view the coupon screen

  1. Open the Customer Service screen and load the account you want to work with.
  2. Click Pmt Modes tab, then click Coupon sub tab.

View the following:

In this field:

View this:


If the coupons are ordered for the selected account.

Coupon Start­ing #

The starting number of coupon ordered for the customer.

Order Date

The order date of the coupon.

# of Coupons

The total number of coupons ordered for the customer.

Ordered By

The person who ordered the coupons

4.11.3 Post Dated Checks sub tab

The Post Date Check section enables you to view any post dated check information for the account, if PDC is a method of repayment.

To view the post dated checks details screen

  1. Open the Customer Service screen and load the account you want to work with.
  2. Click Pmt Modes tab, then click Post Dated Checks sub tab.

View the following:

In this field:

View this:

PDC Type

The type of post dated check in use.


The status of the post dated check.

Check #

The check number of the post dated check.

Check Dt

The check date of the post dated check.

Check Amt

The check amount of the post dated check.

Bank Name

The bank name of the post dated check.

Account Type

The account type of the post dated check.

Account #

The account number of the post dated check.


Additional information as comments, if any.

4.11.4 Payment Arrangement sub tab

The Payment Arrangement section enables you to define and calculate the payment amount for the account with status Charge-off. An alert message will be displayed in the Customer Service screen when the user tries to view the payment arrangement for account other than charged off status.

To view the Payment Arrangement details screen

  1. Open the Customer Service screen and load the account you want to work with.
  2. Click Pmt Modes tab, then click Payment Arrangement sub tab.

The Payment Arrangement section is enabled only when the Payment Arrangement Batch job is posted.

  1. In the Payment Arrangement section, click View to view the following details:

    In this field:

    Do this:


    Displays the payment frequency.

    Start Date

    Enter the start date from when the customer pays.


    Enter the number of payments. Note that if the term is speci­fied as zero “0”, an error message is displayed.

    End Date

    View the end date of the payment.

    Plan Amount

    View the payment amount which the customer plans to pay.

    Outstanding Amount

    View the outstanding amount.

  2. In the Details section, click View to view the following details:

    In this field:

    View this:


    View the start date of the payment plan.


    View the payment frequency.

    Plan Amount

    View the planned payment amount.

    Paid Amount

    View the paid amount.

    Satisfied Ind

    Indicates that the customer done the payment arrangements.

    Broken Ind

    Indicates that the customer did not make the payment arrangement.

    Enabled Ind

    Indicates that the arrangement is active

On Clicking Deactivate, the account will be deactivated.

To add a new payment rearrangement plan, previous plan has to be manually deactivated otherwise the system displays an error message. This condition applies to the payment arrangement previous plan even when the 'Broken Indicator' is selected.

Only one Payment arrangement plan can exist at a time. If a schedule broken by the customer make another payment arrangement, the first payment arrangement has to be deactivated and only then, the other payment can be added.

4.12 Customer Service screen’s Bankruptcy tab

The Bankruptcy screen enables you to record the details of a bankruptcy. This information usually is supplied from the customer or customer’s attorney. You can track each stage of the bankruptcy process based on its follow-up date and record information using the Details and Tracking sections.

As there are occasions when a borrower files bankruptcy more than once during tenure of the Lease, you can record information for multiple bankruptcies. The Add button enables you to create a new bankruptcy record with different start and end dates. You can also use the Bankruptcy screen to view previous bankruptcy record using Next and Previous buttons in Detail section. The Current box in Detail section indicates the current bankruptcy details.

When a Bankruptcy condition is opened on an account, the system defaults a detailed tracking record with ‘Current’ field enabled and ‘Follow up date’ defaulted to system date. The ‘Disposition’ is defaulted as ‘NEWLY RECEIVED’. The system only adds a new detail tracking record. No processing will be done with respect to detail tracking record when the bankruptcy condition is closed.

To enter bankruptcy details for an account

  1. Open the Customer Service screen and load the account you want to work with.
  2. Click Bankruptcy tab.
  3. In the Bankruptcy Details section, select the bankruptcy record you want to work with.


  1. Select Add to refresh the Bankruptcy screen to create a new record.

  2. In the Bankruptcy Details section, enter, view or edit the following information:


    Do this:


    Select to indicate this is the current bankruptcy record.

    Follow up Dt

    Enter the follow-up date for the bankruptcy.


    Select the bankruptcy disposition.


    Select the bankruptcy type.


    Select the customer from the drop-down list


    The system displays relation of the customer


    Enter a comment.

    File Received Dt

    Select the file received date for the bankruptcy.

    Bankruptcy Start Dt

    Select the bankruptcy start date.

    Bankruptcy End Dt

    Select the bankruptcy end date.

  3. Click Save.
  4. In the Tracking section, click Load Tracking. The system loads the bankruptcy tracking parameters.
  5. If you want to reduce the list of parameters, select a sub attribute in the Sub Attribute field. If your system has been configured to use the Sub Attribute field, only attributes in a particular group appear in parameter display.
  6. Complete the Create Tracking section by entering information regarding bankruptcy in the Value field for each corresponding Parameter, click Save on the Bankruptcy screen.

4.12.1 Call Activities sub tab

Call activity section includes calls from customer, calls you make regarding the account or changes to the condition of the account. Entries in the Call Activities section are listed in reverse chronological order of follow-up date.

For details on how to Record a Call Activity, refer Call Activities sub tab section in “Customer Service screen’s Customer Service tab” section.

4.12.2 Comments sub tab

Oracle Financial Services Lending and Leasing enables you to record comments on the Customer Service screen using Comments tab. These comments also appear under the Comments sub tab.

For details on how to Record a Comment, refer Comments sub tab section in “Customer Service screen’s Customer Service tab” section.

4.12.3 Due Date History sub tab

The Due Date History tab section provides a delinquency history, by payment, by displaying a history of all due dates, along with when actual payment was made for that due date and the subsequent balance. If a payment was delinquent, Due Date History section displays the number of days the customer was delinquent against each due date.

For more details, refer Due Date History sub tab section in “Customer Service screen’s Transaction History tab” section.

4.13 Customer Service screen’s Repo/Foreclosure tab

The Repossession/Foreclosure screen enables you to record information regarding repossessions/foreclosure in a manner similar to how bankruptcies are recorded on the Bankruptcy screen. You can track each stage of repossession/foreclosure process based on the follow-up date and record information using the Details and Tracking section.

4.13.1 Repossession sub tab

On occasion, a lender performs multiple repossessions for the same Lease. The Create New Repossession button on the Repossession screen enables you to create a new repossession record for a different collateral and different start and end dates. You can also use the Repossession screen to view previous repossession information using the Next and Previous buttons in the Details section. The Current box in Details section indicates the current repossession record for each asset.

This tab will be available only when the collateral type associated with the Lease account is a Vehicle.

You can update the current record, but previous records cannot be modified.

When the REPO call activity is posted, system defaults the primary collateral details and current status will be checked.

When a Repossession condition is opened on an account, the system defaults a detailed tracking record with ‘Current’ field enabled and ‘Follow up date’ defaulted to system date. The ‘Disposition’ is defaulted as ‘NEWLY RECEIVED’. The system only adds a new detail tracking record. No processing will be done with respect to the detail tracking record when the repossession condition is closed.

To Specify repossession details for an account

  1. Open the Customer Service screen and load the account you want to work with.
  2. Click the Repo/Foreclosure sub tab, then click Repossession.
  3. In the Repossession Details section, select the repossession record you want to work with.


  1. Click Add to refresh the Repossession screen to create a new record.

  2. In the Details section, add view or edit the following information:

    In this field:

    Do this:


    Select the check box to indicate if this is the current repos­session record.

    Followup Dt

    Specify the follow-up date for the repossession from the adjoining calendar.


    Select the repossession type.


    Select the collateral involved in the repossession.


    Select the repossession disposition.

    File Received Dt

    Select the file received date for the repossession.

    Repo Dt

    Select the repossession start date.

    Repo End Dt

    Select the repossession end date.


    Specify a comment.

    Case Repo Details - This section displays the following details based on the case response received from the interfaced third party system.


    Displays the case number of the repossession.

    National For­warder

    If checked, indicates that National Forwarder carrier is equipped in the repossession.

    Condition Report Status

    If checked, indicates that the condition report exist.

    Condition Report Recd Dt

    Displays the date when condition report was received.


    Displays the mileage of the vehicle.

    Key Status

    Indicates if the vehicle key(s) is available.

    Field Agent Name

    Displays the name of the field agent involved in the repos­session.


    Displays the address of the field agent.


    Displays the contact number of the field agent.

    Storage Loca­tion

    Displays the location where the vehicle is currently stored.

    Repo Location

    Displays the repossession location.

    Police Dept Name

    Displays the name of police department involved in repos­session.

  3. In the Tracking section, click Load Tracking. The system loads the repossession tracking parameters.
  4. If you want to reduce the list of parameters, select a sub attribute in the Sub Attribute box.
    If your system has been configured to use the Sub Attribute field, only attributes in a particular group appear in the parameter display.
  5. Complete the Tracking section by entering information regarding repossession in the Value field for each corresponding Parameter, then click Save.

4.13.2 Foreclosure sub tab

The Foreclosure screen enables you to record information regarding foreclosure in a manner similar to how bankruptcies are recorded on the Bankruptcy screen. You can track each stage of the repossession process based on follow-up date and record information using Details and Tracking section.

A lender can perform multiple foreclosures for the same Lease. The Create New Foreclosure button on the Foreclosure screen enable you to create a new foreclosure record for a different collateral and different start and end dates. You can also use the Foreclosure screens to view the previous foreclosure information using Previous and Next buttons in Details section. The Current box in Details section indicates the current foreclosure record for each asset.

This tab will be available only when the Collateral type associated with the Lease account is home.

You can update the current record, but previous records cannot be modified.

To enter foreclosure details for an account

  1. Open the Customer Service screen and load the account you want to work with.
  2. Click the Repo/Foreclosure sub tab, then click Foreclosure.
  3. In the Foreclosure Details section, select the foreclosure record you want to work with.


  1. Click Add to refresh the Foreclosure screen to create a new record.

  2. In the Foreclosure Details section, enter view or edit the following information:

    In this field:

    Do this:

    Current box

    Select to indicate this is the current repossession/foreclosure record.

    Followup Dt

    Select the follow-up date for the repossession/foreclosure.


    Select the foreclosure disposition.


    Select the foreclosure type.


    Select the foreclosure asset.

    File Received Dt

    Enter the file received date for the foreclosure.

    Foreclosure Start Dt

    Enter the foreclosure start date.

    Foreclosure End Dt

    Enter the foreclosure end date.


    Enter a comment.

  3. In the Tracking section, click Load Tracking. The system loads the foreclosure tracking parameters.
  4. If you want to reduce the list of parameters, select a sub attribute in the Sub Attribute box.
    If your system has been configured to use the Sub Attribute field, only attributes in a particular group appear in the parameter display.
  5. Complete the Tracking section by entering information regarding foreclosure in the Value field for each corresponding Parameter, then click Save.

4.13.3 Analysis sub tab

The Analysis screen enables you to create and analyze possible scenarios for re marketing and sale of the asset. This enables you to calculate the possible gain or loss in the sale of an asset. Expenses already incurred on the asset are displayed on Expenses sub screen. You can change the numbers if you expect more expenses by the time asset is sold. You can have up to three Repo/Foreclosure and three Sales analyzes on each Analysis screen.

To complete a repossession/foreclosure analysis or sales analysis for an account

  1. Open the Customer Service screen and load the account you want to work with.
  2. On the Customer Service screen, click Repo/Foreclosure tab and then click Analysis.
  3. In the Analysis section, select the analysis record you want to work with and click Load.


  1. Click Add to refresh the Foreclosure screen to create a new record.

  2. In the Analysis section, select the Current box if you wish to indicate that this is current analysis worksheet.
  3. In the Analysis section, use the Level field to select analysis level you want to use, account or asset.
    • Select Account if you want analysis to use value of the entire account.

- or -

    • Select Asset if you want analysis to use the value of a particular asset.
  1. In the Analysis section, enter, view, or edit the following information:

    In this field:

    Do this:

    Current Ind

    Current Indicator. Select the check box if analysis is current.


    Select the Analysis level from the drop down list.

    Balance %

    Specify balance allocation percentage.

    Analysis Dt

    View the analysis date.

    Current Value

    View the asset current total value.


    If you want to perform an analysis for a particular asset, select the asset.


    Specify comment associated with the analysis.

  2. Specify all the required information in Analysis or Bid section, depending on the type of incident you are analyzing.
  3. Complete the details in Expenses and Refunds sub screens, corresponding to analyze or bid number on the Analysis screen. The data here is loaded to the analysis and bid columns as ‘expenses’ and ‘refunds’.
    • To complete the Expenses sub screen:

      In this field:

      Do this:

      Expense Type

      Select the expense type.


      Indicates that the expense was entered manually.

      Analysis1 Amt

      Specify the expense amount for analysis1.

      Analysis2 Amt

      Specify the expense amount for analysis2.

      Analysis3 Amt

      Specify the expense amount for analysis3.

      Bid1 Amt

      Specify the expense amount for bid1.

      Bid2 Amt

      Specify the expense amount for bid2.

      Bid3 Amt

      Specify the expense amount for bid3.

    • To complete the Refunds sub screen:

      In this field:

      Do this:

      Refund Type

      Select the refund type.


      Indicates that the refund was entered manually.

      Analysis1 Amt

      Specify the refund amount for analysis1.

      Analysis2 Amt

      Specify the refund amount for analysis2.

      Analysis3 Amt

      Specify the refund amount for analysis3.

      Bid1 Amt

      Specify the refund amount for bid1.

      Bid2 Amt

      Specify the refund amount for bid2.

      Bid3 Amt

      Specify the refund amount for bid3.

  1. Select the Corresponding Analysis/Bid to Load details Maintained in the Expense and Refund sections.
  2. Repeat steps 4 to 8 with information regarding other repossession/foreclosure or sales analysis.
  3. In Status field, select status of the analysis: Approved or Rejected.
  4. When you have decided which analysis or which sale bid you want to approve, select your choice in either the Final Analysis or Final Bid section.


You can approve only one analysis. Based on Analysis approved on ‘Save And Return’ Corresponding Radio button will be enabled in the Final section of Analysis details.

  1. Click Save.

4.13.4 Remarketing sub tab

In the Remarketing sub tab you can trigger remarketing request and auto generate resale work orders. A collateral remarketing request is an instruction to the vendor of third party auctioning system to pick-up the repossessed asset from the storage location and proceed with auction.

In the Remarketing sub tab, you can do the following:

For detailed information about the process of collateral remarkeing, refer to ‘Remarketing’ chapter in Collections User Guide.

4.13.5 Call Activities sub tab

Call activity section includes calls from customer, calls you make regarding the account or changes to the condition of the account. Entries in the Call Activities section are listed in reverse chronological order of follow-up date.

For details on how to Record a Call Activity, refer Call Activities sub tab section in “Customer Service screen’s Customer Service tab” section.

4.13.6 Comments sub tab

Oracle Financial Services Lending and Leasing enables you to record comments on the Customer Service screen using Comments tab. These comments also appear under the Comments sub tab.

For details on how to Record a Comment, refer Comments sub tab section in “Customer Service screen’s Customer Service tab” section.

4.13.7 Due Date History sub tab

The Due Date History tab section provides a delinquency history, by payment, by displaying a history of all due dates, along with when actual payment was made for that due date and the subsequent balance. If a payment was delinquent, Due Date History section displays the number of days the customer was delinquent against each due date.

For more details, refer Due Date History sub tab section in “Customer Service screen’s Transaction History tab” section.

4.14 Customer Service screen’s Deficiency tab

The Deficiency screen enables you to record information about deficiency accounts i.e. accounts that are no longer collectable. You can create and track specific details on status of the charged-off account for timely follow-up and analysis. You can also track each stage of the deficiency process based on its follow-up date and record information using the Details and Tracking sections.

The Add button enables you to create a new deficiency record with different start and end dates. You can also use the Deficiency Details screen to view deficiency information. The Current field in Deficiency Details section indicates the current bankruptcy details. To view the balance of a charged off account, click the Transaction History tab on Customer Service screen, then click Balances. On the Account Details screen’s Balance Group section, click Deficiency. For more information on Deficiency Balance, see Balances sub tab section in this chapter.

When a Deficiency condition is opened on an account, the system defaults a detailed tracking record with ‘Current’ field enabled and ‘Follow up date’ defaulted to system date. The ‘Disposition’ is defaulted as ‘NEWLY RECEIVED’. The system only adds a new detail tracking record. No processing will be done with respect to the detail tracking record when the deficiency condition is closed.

To enter deficiency details for an account

  1. Open the Customer Service screen and load the account you want to work with.
  2. Click Deficiency tab.
  3. In the Deficiency Detail section, select the deficiency record you want to work with


  1. Click Add to refresh the Deficiency screen to create a new record.

  2. In the Deficiency Detail section, enter, view, or edit the following information:

    In this field:

    Do this:


    Select to indicate this is the current deficiency record.

    Followup Dt

    Specify the follow-up date for the deficiency.


    Select the deficiency disposition.


    Select the deficiency type.


    Specify a comment.

    File Received Dt

    Specify the file received date for the deficiency.

    Charge Off Dt

    Specify the deficiency start date.

    Deficiency End Dt

    Specify the deficiency end date.

  3. Click Save.
  4. In the Tracking section, click Load Tracking. The system loads deficiency tracking parameters that track actions taken to collect on the account.
  5. If you want to reduce the list of parameters, select a sub attribute in the Sub Attribute field. If your system has been configured to use the Sub Attribute field, only attributes in a particular group appear in the parameter display.
  6. Complete the Tracking section by entering information regarding deficiency in the Value field for each corresponding Parameter, then click Save.

4.14.1 Call Activities sub tab

Call activity section includes calls from customer, calls you make regarding the account or changes to the condition of the account. Entries in the Call Activities section are listed in reverse chronological order of follow-up date.

For details on how to Record a Call Activity, refer Call Activities sub tab section in “Customer Service screen’s Customer Service tab” section.

4.14.2 Comments sub tab

Oracle Financial Services Lending and Leasing enables you to record comments on the Customer Service screen using Comments tab. These comments also appear under the Comments sub tab.

For details on how to Record a Comment, refer Comments sub tab section in “Customer Service screen’s Customer Service tab” section.

4.14.3 Due Date History sub tab

The Due Date History tab section provides a delinquency history, by payment, by displaying a history of all due dates, along with when actual payment was made for that due date and the subsequent balance. If a payment was delinquent, Due Date History section displays the number of days the customer was delinquent against each due date.

For more details, refer Due Date History sub tab section in “Customer Service screen’s Transaction History tab” section.

4.15 Customer Service screen’s Collateral tab

The Collateral screen displays collateral information regarding any assets associated with an account. Collateral can be a vehicle, home, or something else, such as household goods. The Collateral screen contains the Vehicle/Home/Other and Seller sub tabs. The Vehicle and Other sub tabs further consists of Valuation and Tracking sub tabs. For Usage or Rental based type of leased collaterals, additional sub tabs such as Usage Summary and Usage/Rental Charge Matrix sub tabs are available.

To view the collateral details

  1. Open the Customer Service screen and load the account you want to work with.
  2. Click Collateral tab. System displays the following screen:
    If the account’s collateral is a vehicle, the Collateral screen opens at Vehicle tab:

    • If account’s collateral is a home, the Collateral screen opens at the Home tab:

    • If account’s collateral is neither a vehicle nor a home, the Collateral screen opens at the Other Collateral:

Clicking on Asset # in the Vehicle sub tab takes you to Collateral Management screen opening respective collateral. You can modify the details on Collateral management screen by clicking on ‘Edit’ and saving the record.

The system displays a warning message if the Collateral Management screen is already open.

4.15.1 Valuation sub tab

With the Valuation sub screen, you can view the collateral or asset valuation for an account.

To view the collateral or asset valuation for an account

  1. Open the Customer Service screen and load the account you want to work with.
  2. Click Collateral tab and then Valuation.
  3. Click the Valuation sub tab to view the following information:

    In this field:

    View this:

    Value section


    Select if this is the current valuation.

    Valuation Dt

    The valuation date of the vehicle.


    The valuation source.


    The valuation edition.


    The valuation supplement.

    Wholesale section

    Wholesale Base

    The wholesale value.


    The usage. This pertains to Lease and usually is entered as the cur­rent mileage.

    Retail section

    Retail Amt

    Specify the retail base value.

    Addons Amt (+)

    The add-ons value.

    Usage Value Amt (+)

    The usage value; that is, the monetary effect that current mileage has on the value of vehicle.

    Total Amt (=)

    The total value.

    Addons section


    Select the add-on/attribute.


    The value of the attribute.


    The add-on amount.


Assets can have exactly one current valuation.

4.15.2 Tracking sub tab

With the Tracking sub screen, you can view collateral or asset tracking details to an account, such as the location of title, liens, and insurance information.

To view the collateral or asset tracking for an account

  1. Open the Customer Service screen and load the account you want to work with.
  2. On the Customer Service screen, click Collateral tab.
  3. On the available screen (Vehicle, Home, or Other), click the Tracking sub tab.
  4. On the Tracking sub screen, enter, view, or edit the following information:

    In this field:

    View this:

    Tracking Items section


    If selected, indicates that this is the current record.

    Tracking Item

    The tracking type.


    The disposition.

    Start Dt

    The tracking start date.

    End Dt

    The tracking end date.

    Followup Dt

    The next follow-up date.


    Comments if any.

    Tracking Item Details section


    Select to track the information from start date in the Start Dt field.


    The parameter.


    The tracking parameter value.

4.15.3 Seller sub tab

The Collateral link’s Seller Details screen enables you to view seller details of the collateral of Lease. You cannot edit or modify details of the seller.

  1. In Seller Details section, click View.
  2. View the following:

    In this field:

    View this:

    Seller Details

    Seller Type

    The seller type.

    Seller Name

    The seller name.


    The nationality of the seller.

    National Id

    The national Id of the seller.

    Authorized Signatory

    The authorized signatory of the seller.

  3. In Seller Address section click View.
  4. View the following:

    Seller Address


    If selected, indicates that this address is the mailing address.


    If selected, indicates that this address is the current address.


    The seller’s country name.

    Address #

    The seller’s address.


    The seller’s city name.


    The seller’s state name.

4.15.4 Usage Summary

The Usage Summary sub tab is displayed only if you have opened a Usage/Rental based lease account and gives you a summary of units charged for asset Usage/Rental which is derived based Usage/Rental Charge Matrix.

The incoming data of asset usage details are classified into the chargeable buckets of Base, Cycle, and Life and based on the defined amount, the total units are charged. Here each record indicates chargeable units for each billing cycle.

However the calculated chargeable units are only displayed and usage fee is posted on the account only after executing the batch job TXNUSG_BJ_100_01 (USAGE CHARGE PROCESSING) in SET-TPE job set.

For more information on how OFSLL handles Usage based leasing, refer to Appendix - Usage Based Leasing chapter and for Rental based leasing, refer to ‘Rental Agreement’ section in Lease Origination User Guide.

A brief description of Usage Summary fields is given below:

In this field:

View this:

Due Date

View the billing due date of the account which indicates when the usage units would be charged.

Net Units

View the total consumed units for the current cycle.

Min Units

View the minimum chargeable units for the current cycle.

Chargeable Units

View the total chargeable units (if Net units consumed is less than Min units as per current cycle, Min units are charged).



View the chargeable base units.


View the amount to be charged on base units.


Unused Units

View the unused units for the current cycle.

Excess Units

View the excess units for the current cycle.

Excess Charge

View the amount to be charged as part of current cycle.


Unused Units

View the unused units for the total lease term.

Excess Units

View the excess units for the total lease term.

Excess Charge

View the amount to be charged as part of the total lease term.

Charge - Total Usage

View the amount to be charged as part of total lease term.

Elastic Usage Term

View the system predicted term remaining to reach the asset usage life which is calculated either by Actual or Average method as per current usage pattern. Usage History

The Usage History sub tab displays the asset usage details either populated via web service or input file upload.

A brief description of the fields is given below:


Do this:

Ext Ref No.

View the external reference number generated in third party system if usage data is populated via input file upload.

From Date

View the date from when the usage units are captured using the adjoining calendar.

To Date

View the date till when the usage units are captured using the adjoining calendar.

From Units

View the opening balance of chargeable units.

To Units

View the closing balance of chargeable units.

Gross Units

View the total consumed units.

Non Chargeable Units

View the total number of units which are not charged.

Discount Units

View the discounted units calculated by the system using the dis­count % specified in Collateral screen.

Net Units

View the net chargeable units (i.e. Gross - Discount units).


View additional details, if any.


Displayed as FILE if usage data is populated through file upload or WEB if usage data is received via web service.

Posted By

View the user information who updated the details.

Posted Date

View the date when the record was updated into the system.

4.15.5 Usage Charge Matrix

The Usage Charge Matrix sub tab allows you to define and maintain different chargeable slabs based on the combination of Billing Cycle and Charge Type. The details maintained here are used for billing calculation based on a particular asset usage.

The information in this tab is auto-populated based on details maintained in Asset Type setup. For more information about field details, refer to ‘Usage Charge Matrix’ section in Setup guides.

4.15.6 Rental Charge Matrix

The Rental Charge Matrix sub tab allows you to define and maintain different chargeable slabs based on the combination of Billing Cycle, Rental Duration, Charge Per Cycle and Charge Type. The details maintained here are used for billing calculation based on a particular asset usage.

The information in this tab is auto-populated based on details maintained in Asset Type setup. For more information about field details, refer to ‘Rental Charge Matrix’ section in Setup guides.

4.16 Customer Service screen’s Bureau tab

The Customer Service screen Bureau screen enables you to view credit bureau reports associated with the account that were pulled during servicing for account. You can also use the Bureau screen to create and pull additional credit bureau reports and view the results as a text only file.

To view an existing credit bureau report

  1. Open the Customer Service screen and load the account you want to work with.
  2. On the Customer Service screen, click Bureau tab.

  3. In the View Report section:
    • Click Servicing to view credit reports generated with the Customer Service screen.


    • Click Origination to view credit reports generated during Lease origination.
  1. In the Bureau Details section, select the report you want to view. The system displays report as a text file in the Text Report section.

To request a manual credit bureau report

  1. Open the Customer Service screen and load the account you want to work with.
  2. On the Customer Service screen, click Bureau tab.
  3. Click Add to open New Request section.
  4. Complete the following fields:

    In this field:

    Do this:


    Select the available customer from the drop-down list.


    Select the applicant’s spouse from the drop-down list.


    Select the credit bureau from the drop-down list.


    Select the credit bureau report type from the drop-down list.

  5. In the New Request section, click Create Request. The system displays this information in the Bureau Details section and further information about customer in Customer Detail section.


If you are requesting a report from Experian Credit Bureau for Premier Attribute Consumer report, you can do so without impacting the consumer FICO score. To facilitate the same, the ‘Soft Pull’ check box is to be selected in Bureau Details section. This option is available only when the system parameter ‘EXP_PA_SOFT_PULL_IND’ is enabled in the System Parameters screen and Bureau is selected as ‘EXP’ with Report as ‘PREMIER ATTRIB­UTE’ in the Bureau Details section.

  1. If you want to receive a copy of a previously pulled credit bureau report, enter credit bureau reorder number in the Credit Bureau Reorder # field on the Bureau Details section.
  2. Click Save.

You can print the report by selecting the report and clicking on Print Report.

4.17 Customer Service screen’s Timeline tab

The Customer Service screen’s Timeline tab provides a graphical representation of specific events on an account over a period of time, The events mainly include Transactions (Monetary/Non Monetary), Payments and Call Activities that are posted on the account.

To view account timeline

  1. Open the Customer Service screen and load the account you want to work with.
  2. On the Customer Service screen, click Timeline tab.

The Timeline Details section facilitates and displays the following options:

4.18 Customer Service screen’s Cross/Up Sell Activities tab

The Customer Service screen’s Cross/Up Sell Activities tab enables you to view and edit all the captured marketing trigger based events for respective customers linked primary accounts.

Oracle Financial Services Lending and Leasing Application has been integrated with a third party database marketing solutions provider to receive monitoring triggers related to marketing based call activities. Primarily the active customer details are shared through an input file and corresponding monitoring triggers data within the processed customer input file are uploaded back into designated location of OFSLL database through an automated interface.

The Customer Service screen’s Cross/Up Sell Activities tab displays the first 10 marketing trigger based call activities with the opportunity details and follow-up requirements. You can select View All check box to view all the ‘active’ and ‘closed’ call activities.

4.18.1 Edit Cross/Up Sell Activity

To edit a reported Cross/Up Sell Activity

  1. Open the Customer Service screen and load the account you want to work with.
  2. On the Customer Service screen, click Cross/Up Sell Activities tab.
  3. Select the record which you want to update and click Edit.
  4. Complete the following fields:

    In this field:

    Do this:

    Trigger Dt

    View the date on which the activity has been recorded.


    Select the product from drop-down list.

    Trigger Action

    View the trigger action captured.

    Trigger Description

    View the description of the action.


    Select the result of the action from the drop-down list.


    Select the desired reason for the result selected.


    Select the check box to indicate if a prior appointment is required for next communication.

    Followup Dt

    Select the agreed follow-up date from the adjoining calendar icon.


    If there is no follow-up and the opportunity is closed, you can select this check box indicating the status of call activity as closed.

    Time Zone

    Select the time zone of the contact from the drop down list.


    Specify additional information, if any.

  5. Click Save and Stay or any other save option as explained in Basic Actions section.

4.18.2 Create Simple Application

You can use the call activity data and directly initiate the Lease Origination process from Cross/Up Sell Activities tab.

To create simple application

  1. Open the Customer Service screen and load the account you want to work with.
  2. On the Customer Service screen, click Cross/Up Sell Activities tab.
  3. Select the required call activity record and click Create Simple Application.

The system opens Origination > Simple Application Entry screen with Application section capturing the details of call activity.

You can enter/edit the required details and continue creating credit application data into Oracle Financial Services Lending and Leasing Application.

For detailed information, refer to Simple Application Entry chapter in Lease Origination User Manual.

4.18.3 Close Opportunity

You can close an opportunity based on the response received from customer and if there are no follow-ups required. However, you can close an opportunity and de-link the same from an account only when all the records are closed.

To close an opportunity

  1. Open the Customer Service screen and load the account you want to work with.
  2. On the Customer Service screen, click Cross/Up Sell Activities tab.
  3. Ensure that all the records are marked as closed and click Close Opportunity.

4.19 Customer Service screen’s External Interfaces tab

The Customer Service screen’s External Interfaces tab displays the account specific information derived from external system.

Oracle Financial Services Lending and Leasing has been integrated with a third party system to explicitly fetch the account specific information through an input data file. A set of automated batch jobs which are scheduled at regular intervals pulls the data shared by external system and populates in the respective account in Customer Service > External Interfaces tab. For more information on available Batch Jobs, refer to Setup Guide > Administration > System > Batch Jobs section.

In the External Interfaces tab, each input data file either new or an update to existing information is displayed as individual record in the Interface section and the column definition details (as sorted in Setup > Data Files screen) are displayed in Interface Details section.

In this field:

View this:

Interface section


Unique case identification number.

Interface Name

Name of the external interface.

File Name

Input data file name appended with New (IBN) or Existing (IBU) file identifier convention.


Current status of the record (None, Accepted, or Rejected).

Creation Dt

Date when the record was created.

Action Taken By

User who has modified the record status.

Action Dt

Date when the action was performed on the record.

Interface Details section


Name of header used in input data file corresponding to the account information such as First Name, Last Name, Address and so on.


Data fetched from external system for each header/parameter.

Along with the account specific updates, the records may also contain bankruptcy details which needs you attention. You need to verify those details and confirm the authenticity by either accepting or rejecting the bankruptcy information. If Accepted, system posts the bankruptcy details on the corresponding customer accounts.

4.19.1 Accept or Reject Bankruptcy Details

In the External Interfaces tab you can Accept or Reject information of those records which are specific to bankruptcy update and marked with status as ‘None’.

Post update, the status of record is marked as ‘Accepted’ or ‘Rejected’.

To Accept Bankruptcy Details

  1. Open the Customer Service screen and load the account you want to work with.
  2. On the Customer Service screen, click External Interfaces tab.
  3. In the Interface section, select the bankruptcy record with status ‘None’ for which action has to be performed.
  4. Verify the details displayed in Interface Details section.
  5. Once confirmed, navigate to Customer Service screen > Bankruptcy tab.
  6. Create a Bankruptcy record and load the tracking attributes as explained in ‘Customer Service screen’s Bankruptcy tab’ section.
  7. Click Accept in the action section and click ‘Yes’ in the confirmation dialog to accept changes.

On confirmation, system updates the bankruptcy details based on either ‘SSN’ for new bankrupt accounts or ‘Case Number’ for existing bankrupt accounts.


4.20 Review Request

The Review Requests screen is primarily a work flow tool used to flag an Account for the attention of another Oracle Financial Services Lending and Leasing user and ask for review / feedback. It allows the system users to send and receive requests (including e-mail) commenting on a specific Account. The Review Request tab supports iterative review of selected Account and also to process the review with multiple reviewers.

In this chapter, you will learn how to compete the following tasks:


You can complete the above tasks for an Account Review Request using Review Request tab in the Customer Servicing screen.

4.20.1 Filter and View Review Requests

The Review Requests tab contains the following sections:

Query Section

The Query section enables you to filter records based on User and type of review requests using any of the following options:

The ‘User’ drop-down lists your User ID along with your Supervisor ID if the same has been defined in User Definition screen (Setup > Administration > User > Users). If you are the supervisor, you can view all your subordinates User ID’s along with yours for selection.

On selecting a particular User ID from the list, system displays all the requests which are created, reviewed, closed and completed by that user.

You can further filter the review request based on the following:

Query Options



Displays the records of all the active review requests created by the selected User.


Displays the records of all the active review requests received by the selected User.


Displays all the review requests records created as well as reviewed by the selected User with the status other than ‘CLOSED’ and ‘COM­PLETED’.

View All

Displays all the review requests records created as well as reviewed by the selected User with all the statuses.

Forwarded Only

Displays all the review requests records which are forwarded by the selected User to another user for review.

Action Section

The Action section enables you to Send (create), Respond, Close, or Complete the review request.

Action Options


Open Account

Displays the Customer Service screen with the Account details assigned for review.

Send Request

Sends a review request to another Oracle Financial Services Lend­ing and Leasing user.

Send Response

Sends a response to a review request received from another Ora­cle Financial Services Lending and Leasing user.

Close Request

Changes the status of review request to CLOSED and can be viewed by selecting ‘View All’ option in the ‘Query’ section.

Complete Request

Changes the status of review request to COMPLETED and can be viewed by selecting ‘View All’ option in the ‘Query’ section.

Remove Filter

Removes the selected filters applied to narrow the view of review request. The option is available when a review request is accessed from DashBoard > My Pending Review Requests section.

Email Section

The Email section enables you to send an email to either originator or receiver of the review request if an email setup is configured. However, note that a review request cannot be responded or replied back from email recipient.

Email Options



Sends an email of review request information to the person listed in the Originator column on Review Request page.


Sends an email of review request to the person listed in the Receiver column on Review Request page.

The ‘Review Requests’ section in Customer Service screen displays the following information for each record:



Request #

View the system generated review request number. The same can be used to query and track the review requests.


The user id of the review request originator.


The request priority: HIGH, NORMAL, or LOW.


The recipient of the review request.


Applicant’s phone number in the review request.


Applicant’s address in the review request.


Applicant’s email in the review request.


The current status of review request. Following status are tracked in this column:

WAITING FOR RESPONSE - when request is sent to reviewer

RETURN TO ORIGINATOR - when reviewer has responded to request

CLOSED - when the request is closed

COMPLETED - when the request is completed


The date and time when the review request was created.

Account #

The Account number which needs review.

Days Past Due

Total number of days elapsed past the due date.

Total Outstanding Balance

Displays either ‘Account outstanding principal balance’ for active accounts, or ‘Deficiency balance’ for charge-off accounts.


Primary / Secondary (spouse) name associated to the account.

Comment History

The ‘Comment History’ section displays the log of comments or additional information added by originator or receiver while creating or reviewing a request.

During an iterative review, where there are multiple trails of communication exchanged between originator and receiver, the ‘Comment History’ section tracks all the updates as individual records for reference.

The Comment History section also allows you to know the actually reviewer when an Account review request is forwarded to multiple reviewers and is reviewed or completed by second or third person other than the one assigned by originator.

In the Comment History section, you can view the following details of the selected review request:

Comments From



View the type of request and is indicated as REVIEW REQUEST by default as maintained in ‘COMMENT_TYPE_CD’ lookup code.

Sub Type

View the sub type of request which can be ORIGINATOR, RECEIVER, or SYSTEM GENERATED as maintained in COM­MENT_SUB_TYPE_CD lookup code.

Note: The sub type ‘SYSTEM GENERATED’ is automatically posted by the system when the review request is forwarded to another user by the assigned reviewer. The same is also updated with a com­ment in the next column.


View the Originator’s or Reviewer’s comment.

SYSTEM GENERATED comments are posted in the format - REVIEW REQUEST: <Request #> FORWADED FROM <first assigned user id> TO <next assigned user id>.

Comment By

View the user who has posted the comment.

SYSTEM GENERATED comments are marked as ‘INTERNAL’.

Comment Dt

View the Date and time when the comment was posted.

4.20.2 Create and Send Review Request

The review request tab primarily allows you to flag an Account for the attention of another OFSLL user through a request asking for review / feedback. While doing so, you can either choose to send it to the reviewer immediately on creating the request or only create the request and later send for review.

To Create and Send Review Request

  1. On the Oracle Financial Services Lending and Leasing Application home page, click Servicing > Customer Service screen and select ‘Review Requests’ tab.

  2. In the Review Requests section, select ‘Originator’.
  3. Click ‘ADD’. You can also perform any of the Basic Operations mentioned in Navigation chapter. A brief description of the fields are given below:

    In this field:

    View this:

    Request #

    View the system generated request number.


    View the requester’s user ID auto generated by system upon creating the request.


    Select the priority of review request as High, Normal, or Low from the drop-down list. This helps the reviewer to prioritize the request while responding but does not affect the order in which messages are sent or received.


    Select the user ID of the reviewer from the drop-down list.


    Specify additional details for review (if any) which can be sent to the reviewer along with the review request.


    View the user ID of previous reviewer, if a request has been forwarded to another reviewer.

    Note: A forwarded review request can only be viewed in the review request tab by filtering user ID of previous reviewer and selecting ‘Forwarded only’ check box.

    Account #

    Select the Account to be reviewed from the drop-down list. The following fields are auto-populated based on selection:

    Days Past Due

    Total Outstanding Balance






    Select the purpose for request from drop-down list.


    View the status of review request auto updated by system upon creating the request.


    View the date and time when the request was created. Sys­tem appends the current date by default.

    Send Request

    (Optional) Select this check box to send it to reviewer immedi­ately on creating the request.

    However, if the request still need changes, retain the check box unselected and proceed to create the request. The same can later be sent for review by selecting ‘Send Request’ option from the action section.

  4. Perform any of the Basic Actions mentioned in Navigation chapter.

The review request(s) appear on the recipient’s ‘My Pending Review Request’ window in DashBoard and also on the ‘Review Request’ tab header with (Pending: <count of unseen requests>). The status of request is updated as WAITING FOR RESPONSE.

4.20.3 Reviewing a Request

When you receive a review request, the system notifies you by creating an entry in ‘My Pending Review Requests By Priority’ section in DashBoard with the number of unseen messages. Clicking on the Account # link opens the Review Request tab.

To review requests

  1. On the Oracle Financial Services Lending and Leasing Application home page, click Servicing > Customer Service screen and select ‘Review Requests’ tab.

  2. In the Query section, click ‘Receiver. System displays all open review request you have received.
  3. Click ‘Open Account’. The Account details are displayed in Customer Service > Summary tab.
  4. Review the details in particular to the details specified in the comment (if any).

4.20.4 Responding to Review Request

On completing the review, you can Send Response detailing the feedback of your review. It is ideally recommended to send a response back to the originator by providing your views on the review as a comment. The details are recorded in the ‘Comment History’ section as reference.

However, system also allows your forward the same request to another reviewer in case of additional clarifications.

To respond to review request

  1. On the Oracle Financial Services Lending and Leasing Application home page, click Servicing > Customer Service screen and select ‘Review Requests’ tab.
  2. In the Query section, click ‘Receiver’. System displays all open review request you have received.
  3. In the Review Request section, select the record that you have reviewed.Click ‘Edit’. Specify your review response in the Comment’ field. Select the ‘Send Request’ check box to send the review response immediately to originator. In case of any further changes, retain the check box unselected and save the details. The response is not sent and the same can later be sent to originator by selecting the record and clicking on ‘Send Response’ option from the action section.

The details are updated in Review Request tab and status of request is updated as RETURN TO ORIGINATOR.

4.20.5 Reassign Review Request

While reviewing a request, system also facilitates you to reassign (i.e. forward) the review request to another user for review. In such a case, you become the ‘Sender’ and the assigned user will be the reviewer of the request. The request can further move to other reviewers if required.

When the request is reassigned or forwarded to another reviewer, the actual originator can still track the status of request by selecting user ID in Query section. As a ‘Sender’, you can view the reassigned review requests by selecting the ‘Forwarded Only’ check box in Query section. Also, on reassigning or forwarding a review request, system automatically posts a comment in ‘Comment History’ section in the format - REVIEW REQUEST: <Request #> FORWADED FROM <first assigned user id> TO <next assigned user id> with Sub Type as ‘SYSTEM GENERATED’ and Comment By as ‘INTERNAL’.


It is recommended to limit the reassignment of review request since tracking the request status becomes difficult.

To reassign review request

  1. On the Oracle Financial Services Lending and Leasing Application home page, click Servicing > Customer Service screen and select ‘Review Requests’ tab.
  2. In the Query section, click ‘Receiver’. System displays all open review request you have received.
  3. In the Review Request section, select the record that you have reviewed and click Edit.

  4. Select the required reviewer from ‘Receiver’ drop down list.
  5. (Optional) Specify the reason for reassignment in the ‘Comment’ field. The same is tracked in ‘Comment History’ section.
  6. Select the ‘Send Request’ check box to reassign review request immediately on update. In case of any further changes, retain the check box unselected and save the details. The reassignment can later be completed by selecting the record and clicking on ‘Send Response’ option from the action section.

The details are updated in Review Request tab and status of request is updated as WAITING FOR RESPONSE.

4.20.6 E-mailing Review Request

While system updates ‘My Pending Review Requests By Priority ‘section in the DashBoard to notify you about the new requests, you can also e-mail a review request to both the originator and a receiver, as applicable. The system will use e-mail address recorded for both the originator and receiver in Setup > Administration > User > User Definition section.

To e-mail a review request

  1. On the Oracle Financial Services Lending and Leasing Application home page, click Servicing > Customer Service screen and select ‘Review Requests’ tab.
  2. In ‘Email’ section, click ‘Originator’ to send the message to the person listed in Originator field.


  1. Click ‘Receiver’ to send it to the person listed in the Receiver field.

The system emails the details of selected record to e-mail address recorded in user setup.

4.20.7 Closing Review Request

You can close a review request you created at anytime, regardless of status. However, you can only close review requests that have your user id in the Originator field. When you close a review request, the system removes it from Review Request tab.

To close a review request

  1. On the Oracle Financial Services Lending and Leasing Application home page, click Servicing > Customer Service screen and select ‘Review Requests’ tab.
  2. Select the request you want to close in the Review Request section.
  3. In the Action section, click ‘Close Request’.

The system assigns the request as Closed and removes it from your Review Request record. The closed review requests can be reviewed anytime by selecting ‘View All’ in the Query section.

4.20.8 Complete Review Request

When a particular review request has completed the review process from reviewer with required changes and confirmation, the same can be marked as ‘COMPLETE’ in the Review Request tab. However, you can complete a request only if you are the originator of the request. When you complete a review request, system removes it from Review Request tab.

To complete a review request

  1. On the Oracle Financial Services Lending and Leasing Application home page, click Servicing > Customer Service screen and select ‘Review Requests’ tab.
  2. Select the request you want to close in the Review Request section.
  3. In the Action section, click ‘Complete Request’.

The system assigns the request as ‘COMPLETED’ and removes it from your Review Request record. The completed review requests can be reviewed anytime by selecting ‘View All’ in the Query section.


4.21 Queue Assignment

The Queue Assignment tab in Oracle Financial Services Lending and Leasing application allows you to search and view the hard assigned customer service queues maintained in the system. You can also view the queue assignment details with option to reassign users in a hard assigned queue and track activity status posted on the account.

Customer Service Queues are maintained in Administration’s setup screen (Setup > Administration > User > Queues > Customer Service). For more information on hard assigned queues, refer to section “Using the Hard Assigned feature” in setup guide.

Navigating to Queue Assignment

On the Oracle Financial Services Lending and Leasing home screen, click Servicing > Servicing > Customer Service > Queue Assignment.

In this section, you will learn how to compete the following tasks:

4.21.1 Using Queue Search

In the Search Criteria section, you can primarily use the ‘Search List By’ filter to search based on either ‘Queues’ or ‘Users’ maintained in the system. Depending on the option selected, you can further filter your search using the following list of parameters and query the database by providing one or more parameter values.


Do this:

Hard Assigned Queue

Select the queue name from the drop-down list. The list displays both ‘Enabled’ and ‘Hard Assigned’ customer servicing queue definitions.

Acc #

Specify the account number to which the queue is assigned.


Select the user/queue responsibility from the drop-down list. The list displays various user responsibilities as defined in Setup > Administration > User > Queues > User Groups tab.


Select the ‘User’ from the drop-down list. The list displays all the hard assigned users maintained in the system.


You need to specify a minimum of one parameter for the search to retrieve queues from the database. Else system displays an error message.

Click Search. The search results for Queues are displayed in both the Queues & Queue Assignment section. Whereas, the search results for a ‘User’ (selected in Search List By option) is displayed in Queue Assignment section.

You can also click ‘Reset’ to clear the filters specified in Search Criteria .

Remove Account Filter

While searching for queues using Account number as the Search Criteria, the Queue Assignment section displays the filtered search results along with the ‘remove Filter’ option in the header.

Clicking on ‘remove Filter’ button will remove the account number filter and displays all the accounts belonging to the selected queue.

4.21.2 Queues sub tab

The Queues sub tab displays the search results for the specified search criteria and contains ‘Enabled’ and ‘Hard Assigned’ customer servicing queues with the following details:

4.21.3 Criteria sub tab

The Criteria sub tab allows you to define account selection criteria and sort order to filter the accounts displayed in Queue Assignment section.

  1. In the Criteria Definition section, click ‘ADD’. You can also perform any of the Basic Operations mentioned in Navigation chapter. A brief description of the fields are given below:


    Do this:


    Specify a unique name to identify the criteria.


    Specify the required description for the criteria.

    Hard Assigned Queue

    Select the queue name from the drop-down list. The list displays all the ‘Enabled Hard Assigned’ customer service queues.


    Check this box to enable the criteria.

The Criteria sub tab further consists of ‘Selection Criteria’ and ‘Sort’ tabs.

  1. In the ‘Selection Criteria’ section, you can define the account selection criteria with the following fields. Perform any of the Basic Operations mentioned in Navigation chapter. A brief description of the fields are given below:


    Do this:


    Specify sequence numbers.


    Specify left bracket.


    Select the parameter from the drop-down list. The list displays all the ‘Enabled’ attributes maintained in user defined table which has both ‘Queue Assignment’ fields and 36 activities defined in Queues > Activity Tracking tab for selection.

    Comparison Operator

    Select comparison operator from the drop-down list.

    Criteria Value

    Specify criteria value.


    Specify right bracket.

    Logical Expression

    Specify logical operator from the drop-down list.


    Check this box to enable the selection criteria.

  2. Click ‘Check Criteria’ to validate the correctness of the SQL statement generated and to resolve errors, if any.
  3. Perform any of the Basic Actions mentioned in Navigation chapter.
  4. In the ‘Sort’ section, you can define the order to sort the account selection criteria with the following fields. Perform any of the Basic Operations mentioned in Navigation chapter. A brief description of the fields are given below:


    Do this:


    Specify sequence number.

    Sort field

    Select the sort field from the drop-down list. The list contains both the ‘Queue Assignment’ fields and 36 customer call activities defined in Queues > Activity Tracking tab for selection.


    Select sort order as either Ascending or Descending from the drop-down list.

  5. Perform any of the Basic Actions mentioned in Navigation chapter.

4.21.4 Queue Assignment sub tab

The Queue Assignment section, displays the user accounts associated with the selected queue and consists of the following details:

In the Queue Assignment section, you can do the following:

4.21.5 Reassign Users in Queue

In the Queue Assignment tab, you can reassign a different user for a queue either individually or in bulk and reassign the hard assigned queues. While doing so, you can state the reason for change which later gets appended and displayed in the account conditions history log (Customer Service > Account Details > Condition Details sub tab). Replace User in Queue

  1. On the Oracle Financial Services Lending and Leasing home screen, click Servicing > Servicing > Customer Service > Queue Assignment.
  2. Search for the required Queue or User using the parameters in Search Criteria. The search results are displayed in the Queues & Queue Assignment section.
  3. In the Queue Assignment section, click on the ‘Replacement User’ drop-down list against the required user and select the new user from the list. You can also use the ‘Search’ option within the list to search for the required user.
  4. Specify the reason for change in the Reason column against the user selected.
  5. Click Update Queue. Bulk Replace Queue Users

  1. On the Oracle Financial Services Lending and Leasing home screen, click Servicing > Servicing > Customer Service > Queue Assignment.
  2. Search for the required Queue or User using the parameters in Search Criteria. The search results are displayed in the Queues & Queue Assignment section.
  3. In the Queue Assignment section, click ‘Select All’ check box.
  4. Click on the ‘Replacement User’ drop-down list on the header and select the new user from the list. You can also use the ‘Search’ option within the list to search for the required user.
  5. Specify the reason for change in the Reason field on the header.
  6. Click Update Queue.

On successful user replacement, a system generated comment is posted on the account with the following details:

4.21.6 Filter Accounts based on Queue Criteria

To filter the list of accounts in Queue Assignment section, select the required option in ‘Sort Order Type’ drop-down list and click ‘Submit’. The list is populated based on the defined Queue Criteria. You can also click ‘Reset’ to remove the filter and display all the account associated to the queue.

4.21.7 View Accounts in Sort Order Sequence

In the Queue Assignment section the ‘Account #’ column is enabled with a link to directly navigate and view the account details in the Customer Service screen.

To view the next account in the same sequence as listed, click ‘Filtered Account’ button in the Queue Assignment section header. The details are displayed in Customer Service screen’s > Summary tab.

On reviewing the account details, you can further navigate to the subsequent accounts in the sequence by clicking ‘Filtered Account’ button in Right-Splitter window > Quick Search section. Successively, clicking ‘Filtered Account’ button displays all the accounts and when the last account is reached, a message is displayed indicating ‘There is no account in this queue’.

4.21.8 Track Activity Status

All the customer service call activities defined and enabled in setup screen (Setup > Administration > User > Queues > Customer Service > Queue Activity tab) for the selected Queue are listed against each account in separate columns. These activity fields are auto updated with call activity results and gives a quick snap shot of all the activity status scheduled and performed on the account.


The activity status fields are available only when the accounts are populated from a Queue search by selecting the ‘Search List By’ option as ‘Queue’.

When a particular call activity is posted on the account, the respective activity status field is marked with a indicating that the activity is complete.

However, in case the activity duration has expired based on the ‘Activity Expiry Days’ defined in Queue Activity tab, the activity field is disabled and status is not updated in Queue Assignment section.