Routing Query Configuration Fields

To configure the Oracle Enterprise Communications Broker to query an LDAP database for the purpose of obtaining a call's routing information, per the Oracle Enterprise Communications Broker's processing sequence:

  1. On the Modify ldap-config dialog, expand the Routing section using the down arrow to expose the State, Route mode and Lookup queries list.
  2. State—Check the checkbox to enable the use of routing queries for your configured LDAP servers.
  3. Route mode— Specify the route priority that the Oracle Enterprise Communications Broker uses in the route list. This parameter determines which routes are created, and the priority of those routes within the route list. Default is match-only. Valid values are:
    • match-only (default)— If there is an exact match between the dialed telephone number and an LDAP attribute value in the search response entry, a route is created corresponding to that LDAP attribute. If there is an exact match on multiple attributes, the ordering of LDAP attributes in the LDAP configuration determines the priority for each route. For example, an enterprise that uses the same phone number for both Lync and IPPBX phones, if the msRTCSIP-Line attribute is configured first, the corresponding next hop (Lync Server) would be used to create the first route in the route list.
    • attribute-order— The ordering of LDAP attributes in the LDAP configuration determines the priority for each route. So if the msRTCSIP-Line attribute is configured first, the corresponding next hop (Lync Server) would be used to create the first route in the route list. If there is a valid value present in the search response entry for a LDAP attribute, a route is created corresponding to that LDAP attribute.
    • match-first— If there is an exact match between the dialed telephone number and an LDAP attribute value in the search response entry, the corresponding route gets the highest priority in the route list. For the rest of the routes, the ordering of LDAP attributes in the LDAP configuration determines the priority for each route. So if the msRTCSIP-Line attribute is configured first, the corresponding next hop (Lync Server) would be used to create the second highest priority route in the route list. If there is a valid value present in the search response entry for an LDAP attribute, a route is created corresponding to that LDAP attribute.


    The LDAP attribute must have a valid value in the response; a match is not necessary for that attribute. If an entry is returned in the search response, there must be a match on at least one other attribute. For example, the dialed telephone number could be +17813284392 (IP-PBX Phone#), and the msRTCSIP-Line in the response could be +17814307069 (Lync phone#). A route is created for the Lync phone#, even though the dialed telephone number is the PBX Phone#.
  4. Access the Modify LDAP config / Routing / Lookup queries dialog.
    This is a multi-element dialog that includes Add, Edit and Delete controls allowing you to manage your element list. Each element identifies a lookup number attribute and dialed pattern with which the Oracle Enterprise Communications Broker finds matches in the LDAP database and identifies contacts to which it builds routes. Multiple matches result in multiple targets to which the Oracle Enterprise Communications Broker creates routes for call forking.
  5. Lookup number attribute—Enter the Active Directory attribute name. The default is telephoneNumber. Valid values are alpha-numeric characters. Some examples of Active Directory attribute names are:
    • ipPhone and msRTCSIP-Line for Lync phone number
    • telephoneNumber for IP PBX phone number
    • mobile for Mobile phone number
  6. Lookup number format type—Select the expected attribute format from the drop down list. The default is None. Options include:
    • E164
    • E164-no-plus
    • no-country-code
    • None
    • pattern-only
    • regular-expression
  7. Lookup number regex pattern—Enter the regular expression pattern used to break down the string of digits in the phone number extracted from the request URI and/or the FROM of the SIP request. The variables extracted from the phone number can be used in the attribute-value-format parameter. Valid values are alpha-numeric characters. The default regex is "^\+?1?(\d{2})(\d{3})(\d{4})$". This value assumes that the phone number is a North American phone number specified in the E.164 format. It extracts three variables from the phone number:
    • $1 is the area code
    • $2 and $3 are the next 3 and 4 digits in the phone number

    The system only queries for the home agent of the FROM if it has not already found it.

    The setting only applies when Lookup number format type is set to regular-expression.

  8. Lookup number regex result—Enter the format for the attribute value. These format values are extracted from the phone number using the extraction-regex parameter. The default parameter is "tel:+1$1$2$3". This value assumes that the phone number is a North American phone number specified in the E.164 format, and it recreates the phone number in E.164 format. Valid values are alpha-numeric characters.
    In addition to the E.164 format, the Oracle Enterprise Communications Broker uses other formats as well to store the phone numbers. You can customize the value specified for this parameter to enable successful queries for phone numbers in other formats.

    The setting only applies when Lookup number format type is set to regular-expression.

  9. Home agent attribute—Enter the Active Directory attribute name for the agent field. The default is blank. Valid values are alpha-numeric characters. If created with the Oracle tools described in this document, the name would be orclAgentNameAttribute.
  10. Home agent regex pattern—Enter the regular expression pattern used to break down the agent name. By default, this field is blank.
  11. Home agent regex result—Enter the format of the regex result. By default, this field is blank.
  12. Default home agent—Enter the name of the home agent to be used for routing if the query does not return one.
  13. Click OK to save your routing query.
  14. Save and activate your configuration.