Registrar Configuration Fields

To configure the Oracle Enterprise Communications Broker to act as a SIP Registrar:

  1. Access the modify Registrar Settings dialog.
  2. state—Check the checkbox to use this SIP registrar configuration element.
  3. domains—Enter one or more domains that this configuration element will invoke SIP registration for. Wildcards are valid for this parameter. Multiple entries can be entered in quotes, separated by commas.
  4. Minimum register expiration—Enter the expire time in seconds to be used in the REGISTER.
    • Default: 300 (5 minutes)
    • Values: Min: 0 - Max: 999999999
  5. LST file—See the section below on the use of an LST for registration authentication.
    Note that this is your means for editing as well as creating an LST file.
  6. Credential retrieval method—Select the method for retrieving credentials during registration authentication from the drop-down selection box. Options include None, LST and LDAP.
    If you select either LST or LDAP, the Digest realm field appears. If you select LST, the LST hash secret field also appears.
  7. Digest realm—Enter the name (realm ID) of the host realm initiating the authentication challenge. This value defines the protected space in which the digest authentication is performed. Valid value is an alpha-numeric character string.
  8. LST hash secret—Click the Set button to display the Set LST hash secret dialog. Enter and confirm the secret used in encryption and decryption of the passwords in the XML file. Once saved, this value is not echoed back to the screen in plaintext format.
  9. Save and activate your changes when finished.