Session Reports

The Sessions Report is a SIP session summary of all logged call sessions on the Oracle Enterprise Communications Broker (OECB). When Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) is enabled on the Active Directory, LDAP session messages may also display.

The columns that display on the Sessions Report page depend on the columns that you specified in the "Customizing the Page Display" procedure.

This image is a screen capture of the Sessions report page.

The following table describes the columns on the SIP Session Summary page.

The following table describes the controls on the SIP Session Summary page.

Display a Sessions Report

  1. From the Web GUI, click Monitor and Trace, Sessions.
    The system displays the SIP Sessions Summary page.
  2. Use the buttons on the top of the page to find, view, and export information about the records in the report.

Ladder Diagram

A ladder diagram in the Web GUI schematic that shows the call and media flow of packets on ingress and egress routes by way of the Oracle Enterprise Communications Broker.

A ladder diagram for the Sessions Report displays the following session summary information:

  • Quality of Service (QoS) statistics for call sessions
  • SIP messages and media events in time sequence

To display a ladder diagram for a specific record in the Sessions Report, click a record in the summary table or click Ladder diagram on the SIP Sessions Summary page.

Display a Ladder Diagram

To display a ladder diagram:

  1. On the Sessions Report page, click Ladder diagram, or select a record in the table and double-click on that record. The following is an example of the ladder diagram that displays.


    The Oracle Enterprise Communications Broker (OECB) captures SIP messages, applies the Header Manipulation Rules (HMR) configured on the OECB , and then applies the Session Plug-in Language (SPL) to that message. When the message is sent out from the OECB, it applies the SPL, the HMR, and then sends out the captured SIP message. Therefore, when viewing the session detail on a Ladder Diagram, the HMR and SPL information may be present.
    This screen capture shows a typical ladder diagram of a session summary.

    The Session Record Ladder Diagram consists of the following information:

    • Session Summary - summary information about the call or media session in focus.

    • SIP Message Details - SIP message and call flow information about the call or media session in focus.

    • QoS Statistics - Quality of Service (QoS) statistic information about the call or media session in focus.

      You can move your mouse over any statistic in the Ladder Diagram to view additional parameters and associated values for the statistic in a pop-up window.

      The following table describes the buttons at the bottom of the preceding Ladder Diagram screen capture.

      Button Description
      This screen capture shows the Export Diagram button. Exports all of the information in the Ladder Diagram (Session Summary, SIP Message Details, and QoS statistics), to a file in text format on the local machine.
      This screen capture shows the Export Session Details button. Exports detailed information about the SIP messages and media events associated with the session in focus, to a file in text format on the local machine.
      This screen capture shows the Close button. Closes the Ladder Diagram window.

Session Summary

The Session Summary window in the Ladder Diagram displays an overall summary of the call or media session in focus.

This screen capture shows an example of a session summary ladder diagram and session summary details.

Display the Session Summary

To display the Session Summary:

  1. In the Ladder Diagram, click the [+] next to Session Summary at the top of the Ladder Diagram window. The Session Summary window expands. This window displays a summary of information about the call or media session in focus. The following list describes each field in the Session Summary window.
  2. Click [-] to close the Session Summary window.

SIP Message Details

The SIP Message Detail window displays detailed information and data flow (ingress and egress) about the call or media event.

This image is a screen capture of a session summary report.

When a session is routed using the a Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) configuration (Active Directory) for the local policy, the LDAP information displays in the Session Summary window. The next hop value containing "enum:…" or "dns:…" displays. Similarly, the next hop value "ldap:…" displays for LDAP queries.

This image is a screen capture of a session summary report when a session is routed using LDAP.

Display SIP Message Details

To display SIP Message Details:

  1. On the Sessions Report page, click Ladder diagram, or select a record in the table and double-click on that record. The SIP Message Details window displays. This window displays the messages and status codes that occurred during the active call session or media event. You can use the information to troubleshoot calls and media events that failed or timed out when trying to connect.

QoS Statistics

The Quality of Service (QoS) window displays information about the quality of the service used on the call session or media event when the call or event was active.

This screen capture shows a typical session summary for QoS statistics.

Display QoS Statistics

To display QoS Statistics:

  1. In the Ladder Diagram, click the [+] next to QoS Stats at the bottom of the Ladder Diagram window. The QoS window expands, and displays the QoS statistics for the call session or media event in focus. The following list describes each field in the QoS Statistics window.
  2. Click [-] to close the QoS Stats window.