7. Miscellaneous Transactions

This chapter contains the following sections:

7.1 Cash Transfer

This section contains the following topic:

7.1.1 Transferring Cash

You can transfer cash from one Till to another (or from one Vault to another or from a Till to a Vault and vice versa). You can do this in the ‘Cash Transfer’ screen. You can invoke this screen by typing ‘DEDCSHMV’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking the adjoining arrow button.

Specify the following details:

Reference Number

This is system generated reference number for the transaction.

From Till/Vault

Specify the till or vault from which you want to transfer cash. The adjoining option list displays all valid tills and vaults maintained in the system. You can select the appropriate one.

To Till/Vault

Specify the till or vault to which you want to transfer cash. The adjoining option list displays all valid tills and vaults maintained in the system. You can select the appropriate one.

From Teller

The system displays the user ID of the teller who opened the ‘From Till/Vault’.

To Teller

The system displays the user ID of the teller who opened the ‘To Till/Vault’.


Select the currency to be transferred from the Till/Vault. The adjoining option list displays all valid currency codes maintained in the system. You can select the appropriate one.


Specify the amount to be transferred.

Click ‘Show Denomination’ button to view the following denomination details.

7.2 Denomination Exchange

This section contains the following topic:

7.2.1 Exchanging Denominations

A customer may approach your bank to exchange currency denomination. That person may or may not be an actual bank customer (with a valid CIF or customer account). He or she may give you two notes of USD 50 each and ask for 10 notes of USD 10 each. This transaction involves only denomination exchange from your till. The total value in the till will remain the same. Hence there won’t be any accounting entries for this exchange. However, the denomination count in the till will change and hence it needs to be updated.

You can capture such a transaction through the ‘Denomination Exchange’ screen. You can invoke this screen by typing ‘DEDENMX’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.

Here you can capture the following details:

External Reference

The system generates a unique number to identify the transaction.

Branch Code

The system displays the current logged-in branch code.

Transaction Currency

Specify the currency in which your customer wishes to exchange denominations. The adjoining option list displays all the currency codes maintained in the system. Choose the appropriate one.

Denomination Details

This block allows you to capture exact details of the denominations being exchanged.

Currency Code

Specify the currency in which the transaction is being performed. You can select the appropriate code from the adjoining option list.

Denomination Code

Specify the denomination of the currency used in the transaction. For every currency, the various denominations are assigned separate denomination codes. These codes are displayed in the adjoining option list. Choose the appropriate one.


The system computes the face value of the denomination and displays it. For instance if the denomination code represents a USD 100, the value will be displayed as ‘100’.


Indicate the number of units of the specified denomination.


Indicate whether you are disbursing the specified denominations or receiving the denominations. The total amount against ‘In’ should be equal to the amount against ‘Out’.

Denomination Value

The system computes the denomination value by multiplying the denomination value with the number of units. For instance, if the denomination code represents a USD 100 and the number of units is 10, the denomination amount will be ‘1000’.