10. 360 Degree Customer View

Oracle FLEXCUBE allows you to view and analyze personal and business details of the customers. You can query customer limits, account statements, view settlement balances contracts, view assets and liability balances of the customer. You can also view summary of collateral and account details. The 360 degree customer view facilitates easy and total view of the customer details and reduces customer service complexities.

This chapter contains the following sections:

10.1 Invoking 360Degree Retails Customer View Screen

Invoke the ‘360Degree Customer View Entry Point’ screen, by typing ‘STSCUSVW’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking the adjoining arrow button.

In the above screen, you can base your queries on any or all of the following parameters and fetch records:

Select any or all of the above parameters for a query and click ‘Search’ button. The records meeting the selected criteria are displayed.

System displays the following details pertaining to the fetched records:

When you double click on the customer record, the system will launch either Retail view screen or corporate view screen depending on the type of customer.


You can query or modify the customer details whose accounts are permitted to you for the query/modification in the ‘Group Code Restriction’ screen.

10.2 Viewing 360 Degree Retail Customer Details

This section contains the following topics:

You can invoke ‘360 Degree Retail Customer View’ screen if the customer is Retail by double clicking on the customer record in the ‘360Degree Customer View Entry Point’ screen or by typing ‘STDRETVW’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.

The system displays the following details:

10.2.1 Reports Button

Click the ‘Reports’ button to view the ‘360 Degree Customer Report’ screen.

The details that can be viewed in the ‘360 Degree Retail Customer View’ screen is classified into 12 broad heads.




You can view the address, status. Balance sheet asset and liabilities and off balance sheet asset and liabilities under the summary tab.


You can view the details of the customer’s profile.

Account Summary

You can view the details of the customer’s deposits.


You can view the details of the customer’s loan.


You can view the details of the upcoming events.


You can to view the details of the relationship schemes.


You can view the alerts for overdue loans, matured deposits but not renewed or liquidated, Locker Charges Overdue Details, Cheques Returned, Amount Block Details and Stop Payment Details.


You can view the limits and collaterals of the customer.


You can view details about active CASA account and Term Deposit.


You can view details about Islamic Account and Islamic Term Deposit..

External Products

You can view external details about products like credit cards, insurance, and mutual fund.

Investor Fund Details

You can view the mutual fund details in this screen.

10.2.2 Summary Tab

You can view the address, status. Balance sheet asset and liabilities and off balance sheet asset and liabilities under the summary tab. The following details are displayed here:

Address For Correspondence

Here you can view the following details:


Here you can view the following details:

Balance Sheet Asset and Liabilities

Here you can view the following details:

Off Balance Sheet Asset and Liabilities

Here you can view the following details:

10.2.3 Profile Tab

Click ‘Profile’ tab in the ‘360 Degree Retail Customer View’ screen to view the details of the customer’s profile.

Here you can view the following details: Image Button

Click on the ‘Image’ button to invoke ‘Customer Signatory Details’ screen. Here you can view the signature image and photograph of the customer.

Here you can view the following details:

Click ‘All Signatures/Images’ button to view ‘Customer Signature/Image Consolidated View’ screen.


The system displays the following details:

The ‘Signature/Image’ tab displays nine signatures/Images for a signature id in a single pane with three signatures/Images in a row.

If there is more than one signature id linked to a customer account, then they would be displayed in different pages.

Each image is provided with the following buttons: Linked Customers Button

Click on the ‘Linked Customers’ button to invoke ‘Linked Entities’ screen. Here you can view other related customer details.

Here you can view the following details:

Relationship Linkage:

Reverse Relationship Linkage: Locker Details Button

Click on the ‘Locker Details’ button to invoke ‘Safe Deposit Locker Details’ screen. Here you can view the locker details of the customer.

The screen is as shown below:

Here, you can view the following details: Professional Button

Click on the ‘Professional’ button to invoke ‘Customer Professional Details’ screen. Here you can view the professional details of the customer.

The screen is as shown below: Domestic Button

Click on the ‘Domestic’ button to invoke ‘Customer Domestic Details’ screen. Here you can view the domestic details of the customer.

Here you can view the following details: Joint Button

Click on the ‘Joint’ button to invoke ‘Customer Information Maintenance’ screen. Here you can view information about the customer.

Here you can view the following details: Linked Entity Button

Click on the ‘Linked Entity’ button to invoke ‘Linked Entity’ screen. Here you can view details about customers who are linked to this customer, accounts for which this customer is linked,reverese relationship of the queried customer and loans which are guaranteed by this customer.

CASA Details of Linked Customers

Here you can view the following details:

Retail Deposits of linked Customers

Here you can view the following details:

Corporate Deposits of Linked Customers

Here you can view the following details:

Loan Details of linked Customers

Here you can view the following details: KYC Details Button

Click on the ‘KYC Details’ button to invoke ‘KYC Maintenance’ screen. Here you can view KYC details of the customer.

Refer Core Entities for more information about the ‘KYC Maintenance’ screen. Fields Button

Click on the ‘Fields’ button to invoke ‘User Defined Fields’ screen. Here you can view the UDF details of the customer.

The screen is as shown below: MIS Button

Click on the ‘MIS’ button to invoke ‘MIS’ screen. Here you can view the MIS details of the customer. Interactions Button

Click on 'Interactions' button to invoke 'Interactions' screen. You can view customer's interaction details here.

You can view the following details related to interactions:

10.2.4 Accounts Summary Button

Click ‘Accounts Summary’ tab in the ‘360 Degree Retail Customer View’ screen to view the details of the customer deposits.

The screen is as shown below:

CASA Deposits

Here, you can view the following details for an active CASA account:


Closed accounts will not be displayed.

Last N Number of Transactions Details

Last N Number of Transactions

Specify the last N number of transactions and click on ‘Query’ button to view the last N number of transactions of the selected account number. Otherwise, you can query based on the start date and end date.


Retail Deposit Details

You can view the following details about the retail deposit:

Corporate Deposit Details

You can view the following Corporate Deposit details: Account Signatory Button

Click ‘Account Signatory’ button to view the ‘Signatory Details’ screen. In this screen, you can view the signatory details of the selected account.

You can view consolidated customer signature in the ‘Customer Signature/Image Consolidated View’ screen. To view this screen, click ‘All Signatures/Images’ button.

Refer the section ‘Specifying Account Signatory Details’ under the ‘Current and Savings Account’ module for more information. Standing Instruction Button

Click ‘Standing Instruction’ button to view the ‘Standing Instruction Details’ screen. In this screen you can view the standing instructions which have debit account as account selected from multiple block.

Here you can view the following details: Periodic Instructions Button

Click ‘Periodic Instructions’ button to view the ‘Periodic Instructions’ screen. In this screen, you can view the period instructions which have debit account as account selected from multiple block.

Here you can view the following details: Transactions Button

Click ‘Transactions’ button to view the ‘Customer Account Transaction Query’ screen. In this screen, you can query the transactions of an account during a given period.

Account Description

The system displays the description of the specified account number based on the details maintained at ‘Customer Account Maintenance’ level.

Refer the section ‘Querying Accounting Entries’ under ‘Core Services’ module for more information. Cheques Button

Click ‘Cheques’ button to view the ‘Cheque Details’ screen. In this screen, you can view the details of the cheques which are issued for a given period.

The screen is as shown below:

Here you can view the following details: Uncleared Cheques Button

Click on 'Uncleared Cheques' button to invoke 'Uncleared Cheques' screen. You can view customer's cheques details which are uncleared in this screen.

You can view the following details related to uncleared cheques: Statement Generation Button

Click ‘Statement Generation’ button to view the ‘Account Statement Report’ screen. In this screen, you can generate adhoc statement for an account.

The screen is as shown below:

Refer the section ‘Account Statement Report’ under ‘Current and Savings Account’ module for more information. Cards Button

Click ‘Cards’ button to view the ‘Debit Card Details’ screen. In this screen, you can view details about active debit cards which are issued during given period for an account.

Here, you can view the following details: Others Button

Click ‘Others’ button to view the ‘Other Details Of Account’ screen. In this screen, you can view additional details about interest, limit, statement, account and nominees.

Here, you can view the following details: Joint Holders Button

Click ‘Joint Holders’ button to view the ‘Joint Holders’ screen. In this screen, you can view the joint holders details.

Here you can view the following details: Recurring Deposits Details Button

Click ‘Recurring Deposits Details’ button to view the ‘RD Details’ screen. In this screen, you can view recurring deposits if the deposit is recurring.

The screen is as shown below:

Here you can view the following details: Redemption Details Button

Click ‘Redemption Details’ button to view the ‘Redemption Details’ screen. In this screen, you can view redemption deposits of a deposit account.

Here you can view the following details: Rollover History Button

Click on ‘Rollover History’ button to view Rollover History screen.

You can view the following details here: Joint Holders Button

Click ‘Joint Holders’ button to view the ‘Joint Holders’ screen. In this screen, you can view the joint holders details. Schedules Button

Click ‘Schedules’ button to view the ‘Schedule Details’ screen. In this screen, you can view the schedule details of all components attached to the corporate deposit contract.

The screen is as shown below:

Here you can view the following details:

10.2.5 Loans Tab

Click ‘Loans’ tab in the ‘360 Degree Retail Customer View’ screen to view the details of the customer’s loan.

The screen is as shown below:

The loans details are classified as follows:

Under each of the loan details, the system displays the following: Component Details Button

You can view details about the components linked to an account in the ‘Component Details’ screen. You can invoke this screen by clicking the ‘Component Details’ button in the ‘360 Degree Retail Customer View’ screen.

You can view the following component details:

Component Schedule details

Here you can view the following: Collection Details Button

You can view the collection details of a loan in the ‘Collection Details of Default Loan’ screen. You can invoke this screen by clicking the ‘Collection Details’ button in the ‘360 Degree Retail Customer View’ screen.

Here, you can view the following details:

10.2.6 Events Tab

Click ‘Events’ tab in the ‘360 Degree Retail Customer View’ screen to view the details of the upcoming events.

The screen is as shown below:

Here you can view the following details:

10.2.7 Schemes Tab

Click ‘Schemes’ tab in the ‘360 Degree Retail Customer View’ screen to view the details of the relationship schemes.

The screen is as shown below:

Here, you can view the relationship schemes which are not linked to the customer. The following fields are displayed: RP Scheme Linkage Details Button

Click ‘RP Scheme Linkage Details’ to view relationship pricing schemes linked to the customer.

The screen is as shown below:

Refer ‘Relationship Pricing’ module for more information about this screen.

10.2.8 Alerts Tab

Click ‘Alerts’ tab in the ‘360 Degree Retail Customer View’ screen to view the alerts for overdue loans, matured deposits and so on.

Following alerts can be viewed in this screen:

Overdue Loans

Here you can view the Loan accounts which have overdue component as on today. The following details can be viewed here:

Deposits Matured but not renewed or liquidated

Here you can view the deposit accounts or contracts which are matured but not yet liquidated or renewed. The following details can be viewed here:

Locker Charges Overdue Details

Here you can view the Locker charge components of the customer which fall on overdue. The following details can be viewed here:

Cheques Returned

Here you can view the cheques returned to the customer. The following details can be viewed here:

Amount Block Details

Here you can view all active amount blocks related to a customer. The following details can be viewed here

10.2.9 Limits Tab

Click ‘Limits’ tab in the ‘360 Degree Retail Customer View’ screen to view the limits and collaterals of the customer.

The screen is as shown below:

Limits Details

Here the system displays the following limits details:

Line Details

Here the system displays the following line details:

Collateral Details

Here the system displays the following collateral details:

Obligation Details

Here the system displays the following obligation details:

10.2.10 Is-Deposits Tab

Click ‘Is-Deposits’ tab in the ‘360 Degree Retail Customer View’ screen to view details about active CASA account and Term deposit.

Islamic Accounts

Here, you can view the following details for an active CASA account:


Closed accounts will not be displayed.

Islamic Term Deposit

The following details about Islamic term deposit will be displayed:

10.2.11 Is-Financing Tab

Click ‘Is-Financing’ tab in the ‘360 Degree Retail Customer View’ screen to view details about Islamic Finance.

Here you can view the following details: Component Details Button

You can view details about the components linked to an account in the ‘Component Details’ screen. You can invoke this screen by clicking the ‘Component Details’ button in the ‘360 Degree Retail Customer View’ screen.

Refer the section titled ‘Viewing Components Details’ under ‘Loans Tab’ for further details.

10.2.12 External Products Details

Click ‘External products’ tab in the ‘360 Degree Retail Customer View’ screen to view external details about products like credit cards, insurance, and mutual fund.

The screen is as shown below:

Credit Card

Here you can view the following credit card details:


Here you can view the following insurance details:

Mutual Fund

Here you can view the following mutual fund details:

10.2.13 Investor Fund Details Tab

Click ‘Investor Fund Details’ tab in the ‘360 Degree Retail Customer View’ screen to view the mutual fund details. The following details relating to Mutual Fund can be viewed:

10.3 Viewing 360Degree Corporate Customer Details

This section contains the following topics:

You can invoke ‘360 Degree Corporate Customer View’ screen if the customer is Corporate by double clicking on the customer record in the ‘360Degree Customer View Entry Point’ screen or by typing ‘STDCUSVW’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.

The screen is as shown below:

The system displays the following details:

10.3.1 Reports Button

Click the ‘Reports’ button to view the ‘360 Degree Customer Report’ screen.

The details that can be viewed in the ‘360 Degree Corporate Customer View’ screen is classified into 16 broad heads.




You can view the address, status. Balance sheet asset and liabilities and off balance sheet asset and liabilities under the summary tab.


You can view the details of the customer’s profile.

Accounts Summary

You can view the details of the customer’s deposits.


You can view the details of the customer’s loan.


You can view trade details


You can view the details of Treasury.


You can view the details of the upcoming events.


You can to view the details of the relationship schemes.


You can view the alerts for overdue loans, matured deposits but not renewed or liquidated, Locker Charges Overdue Details, cheques returned, amount block details and stop payment details.


You can view the limits and collaterals of the customer.


You can view details about active CASA Account and Islamic Term Deposit.


You can view details about Islamic Finance.


You can view Islamic trade details.


You can the details of Islamic Treasury.

External Products

You can view external details about products like credit cards, insurance, and mutual fund.

Investor Fund Details

You can view the mutual fund details in this screen

10.3.2 Summary Tab

You can view the address, status. Balance sheet asset and liabilities and off balance sheet asset and liabilities under the summary tab.

Refer the section titled ‘Viewing Summary Details’ under ‘Viewing 360 Degree Retail Customer Details’ for further details.

10.3.3 Profile Tab

Click ‘Profile’ tab in the ‘360 Degree Corporate Customer View’ screen to view the details of the customer’s profile.

Registration Address

Here you can view the following details:


Here you can view the following details:


Here you can view the following details:

Head Office

Here you can view the following details:

10.3.4 Image Button

Click on the ‘Image’ button to invoke ‘Customer Signatory Details’ screen. Here you can view the signature image and photograph of the customer.

Refer the section titled ‘Viewing Signature Image and Photograph of the customer’ under ‘Viewing 360 Degree Retail Customer Details’ for further details.

10.3.5 Linked Customers Button

Click on the ‘Linked Customers’ button to invoke ‘Linked Entities’ screen. Here you can view other related customer details.

Refer the section titled ‘Viewing Related Customer Details’ under ‘Viewing 360 Degree Retail Customer Details’ for further details

10.3.6 Locker Details Button

Click on the ‘Locker Details’ button to invoke ‘Safe Deposit Locker Details’ screen. Here you can view the locker details of the customer.

Refer the section titled ‘Viewing Locker Details’ under ‘Viewing 360 Degree Retail Customer Details’ for further details

10.3.7 Directors Button

Click on the ‘Directors’ button to invoke ‘Directors’ screen. Here you can view the director details of the customer.

Here you can view the following details:

10.3.8 Linked Entity Button

Click the ‘Linked Entity’ button to invoke ‘Linked Entity’ screen. Here you can view details about customers who are linked to this customer, accounts for which this customer is linked,reverse relationship of the quiered customer and loans which are guaranteed by this customer.

The screen is as shown below:

Refer the section titled ‘Viewing Customer Entities’ under ‘Viewing 360 Degree Retail Customer Details’ for further details

10.3.9 KYC Details Button

Click the ‘KYC Details’ button to invoke ‘KYC Maintenance’ screen. Here you can view KYC details of the customer.

The screen is as shown below:

Refer Core Entities for more information about the ‘KYC Maintenance’ screen.

10.3.10 Fields Button

Click on the ‘Fields’ button to invoke ‘User Defined Fields’ screen. Here you can view the UDF details of the customer.

Refer the section titled ‘Viewing User Defined Fields’ under ‘Viewing 360 Degree Retail Customer Details’ for further details.

10.3.11 MIS Button

Click on the ‘MIS’ button to invoke ‘MIS’ screen. Here you can view the MIS details of the customer.

The screen is as shown below:

Refer the section titled ‘Viewing MIS Details’ under ‘Viewing 360 Degree Retail Customer Details’ for further details.

10.3.12 Deposits Tab

Click ‘Deposits’ tab in the ‘360 Degree Corporate Customer View’ screen to view the details of the customer deposits.

Refer the section titled ‘Viewing Deposit Details’ under ‘Viewing 360 Degree Retail Customer Details’ for further details

10.3.13 Account Signatory Tab

Click ‘Account Signatory’ button to view the ‘Signatory Details’ screen. In this screen, you can view the signatory details of the selected account.

Refer the section ‘Specifying Account Signatory Details’ under the ‘Current and Savings Account’ module for more information.

10.3.14 Standing Instruction Button

Click ‘Standing Instruction’ button to view the ‘Standing Instruction Details’ screen. In this screen you can view the standing instructions.

Refer the section titled ‘Viewing Standing Instruction ’ under ‘Viewing 360 Degree Retail Customer Details’ for further details.

10.3.15 Periodic Instructions Button

Click ‘Periodic Instructions’ button to view the ‘Periodic Instructions’ screen. In this screen, you can view the period instructions.

Refer the section titled ‘Viewing Periodic Instructions’ under ‘Viewing 360 Degree Retail Customer Details’ for further details.

10.3.16 Transactions Button

Click ‘Transactions’ button to view the ‘Customer Account Transaction Query’ screen. In this screen, you can query the transactions of an account during a given period.

Refer the section ‘Querying Accounting Entries’ under ‘Core Services’ module for more information.

10.3.17 Cheques Button

Click ‘Cheques’ button to view the ‘Cheque Details’ screen. In this screen, you can view the details of the cheques which are issued for a given period.

The screen is as shown below:

Refer the section titled ‘Viewing Cheques’ under ‘Viewing 360 Degree Retail Customer Details’ for further details.

10.3.18 Statement Generation Button

Click ‘Statement Generation’ button to view the ‘Account Statement Report’ screen. In this screen, you can generate adhoc statement for an account.

Refer the section ‘Account Statement Report’ under ‘Current and Savings Account’ module for more information.

10.3.19 Cards Button

Click ‘Cards’ button to view the ‘Debit Card Details’ screen. In this screen, you can view details about active debit cards which are issued during given period for an account.

Refer the section titled ‘Viewing Card Details’ under ‘Viewing 360 Degree Retail Customer Details’ for further details.

10.3.20 Others Button

Click ‘Others’ button to view the ‘Other Details Of Account’ screen. In this screen, you can view additional details about interest, limit, statement, account and nominees.

Refer the section titled ‘Viewing Other Details’ under ‘Viewing 360 Degree Retail Customer Details’ for further details.

10.3.21 Account Signatory Button

Click ‘Account Signatory’ button to view the ‘Customer Signatory Details’ screen. In this screen, you can view the signature image and photograph of the customer. Recurring Deposits Details Button

Click ‘Recurring Deposits Details’ button to view the ‘RD Details’ screen. In this screen, you can view recurring deposits if the deposit is recurring.

Refer the section titled ‘Viewing Recurring Deposits Details’ under ‘Viewing 360 Degree Retail Customer Details’ for further details. Redemption Details Button

Click ‘Redemption Details’ button to view the ‘Redemption Details’ screen. In this screen, you can view redemption deposits of a deposit account.

The screen is as shown below:

Refer the section titled ‘Viewing Redemption Details’ under ‘Viewing 360 Degree Retail Customer Details’ for further details. Rollover History Button

Click on ‘Rollover History’ button to view Rollover History screen.

You can view the following details here: Schedules Button

Click ‘Schedules’ button to view the ‘Schedule Details’ screen. In this screen, you can view the schedule details of all components attached to the corporate deposit contract.

Refer the section titled ‘Viewing Schedule Details’ under ‘Viewing 360 Degree Retail Customer Details’ for further details.

10.3.22 Loans Tab

Click ‘Loans’ tab in the ‘360 Degree Corporate Customer View’ screen to view the details of the customer’s loan.

Refer the section titled ‘Viewing Loans Details’ under ‘Viewing 360 Degree Retail Customer Details’ for further details. Component Details Button

You can view details about the components linked to an account in the ‘Component Details’ screen. You can invoke this screen by clicking the ‘Component Details’ button in the ‘360 Degree Corporate Customer View’ screen.

The screen is as shown below:

Refer the section titled ‘Viewing Component Details’ under ‘Viewing 360 Degree Retail Customer Details’ for further details. Collections Details Button

You can view the collection details of a loan in the ‘Collection Details of Default Loan’ screen. You can invoke this screen by clicking the ‘Collection Details’ button in the ‘360 Degree Corporate Customer View’ screen.

Refer the section titled ‘Viewing Collection Details’ under ‘Viewing 360 Degree Retail Customer Details’ for further details.

10.3.23 Trade Tab

Click ‘Trade’ tab in the ‘360 Degree Corporate Customer View’ screen to view the details of trade.

Bills Detail

Here you can view the following bills details:

LC Details

Here you can view the following details relating to Letters of credits:

Guarantee Details

Here you can view the following details relating to guarantees: Other Bills Details Button

You can view additional details about the bill from the ‘Bills Other Details’ screen. You can invoke this screen by clicking on ‘Other Bill Details’ button.

The screen is as shown below:

Here you can view the following details:

Discrepancy Details

Here you can view the following details:

Loan Details

The loans which are related to Bills will be displayed here. The following fields will be displayed: LC Others Details Button

You can view additional details about LC in the ‘LC Additional Details’ screen. You can invoke this screen by clicking on ‘LC Other Details’ button.

The screen is as shown below:

Here you can view the following details:

Commission Details

Here you can view the following details:

Bill Linkage details

Here you can view the following details:

Loan Details

Here you can view the Loans details which are related to LC. The following fields are displayed: Guarantee Other Details Button

You can view additional details about guarantee in the ‘Guarantee Additional Details’ screen. You can invoke this screen by clicking on ‘Guarantee Other Details’ button.

Here you can view the following details:

Commission Details

Here you can view the following details:

Loan Details

Here you can view the Loans details which are related to guarantee. The following fields are displayed:

10.3.24 Treasury Tab

Click ‘Treasury’ tab in the ‘360 Degree Corporate Customer View’ screen to view the details of Treasury.

Foreign Exchange Details

Here you can view the following details:

Money Markets Details

Here you can view the following details:

Security Portfolio

Here you can view the following details:


Here you can view the following details:

OTC Options

Here you can view the following details:

ETD Portfolio Details

Here you can view the following details:

10.3.25 Events Tab

Click ‘Events’ tab in the ‘360 Degree Corporate Customer View’ screen to view the details of the upcoming events.

Refer the section titled ‘Viewing Events Details’ under ‘Viewing 360 Degree Retail Customer Details’ for further details.

10.3.26 Schemes Tab

Click ‘Schemes’ tab in the ‘360 Degree Corporate Customer View’ screen to view the details of the relationship schemes.

The screen is as shown below:

Refer the section titled ‘Viewing Schemes Details’ under ‘Viewing 360 Degree Retail Customer Details’ for further details. RP Schemes Linkage Details Button

Click ‘RP Scheme Linkage Details’ to view relationship pricing schemes linked to the customer.

Refer ‘Relationship Pricing’ module for more information about this screen.

10.3.27 Alerts Tab

Click ‘Alerts’ tab in the ‘360 Degree Corporate Customer View’ screen to view the alerts for overdue loans, matured deposits and so on.

Refer the section titled ‘Viewing Alerts Details’ under ‘Viewing 360 Degree Retail Customer Details’ for further details.

10.3.28 Limits Tab

Click ‘Limits’ tab in the ‘360 Degree Corporate Customer View’ screen to view the limits and collaterals of the customer.

The screen is as shown below:

Refer the section titled ‘Viewing Limits Details’ under ‘Viewing 360 Degree Retail Customer Details’ for further details.

10.3.29 Is-Deposits Tab

Click ‘Is-Deposits’ tab in the ‘360 Degree Corporate Customer View’ screen to view details about active CASA account and term deposit. Other Bill Details Button

You can view additional details about the bill from the ‘Bills Other Details’ screen. You can invoke this screen by clicking on ‘Other Bill Details’ button.

The screen is as shown below:

Refer the section titled ‘Viewing Additional Bill Details’ under ‘Viewing 360 Degree Corporate Customer Details’ for further details. LC Other Details Button

You can view additional details about LC in the ‘LC Additional Details’ screen. You can invoke this screen by clicking on ‘LC Other Details’ button.

Refer the section titled ‘Viewing Additional LC Details’ under ‘Viewing 360 Degree Corporate Customer Details’ for further details. Guarantee Other Details Button

You can view additional details about guarantee in the ‘Guarantee Additional Details’ screen. You can invoke this screen by clicking on ‘Guarantee Other Details’ button.

The screen is as shown below:

Refer the section titled ‘Viewing Additional Islamic Bank Guarantee’ under ‘Viewing 360 Degree Corporate Customer Details’ for further details.

10.3.30 Is-Financing Tab

Click ‘Is-Financing’ tab in the ‘360 Degree Corporate Customer View’ screen to view details of Islamic finance.

Refer the section titled ‘Viewing Islamic Financing Details’ under ‘Viewing 360 Degree Retail Customer Details’ for further details. Component Details Button

You can view details about the components linked to an account in the ‘Component Details’ screen. You can invoke this screen by clicking the ‘Component Details’ button in the ‘360 Degree Corporate Customer View’ screen.

The screen is as shown below:

Refer the section titled ‘Viewing Components Details’ under ‘Viewing Loan Details’ for further details.

10.3.31 Is-Trade Tab

Click ‘Is-Trade’ tab in the ‘360 Degree Corporate Customer View’ screen to view details of Islamic trade.

The screen is as shown below:

Islamic Bills Detail

Here you can view the following bills details:

Islamic Letter of Credit Details

Here you can view the following details relating to Letters of credits:

Islamic Bank Guarantee Details

Here you can view the following details relating to guarantees:

10.3.32 Is-Treasury Tab

Click ‘Is-Treasury’ tab in the ‘360 Degree Corporate Customer View’ screen to view the details of Islamic Treasury.

The screen is as shown below:

Islamic Money Market Details

Here you can view the following details:

Islamic Derivatives

Here you can view the following details:

10.3.33 External Products Tab

Click ‘External products’ tab in the ‘360 Degree Corporate Customer View’ screen to view external details about products like credit cards, insurance, and mutual fund.

Refer the section titled ‘Viewing External Details’ under ‘Viewing 360 Degree Retail Customer Details’ for further details.

10.3.34 Investor Fund Details Tab

Click ‘Investor Fund Details’ tab in the ‘360 Degree Corporate Customer View’ screen to view details of the mutual fund.


The following details on a mutual fund can be viewed in this screen:

10.4 Viewing Customer Trade 360 Degree

This section contains the following topics:

You can invoke Trade 360 degree view of the customer by typing ‘STDTRDVW’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.

This facility is only supported for corporate customers.


Customer Number

Specify the customer number for which the trade summary is to be viewed.

The system displays the following:

The details that can be viewed in the Trade 360 Degree View can be classified into the following tabs:




You can view the outstanding balances of trade transactions under various heads.

Documentary Credits

You can view the LC / BC transactions which are part of Documen­tary Credit when the relevant option is selected from the list. Options could be LC Issued, LC Advised, Import Bills Financed, Import Bills in Collection, Export Bills Financed and Export Bills in Collection

Documentary Collection

You can view the BC transactions here when the relevant option is selected from the list. Options could be Import Bills Financed, Import Bills in Other Collection, Import Overdue Bills, Export Bills Financed, Export Bills in Other Collection and Overdue of Export Bills


You can view the Bank Guarantee, Shipping Guarantee and Stand-by-LC’s transactions when relevant option is selected from the list. Options could be BG against Customer Request, BG against Counter Guarantee, SG issued, Stand-by-LCs issued, BG advised and Stand-by-LC’s advised

Trade Loan

You can view Import Loan and Packing Credit Loan transactions when relevant option is selected from the list. Options could be Import Loan and Packing Credit Loan


You can view the limits and collateral details of the customer here.

10.4.1 Summary Tab

The following details are displayed here:

Documentary Credit

The Import and Export Documentary credit outstanding balances in local currency will be displayed in various heads

Documentary Collection

The Import and Export Documentary Collection outstanding balances in local currency will be displayed in various heads


Issued and Advised Guarantee/Shipping Guarantee/Stand-by-LCs outstanding balances in local currency will be displayed in various heads

Trade Loan

Import and Export Trade Loan outstanding balances in local currency will be displayed in various heads.

10.4.2 Documentary Credit

Contract Details

Select the Contract Type from the drop down list and click ‘Populate’ button to view the details. The options are:


Only LC/BC contracts in Active and Authorized status are considered for all above options

LC Details

Here you can view the following:

Select a record and click Details button to view the contract details in view mode.

Bills Details

Here you can view the following:

Select a record and click Details button to view the details in view mode.

10.4.3 Documentary Collection

Contract Details

Select a product type from the drop down list and click ‘Populate’ button to view the details.The options are:

Bills Details

Here you can view the following:

Select a record and click Details button to view the details in view mode.

10.4.4 Guarentees/Stand-by-LCs

Contract Details

Select a product type from the drop down list and click ‘Populate’ button to view the details.The options are:


Only Guarantee/Stand by LC contracts in Active and Authorized status are considered for all above options

Gurantees and Stand by LCs

Here you can view the following:

Select a record and click Details button to view the details in view mode.

10.4.5 Trade Loan Tab

Contract Details

Select a product type from the drop down list and click ‘Populate’ button to view the details.The options are:

Loan Details

Here you can view the following:

Select a record and click Details button to view the details in view mode.

10.4.6 Limits Tab

Limit Details

Here you can view the following:

Line Details

Here you can view the following:

Collateral Details

Here you can view the following:

10.5 Viewing Islamic Trade 360 Degree

This section contains the following topics:

You can view Islamic details of the customer in the Islamic Trade 360 Degree View screen. You can invoke Islamic Trade 360 degree view of the customer by typing ‘STDISTVW’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.

Customer No.

Specify the customer number. Alternatively, you can select the customer number from the option list. The list displays all valid customer numbers.

The system displays the following details:

10.5.1 Summary Tab

The following details can be viewed in this tab:

Documentary Credit

The Import and Export Documentary credit outstanding balances in local currency will be displayed in various heads.

Documentary Collection

The Import and Export Documentary Collection outstanding balances in local currency will be displayed in various heads.

Guarantees and Stand by LCs

Issued and Advised Guarantee/Shipping Guarantee/Stand-by-LCs outstanding balances in local currency will be displayed in various heads.


Import and Export Trade Loan outstanding balances in local currency will be displayed in various heads.

10.5.2 Is-Documentary Credit Tab

Contract Details

Select a product type from the drop down list and click ‘Populate’ button to view the details.The options are:


Only LC/BC contracts in Active and Authorized status are considered for all above options.

Islamic LC Details

The system displays the following Islamic LC Details:

Islamic Bills Details

Select a record and click Details button to view the details in view mode.

10.5.3 Is-Documentary Collection Tab

Contract Details

Select a product type from the drop down list and click ‘Populate’ button to view the details.The options are:

Islamic Bills Details

Here you can view the following:

Select a record and click Details button to view the details in view mode.

10.5.4 Is-Guarantee and Stand By LCs

Contract Details

Select a product type from the drop down list and click ‘Populate’ button to view the details.The options are:


Only Guarantee/Stand by LC contracts in Active and Authorized status are considered for all above options

Islamic Guarantee Details

Here you can view the following:

Select a record and click Details button to view the details in view mode.

10.5.5 Trade Finance Tab

Contract Details

Select a product type from the drop down list and click ‘Populate’ button to view the details.The options are:

Finance Details

Here you can view the following:

Select a record and click Details button to view the details in view mode.

10.5.6 Limits Tab

Limit Details

Here you can view the following:

Line Details

Here you can view the following:

Collateral Details

Here you can view the following: