7. Enterprise GL Integration

Oracle FLEXCUBE when deployed in a bank as a product processor allows extraction of accounting data from its core GL system and mapping of the same to an enterprise GL which is external to the system. Oracle FLEXCUBE GL collates the accounting entries from all the modules within Oracle FLEXCUBE and transmits the relevant information to the Data Extraction layer. This layer further interfaces with the external adapter which processes the data as per the requirements of the external GL and transmits the same to it.

This chapter contains the following sections:

7.1 Enterprise GL Extraction Infrastructure

This section contains the following topics:

7.1.1 Processing Data Extraction

Data extraction process is an End of Day process which is executed during the End of Financial Input stage. In this stage the system consolidates the accounting entries from different modules and passes them on to the extraction layer.

Accounting entries related to revaluation and the year end profit and loss transfer are not included in the data extraction process. All the other accounting entries are transmitted.

After the data extraction is complete, a notification is triggered in Oracle FLEXCUBE to indicate that the data is ready to be processed by the Adapter Layer. On receiving this notification the Adapter Layer would start process the accounting data provided by the extraction layer, according to the requirement of the enterprise GL.

7.1.2 Maintaining Enterprise GL Parameters

Enterprise GL parameters can be captured in the ‘Enterprise GL Parameters’ screen. This is a head office (HO) level maintenance screen where only one set of Enterprise GL Parameters is allowed. Hence, this screen allows you to maintain only one record at the HO Branch level.

You can invoke the ‘Enterprise GL Parameters’ screen by typing ‘EGDGLPRM’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking the adjoining arrow button.

The following information can be captured in this screen.

HO Branch

Head Office branch code is defaulted to this field. You can not modify the value.

Reversal Indicator

In cases where Enterprise GL systems are not able to accept negative numbers in the amount field, the reversal entries will be handled by flipping the accounting entry indicator (Dr/Cr) and always quoting an absolute number in the amount fields. Reversal Indicator provides an option to choose among flipping the accounting entry indicator or providing negative amounts.

Consider Position Accounting

Choose this option if you want the position accounting entries to be included for reporting.

Bank Level Consol Handoff

If you choose this option, the handoff creation process will be triggered only after the data extraction is completed in all the branches.


Data extraction in Oracle FLEXCUBE will always be performed at branch level.

Default Transaction Code

Specify the transaction code that should be used to handle report accounting entries when there is a change in the customer account reporting GL. This change could be due to current balance movement or account status change or reporting GL maintenance change.

A brief description of the chosen transaction code is displayed alongside.

External Suspense GL

During data extraction the system validates whether the accounting entries posted to the GLs are valid or not based on the branch and currency restrictions specified in the EGL Master screen. In case such violations are found the system will have to post those accounting entries in a separate suspense GL.

You can specify the suspense GL that should be used to report such accounting entries, here This should be a valid external GL.

You can select the appropriate suspense GL from the adjoining option list which displays all the GLs defined in the ‘EGL Master’ screen.

7.2 Enterprise GL Mapping Parameters

This section contains the following topics:

7.2.1 Specifying Enterprise GL Mapping Parameters

You can map different combinations like the GL code and currency in Oracle FLEXCUBE to a GL in the Enterprise GL system. These parameters can be maintained for a given effective date and any modification made will be effective from corresponding business date. Change in the mapping will not have any effect on the historical information that has been already extracted or handed off.

You can invoke the ‘Enterprise GL Mapping Parameters’ screen by typing ‘EGDMAPRM’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking the adjoining arrow button.

Mapping parameters can be chosen as any of the following fields:

Effective Date

The date from which mapping is effective is displayed here. This field is always defaulted to the application date and you can not change it. Specifying Mapping Parameters

Branch Code

Check this option if you wish to include branch as on of the mapping parameters

Transaction MIS

The system displays all the transaction MIS classes defined in Oracle FLEXCUBE. However only the ones that have been defined as ‘mandatory’ in the MIS Class Maintenance screen will be enabled. Choose the class that you want to include in the mapping parameters.

Customer MIS

The system displays all the customer MIS classes defined in Oracle FLEXCUBE. However only the ones that have been defined as ‘mandatory’ in the MIS Class Maintenance screen will be enabled. Choose the class that you want to include in the mapping parameters

Composite MIS

The system displays all the composite MIS classes defined in Oracle FLEXCUBE. However only the ones that have been defined as ‘mandatory’ in the MIS Class Maintenance screen will be enabled. Choose the class that you want to include in the mapping parameters

7.2.2 Defining Enterprise GL Master

You can define External GLs for a combination of Oracle FLEXCUBE attributes in the ‘EGL Master’ screen. This maintenance is effective date based and any modification made to the existing data will be effective from the date of modification. This screen is also a Head Office function.

You can invoke the ‘Enterprise GL Master Maintenance’ screen by typing ‘EGDEGMST’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking the adjoining arrow button.

Effective Date

The application date of the Head Office is defaulted here on creation of any new record or modification to the existing data.

GL Code

Specify the Oracle FLEXCUBE GL Code which should be mapped to the External GL. The adjoining option list displays all the GL codes maintained in Oracle FLEXCUBE. You can choose the appropriate one.

Enterprise GL

Enter a GL code to which you wish to map a Oracle FLEXCUBE GL. You can specify a GL maintained in the Enterprise GL system or a GL code to represent suspense GL (for posting violated accounting entries).

Refer the section titled ‘External Suspense GL’ under ‘Maintaining Enterprise GL’ Parameters for further details on violated accounting entries.


Choose the currency that should be mapped along with the chosen Oracle FLEXCUBE GL to the External GL. The adjoining option list displays all the currency codes maintained in Oracle FLEXCUBE. You can choose the appropriate one. You can also choose or the wildcard ‘***’.

7.2.3 Specifying Values for Mapping Parameters

Here you can select different MIS codes for the relevant MIS classes to be mapped to the External GL Code.

Branch Code

Select the appropriate branch code from the adjoining option list which displays all the branch codes defined in the system.

Transaction MIS

The system displays all the transaction MIS codes for the relevant transaction MIS classes defined in Oracle FLEXCUBE. You need to specify the appropriate MIS code against every MIS class listed. The adjoining option list displays all the MIS codes coming under the MIS class. Only the MIS classes selected in the ‘Enterprise GL Mapping Parameters’ screen will be enabled for selection.

Customer MIS

The system displays all the customer MIS codes for the relevant transaction MIS classes defined in Oracle FLEXCUBE. You need to specify the appropriate MIS code against every MIS class listed. The adjoining option list displays all the MIS codes coming under the MIS class. Only the MIS classes selected in the ‘Enterprise GL Mapping Parameters’ screen will be enabled for selection.

Composite MIS

The system displays all the composite MIS codes for the relevant transaction MIS classes defined in Oracle FLEXCUBE. You need to specify the appropriate MIS code against every MIS class listed. The adjoining option list displays all the MIS codes coming under the MIS class. Only the MIS classes selected in the ‘Enterprise GL Mapping Parameters’ screen will be enabled for selection. Specifying Restrictions

Posting Allowed

By default this option will be selected. Uncheck this option if you want to impose a restriction.

Branch Allowed/Disallowed

From the set of available branches, you can maintain a list of Branches which are either allowed or disallowed for the external GL.

Select the required branch from the option list. You can add additional branches by clicking add icon.

Accounting entries can be posted to this GL only from the branches selected here.

Currencies Allowed/Disallowed

From the set of available currencies, you can maintain a list of currencies which are either allowed or disallowed for the external GL.

Select the required currency from the option list. You can add additional currencies by clicking add icon.

Accounting entries can be posted to this GL only in the currencies selected here.

7.2.4 Data Extraction Processing

Information mapping and data extraction can be performed using a batch process. This batch process should be triggered during End of Financial Input stage in EOD. This process will contain two major portions to it - one, to handle accounting entries to internal type GLs and the second to handle accounting entries to customer accounts and building fictitious accounting entries to customer GLs in order to represent the balance movement when ever there is a change in reporting GL mapped to them.

You can also invoke this batch by typing ‘EGBEGLEX’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking the adjoining arrow button. Identification of Internal GL’s

System will pick up the values of different attributes defined to be mapped to an External GL for all the accounting entries posted to Internal GLs. Then the External GL Code will be identified using these attributes. Failure to identify an External GL will terminate the process. Identified External GL for each accounting entry will logged in an intermediary data store.

You can run this process as an intra-day job to reduce the processing time required during End of Day. Identification of Customer Accounts & Customer GL’s

Identification of reporting Customer GL for a Customer Account requires the closing balance in the customer account. Since account balances are reconciled at EOD, this process relating to entries to Customer should be run only during End of Financial Input window. As a first step, the system will identify the reporting Customer GL for each Customer Account and the External GL mapped to such a Customer GL. It will also identify the corresponding Oracle CCID mapped.

If there is a change in the reporting GL the system will automatically create fictitious accounting entries to Customer GL to report the balance movement.

The following example illustrate this process

7.2.5 Handoff Generation

A daily handoff data store will be provided which would contain all the basic accounting entry related information to the external GL mapped. While providing this data system will identify whether there are any violations to the restrictions defined in the EGL Master screen. If found these accounting entries will be reported to using the External Suspense GL maintained in the ‘Enterprise GL Parameters’ screen.

Successful completion of this process will mark the end of the process.