Header Manipulation Rules for SDP

The Oracle Enterprise Communications Broker supports SIP header and parameter manipulation rules for four types of SIP message contents:

  • headers
  • elements within headers
  • ASCII-encoded Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) bodies
  • binary-encoded MIME ISDN User Part (ISUP) bodies

While Session Description Protocol (SDP) offers and answers can be manipulated in a fashion similar to ASCII-encoded MIME, such manipulation is primitive in that it lacks the ability to operate at the SDP session- and media-levels.

In addition, the system supports a variant of Header Manipulation Rules (HMR) operating on ASCII-encoded SDP bodies, with specific element types for descriptors at both the session-level and media-level, and the ability to apply similar logic to SDP message parts as is done for SIP header elements.

The configuration object, mime-sdp-rules, under sip-manipulation specifically addresses the manipulation of SDP parts in SIP messages. Just as existing header-rules are used to manipulate specific headers of a SIP message, mime-sdp-rules will be used to manipulate the SDP specific mime-attachment of a SIP message.