31. Purging Data

Purging is a process by which you remove unwanted data from the system. For example, you may find the interest rates that you have maintained for a financial cycle useless a couple of years later. You would want to remove such data from the system. You can achieve this by ‘purging’ the data of the system.

There are three types of purging data:

This chapter contains the following sections:

31.1 Data Purging

This section contains the following topics:

31.1.1 Module Purging

The purge function of Oracle FLEXCUBE allows you to purge:

You can purge the contracts (or transactions) that you have entered into in the following modules of Oracle FLEXCUBE:

You can purge data from the following modules:

You can also purge data relating to transactions. For example, you can purge the currency rates that you have maintained, the messages in the messaging system of Oracle FLEXCUBE, the User Data Elements that you used to compute interest, interest statement details, user information maintained in the Security Management System of Oracle FLEXCUBE, customer information, and so on.

The system will automatically purge data according to the parameters that you define in the Purge Details Maintenance screen.

31.1.2 Maintaining Purge Details

In the ‘Purge Details Maintenance’ screen, you can define the parameters for purging data from the system. For instance, you may want to purge the contracts entered into in the previous financial cycle. Or, you may want to retain exchange rates in the system for a specific period. These are examples of parameters that you can define in the Purge Details Maintenance screen. You can invoke this screen by typing ‘CSDPURGE’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking the adjoining arrow button.

Specifying Module

In the Purge Details Maintenance screen you must first specify the module for which you are defining parameters. All parameters that you define subsequently will only apply to the module that you specify.

You can enter a description of the module for which you are maintaining purge details.


For purging limits history which is Liability, Lines, and Lines Utilization history, you must specify LM as the module code. Limits history data is purged for the current branch only.

Specifying Nature of Data to be Purged

You can opt to purge contracts (of the module you specified) along the following criteria. You may either choose to purge any of the following:

When you run the purge process, only those contracts that are in the status that you specified will be purged. That is, only contracts (in the module you specified) that are liquidated, closed, and/or reversed, depending on your specification, will be purged from the system.

Similarly, if you want to purge

Retention Period

The retention period, as the term suggests, is the period for which data is stored in the system. For each module in Oracle FLEXCUBE, you can specify the retention period.

When you run the purge process on any given day, only the data that is beyond the retention period that you specified will be purged. The following example illustrates this concept.

For example,

The requirement: You would like to retain foreign exchange contracts that were liquidated 60 days prior to the running of the purge process, in the system. (That is, if the current system date is 30 June 1999 and you do not wish to purge the foreign exchange contracts that were liquidated between 1 May 1999 and 30 June 1999).

Solution: In the Retention Period field enter ‘60’ (note this value is expressed in days), and in the ‘Status’ field choose the ‘Liquidated’ option.

Result: If this setup is authorised, and you run the purge process on 30 June 1999, the current system date, all foreign exchange contracts that you liquidated prior to 1 May 1999 will be purged. Contracts that were liquidated on or after 1 May 1999 will not be purged.

31.1.3 Entity Purging

In entity purging, you can archive or purge the data from the main tables and its child tables. You can also configure the purge type and the frequency of data purging.

There are 3 parts in an entity purging:

Purge Parameter Definition

The purge parameter definition is achieved through ODT. The ODT generates the purge source files which is then deployed in Oracle FLEXCUBE.

The ODT is used for the following:

You can capture the above parameters to define the entity and purge preferences.

Purge Parameter Configuration

Once the ODT generated scripts are deployed in Oracle FLEXCUBE, they can be re-configured in the purge parameter configuration.

Purge Execution

You can execute the purge in two modes:

You can define entities for purging in any module. However, pre-defined entities are available for the following modules:

31.1.4 Defining Subsystem Purging

Subsystem purging is a method to define tables pertaining to subsystems purge entities. After defining subsystem purge entities, other module purge entities can include the defined subsystem purge entities as part of their purge definitions and link it to any main contract entity. Subsystem purging reduces duplication of effort or possible errors during definition of purge entity.


You cannot execute subsystem purge entity independent of any parent purge entity.

Following are the subsystems defined as part of subsystem purging:

You can also purge bulk operations for multi table using SQL bulk operators for archival or purge.

31.2 Purge Parameter Configuration

This section contains the following topics:

31.2.1 Configuring Purge Parameters

You can configure the parameters for purging the data through ‘Purge Parameter Configuration Maintenance’ screen. You can query and modify entities in this screen. However new operation is not allowed. To invoke this screen type ‘STDPGMNT’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking the adjoining arrow button.

The following details are captured in this screen:

Entity Id

Select the entity Id from the adjoining option list.

Purge Frequency

Select the frequency of purge from the adjoining drop-down list. The available options are:

Last Purge Date

The system displays the date on which the entity is purged.

Next Purge Date

Specify the next date for purging the entity. The system populates this date if purge frequency is not ad-hoc.

The next purge date is left blank initially. The system picks up for automatic purging of data and updates the subsequent dates only if the next purge date is provided.

Commit Frequency

Specify the commit frequency while purging the data. The default value for commit frequency is 100.

For example,

If the value is 100 (which is default), then the purge routine will commit after every 100 records.


The system displays the full query for the entity.

Filter Details

Filter Name

The system displays the name of the purge filter criteria.

Column Data Type

The system displays the data type for the filter.


The system displays the LHS of the filter expression.


The system displays the operator for the filter.


The system displays the RHS or the value for the expression based on which data is purged. However RHS can be modified.

31.2.2 Branch Restrictions Button

Click on ‘Branch Restrictions’ to allow or disallow entities across branches.

Entity Id

The system displays the entity ID.

Branch Restriction

Indicate whether the branch restriction is ‘Allowed’ or ‘Disallowed’.

Branch Code

The system displays the branch code. However, you can add the branch codes here.

You should configure the branch restrictions as part of first time entity configurations.

31.2.3 Viewing Purge Parameter Configuration Details

You can view the purge parameter configuration details maintained in the 'Purge Parameter Configuration' screen using the 'Purge Parameter Configuration Summary' screen. You can invoke this screen by typing 'STSPGMNT' in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.

In the above screen, you can base your queries on any or all of the following parameters and fetch records:

Select any or all of the above parameters for a query and click 'Search' button. The system displays the records meeting the selected criteria:

31.3 Processing Ad-hoc Purge

You can process ad-hoc purge through ‘Ad-hoc Purge Process’ screen. An entity configured as automatic can also be started from this screen. However, this would not change the regular frequency cycle of the entity.The next purge date is not effected or changed if started from this screen.To invoke this screen type 'AEDPGOP' in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.

Entity Id

Select the entity ID from the adjoining option list.

Purge Frequency

The system displays the purge frequency.

Number of Threads

The system displays the number of parallel streams in which the purge should be run. However, you can modify it.The purge batch process is split into specified numbers and executed in separate threads.


The system displays description on the entity ID.

Next Purge Date

The system displays the next purge date.

Last Purge Date

The system displays the last purge date.


The system displays the query for the entity.

The system displays the following details:


31.4 Inquiring Purge Log

You can inquire the purge history through the Purge Log Inquiry screen. To invoke this screen type 'AEDPGLOG' in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.

Entity Id

Select the entity Id from the adjoining option list.

From Date

Specify the date from when the log should be enquired.

To Date

Specify the date till when the log should be enquired.

The system displays the following details: