Known Issues

The following table lists the known issues in version 4.2 of Oracle Communications Session Monitor.

ID Description Severity Found In
29757880 The default active calls graph is not displaying as expected. 4
29823958 Packet inspector is not masking supported headers 3
29835976 When Mediation Engine is connected to Mediation Engine Connector via ext authentication, Mediation Engine alerts are not displayed on the connector 3
29895638 Call info is not displayed when a call is run in an Established state 3
29946916 Mediation Engine does not display the device KPI Call Attempts per Second 3
29947559 IMSI search only returns exact match results 3
29965117 In Fraud Monitor, configuring to username filter creates an incident 4
29999562 When exporting devices to CSV format, 3PCC does not save as Enabled. JSON export continues to function as expected 3

Resolved Known Issues

The following table provides a list of previous known issues that are now resolved in 4.2 GA.

ID Description
29952724 Ensure users can view and add panels only for what they have permission to manage
29939401 Web session inactivity time-out is enforced as according to configuration
29743505 Cannot search for users that are not on the main user page
29899590 OCOM username does not allow special characters
29754178 FDP crash observed when running call with To/From headers missing the "userinfo" field
29606673 Diagnostics do not include PSA Version Table Entry
29724786 VSI crash observed when call event publisher is to be enabled
28364504 Skype probe installation fails on machines in a server pool
29439407 Unable to access Web GUI on MEC after upgrading to
29434370 Multilib library version incompatibility while installing OCSM
29327721 Fraud Monitor "to-phone-number" filter type does not allow regex
29232952 Ensure voice quality modules are not accessible to users with no voice quality permission
29231708 Ensure users cannot add alerts for modules they are not permitted to use
29209386 MEC-ME-SSL connection using regenerated self-sign certificates fails for second ME node
29199158 Restoring large configuration savepoints fails with "transaction aborted" or "504 gateway timeout" messages
29041454 pld-vsi.service restarts due to memory cghealth with customer traffic (SCTP)
29031775 OCSM: (mgcp_probe) crash results in drop in OCSM graph
28895459 Slow performance and messages log full with "" exception
28816572 MEC : Not able to log in when "Remember Me" is checked
28814340 OOCM 4.0 has invalid cron job "killall vsi" under pld-scripts
28805519 Counter: Total number of active calls Keyerror:0
28726653 On the user tracking page, search is not working as expected
28696863 Red bars and pld-diamond.service crashing
28461807 Unable to download pcap. "Sorry, an error occurred while processing your request" error displays.
28417903 Link quality showing exception error when adding an IP
28366322 "Failed to find probe on ME" error
28360801 OCOM does not correlate From-URI user part (using uri_user test) AND x-to parameter of From header (using hf_param_equals test). These values can now be correlated with the hf_uri_param_equals test. See the Call Merging Algorithms chapter in the Operations Monitor User Guide
28250113 MEC admin unable to delete users created by admin
28186912 Blank "Recent call stats repartition" panel on Dashboard
28077766 All media legs are visible from "Media Summary" and "Media Details" even when user is configured for limited traffic visibility
27823620 Calls no longer stored on disk: "int exceeds XML-RPC limits" error
27686830 "The selected call is no longer stored on disk" error occurring for recent calls
27659806 E-Mail Alert Notification from OCFM is always in UTC timezone
27627444 Register Message Correlation for same endpoint towards more than one Registrars
27596954 Intel X710/i40e driver support
27302448 SIP response 404 cannot be seen under Calls for TCP flows
27143434 Too many streams error even with concurrent streams being recorded not on max
20922461 PI tries to reach non configured probes
23213095 Display vlan tags in message flow (toggle option) for SIP and RTP flows